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Incredibly bad look for this community.


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39 minutes ago, WILSON-YT said:

Instead of pointing fingers,instead realize that one mans video does not speak for the entire community . evx is not the jesus of EUC's, and does not lead the EUC community. The community is not ruined by him, and it does not create an incredibly bad look for this community. Watch your own self on the road.

Move on. its getting old

There you go, y’all! Wise words. True Story.

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35 minutes ago, WILSON-YT said:

 it does not create an incredibly bad look for this community.

Well you're entitled to your opinion but I think a lot would disagree.

Personally I'd say anyone promoting a race through the busy streets of New York and then uploading it for the world to see is doing the EUC community more harm than good.

EUC's polarise public opinion, a lot of the public view us as a nuisance and a danger - the last thing we need is some halfwit confirming their beliefs.

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1 minute ago, Gasmantle said:

A lot of the public view us as a nuisance and a danger - the last thing we need is some halfwit confirming their beliefs.

Maybe in the UK. But that narrative is 100% false. 

The issues the public are having with PEV’s are ALL the rental PEVs. Ebikes, kick escooters and electric ripoffs of the Honda Elite 80. These new scooters are BIG! They’re fucking HUGE! NYC hates them. The New York Post can’t stop talking about these monstrosities. One of those companies is buried in lawsuits. 

If anything were to mess up the owner operated EV community it wont be one small one off video. It will be the dumb drunks renting those pevs. And riding their new rental with NO helmet and protection. They get into accidents, they kill people.

You want to protect your ride, hit up your city, your local pev/bike czar, and hammer them to send ALL rentable PEVs kicked out of your city. Those drunk inexperienced riders is what is tarnishing the good name sake of the entire EV community. I have already started my campaign.  


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29 minutes ago, Sumako said:


If anything were to mess up the owner operated EV community it wont be one small one off video. It will be the dumb drunks renting those pevs. And riding their new rental with NO helmet and protection. They get into accidents, they kill people.


One distinctive drunk that 1000 people talk about affects people's beliefs more than 1000 drunkards that individuals know about ;)

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This video shows NYC, it's about I fell it last time there.
In all old movies, cars, cabs were not short neither in using horn.

So you guys were shock about one evx video, because of some yelling?


Edited by Camenbert
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19 minutes ago, Camenbert said:

This video shows NYC, it's about I fell it last time there.
In all old movies, cars, cabs were not short neither in using horn.

So you guys were shock about one evx video, because of some yelling?


I wasn't shocked because I know the movie and remember the comments under it.  Most of the people on the bridge are not residents of NYC, but tourists.

I wonder how they remembered the meeting with EUC?

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29 minutes ago, Camenbert said:

So you guys were shock about one evx video, because of some yelling?

If you think people are in shock about the EVX video because of some yelling may I suggest you haven't read the thread and the points raised properly.

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I must come from a different century, where such video was possible ;
A time where no one feels the need to play morality Policeman.

It is not proper to evx, the whole new social-media-world want that.
If there where no EUC to still fell some kind of freedom (but not too much, isn't), it would be sad time.



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"Paris during the early hours (05:30) of a Sunday morning in August (when much of Paris is on vacation or asleep"

today (44 years later) a film crew whould just ask for permition and have security standards in play... people learn ;)


Edited by DangerDan
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29 minutes ago, Camenbert said:

I must come from a different century, where such video was possible ;
A time where no one feels the need to play morality Policeman.

It is not proper to evx, the whole new social-media-world want that.

I too like the way nyc riders fly on the streets, for the same reason, the feeling of freedom most of their videos have. 

But freedom and being rude is not the same, turbo was being rude, as did the guy you posted on the video overusing his horn, that I believe is kingsong jack.  



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3 hours ago, Camenbert said:

This video shows NYC, it's about I fell it last time there.
In all old movies, cars, cabs were not short neither in using horn.

So you guys were shock about one evx video, because of some yelling?


I am not shocked I am disgusted that a YT post these to get cheap view ratings and start trolling a brands social channel when he is called out. 

Before joining more defence for an ass hat please check this this above by @UniVehje.

Now I can't said I know how it is to live in NYC. But the more you defend this type of behaviour the more I am glad it is not my place. If people think is okey to do wrongs because other do it, that is pathway to even worse situation and not helping anyone.

Now in my area we have people with dogs or on bikes in lycra and big experience cars that this they are above traffic laws but that does not make me run red light or lash out on them. But I try to endorse good behaviour with a 👍👎depending on their behaviour. In the last 2 weeks a lone I was run over by cars within 15cm because they didn't give right of way that traffic laws say they must. But in general I give out 👍90%of the time.

But I strongly suggest debating the anti-communist guy elsewhere.than this thread.


Edited by Unventor
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On 6/16/2021 at 1:12 AM, Camenbert said:

Sorry I dont get it. What you try to demonstrate, mixing guns & EUCs ?

A EUC is a 30KG plastic thing that goes 40 kph at 40 cm from the ground. In case of a collision, it is mostly far from vital organs (head, upper body), it will break legs (already horrible I agree).

We should be more worry of a dramatic event due to a EUC in mountainous regions, where a "lost" wheel can easily bounce down hundred yards.
If someone is on the way, it can be nasty - and the emergency are not near like in a city.

There are thousand beautiful video of such "dangerous" and "tempting" practices.
Should we discuss about these ?

Are you more afraid of city ban, or path ban?

Let me then explain. I am using a saying (if you haven't heard it before in full, it goes: guns don't kill people; people kill people) which basically means that anyone who uses tools should be using them responsibly or should be held responsible for inapropriate use thereof. Banning the tool should be the last resort.

Now, I also believe that we often underestimate the potential consequences of an incident/accident involving an euc. If a rider loses control of "a  30 kg plastic thing that goes 40kph" it may easily lead to serious/critical injuries of passersby especially in crowded streets of big cities. Even if it continues "40 cm from the ground" it is not "far from vital organs" of a child/kneeling person/dog etc.. Also we more than often saw eucs travelling high above the ground due to hitting the curb after the crash.

Anyways. Wanna race? Take it to the track. Wanna make an action flick? Don't improvise it.

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Why isn't anyone asking the real question.... 


Why did @evX_Mick just give his Sherman away to a random bloke on the street? Not even hand shake and a "thank you"? 

If that isn't the definition of rudeness + madness, I dunno what is. :efefb6a84e:

Edited by onizukagto
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On 6/19/2021 at 9:27 PM, Unventor said:

Now in my area we have people with dogs or on bikes in lycra and big experience cars that this they are above traffic laws but that does not make me run red light or lash out on them.

If police don't intervene when law is broken how many others will do it? Not by any means by you, but will it courage to break the law or other way around?


On 6/19/2021 at 7:41 PM, UniVehje said:

There is no real threats towards him. He is just making it up. He has done it before.

I hope this is not assumption but based on facts. 

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2 hours ago, mrelwood said:

No. No-one is criticizing loud sounds in general because of the loudness itself. It’s about the purpose the loud sounds are being used for. In your example:

The horn is used in an impolite manner, and the rider does come out as a bit of a bully, but the horn is being used to make others follow the traffic laws. In the Evx video a rider was yelling for others to give room when he was the one breaking the traffic laws.

The horn is being used rudely? I just that video. One of the biggest problems on that bridge in NYC are people walking in the Bike Lane. This is a huge problem. I’m blown away by how many people don’t seem to get that if you are walking, you walk in the pedestrian lane. In the bike path where I live this is not an issue. But there have been time where pedestrians have gotten the 120 treatment from me. If honking your horn to warn pedestrians to get back into the ped lane and out of the Bike/PEV lane, then all you’re doing is proving the NYC crowd who says; “you don’t get NYC” that they are correct. In fact you’re proving that you don’t understand bike lanes. What that rider is doing helps keep others safe. 


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On 6/19/2021 at 3:21 AM, bracky72 said:

Honestly defending Mick or this behavior is like defending drunk driving.

This phrase should be meme’d. 

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