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INMOTION V12 (pre-release)

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3 hours ago, Asphalt said:

While it remains to be proven if they can make a durable, weather-resistant hollow bore motor, the potential benefits are smooth, powerful acceleration and braking. Those who have ridden the V11 can attest to the ride feel.

To me the ride feel of V11 is superior, but I thought it was the suspension doing that - the advantages of hollow motor what are they exactly ? They were prob not meant to annoy us with oversized and vunlurable bearings ? So what the big idea here? 

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10 hours ago, Asphalt said:

Think of this as a slightly slower RS, but with good build quality. Or an 18XL with better acceleration, range and top speed.

6 hours ago, gon2fast said:

I hope that the wheel is actually a 18". As a larger rider I see no purpose in a smaller wheel with a big battery (IMHO). That aside, I welcome any new model whether it fits my physique or not.

Going by @Chronic's post, "basically 18 inches" would indicate a "16" incher like the Nikola or 16X. A 16x3 tire has almost 18 inches real outer diameter (17.5 - 17.75 or something like this).

A 18x3 tire would be "basically 20 inches" like the RS, Sherman, V11 etc. which are like 19.5''+ in real outer diameter.

So the V12 is either a 16 incher like the Nikola/16X, or a "V11 with 100V and no suspension". Sounds to me like it is the first. Not sure exactly.

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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Personally my favorite wheel so far is the 16x. I do wish it had some more juice.. so to me a nice sweetspot for v12 would be ideally 16 or 18inch. With a bit more juice.. higher top speed, etc. 

I do think kingsong hit a sweetspot with 16x and 18xl.. it's just they are a bit stale now. A 100v upgrade and some really smart bms updates would be seriously nice to those lines of wheels. 

Inmos 16 inch line is just not up to snuff for modern wheels. I would be excited to see what their updates are for those wheels. 

As a city rider to be honest I barely need the super speeds, and the 16x really has been an awesome urban explorer. I will say there has been enough times I would like more juice. But not sure I would trade off too much for that extra 5 mph

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15 hours ago, Silver said:

I don't know if Inmotion even really knows what the V12 is going to be yet. They apparently haven't even come to a conclusion on what battery size they will be using yet


r/ElectricUnicycle - Looks like the V12 is making movement in its development!

Oh hey, that is my screenshot I put on Reddit! It sounds like they can change the battery pretty easily. There must be some room in the shell or something?

@mrelwoodI know he is just a YouTuber, but he is one of the bigger EUC ones who does get wheels to test and review before they release. And from the comments, he states that he has it and is testing it, he just can't make any videos yet or give out any details. He said he would put out a video when he could.

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8 hours ago, Rawnei said:

Unpopular opinion but Sherman is overrated and over-hyped here on the forum anyway, so many people who never even seen one in reality is praising it, we should really stop comparing so much to it.

It's a great wheel with speed and range don't get me wrong but it's a heavy cruising wheel not a nimble wheel, it's definitely not for everyone just like a monster pro or whatnot, lots of experienced riders actively choose something more nimble, I know several experienced riders after trying the Sherman didn't want one and one rider who actually sold his because it was too clumsy for him. I bet someone coming from a V11-only experience for instance would be shocked riding the Sherman.

I mean if you can get a lighter more nimble wheel with enough battery to get you so far you wanna go, why would you want a heavy tank?

So it's better to compare apples to apples and let the oranges compete with each-other.

To me the Sherman represents more than just a bulky wheel though. The Sherman is opening doors to a whole new generation of riders who are starting to view these machines as legitimate transportation akin to motorcycles. Seeing a wheel capable of reaching nearly 100 miles on a charge and push speeds of 50 mph is a completely new boundry.

I want to see that boundry tested further and pushed to the extreme. Fast and long range does not mean it has to be clunky, by all accounts the EXN has unbelieveable torque and still provides 2700wh and 45 mph speeds. 

Personally i just wish i hadn't heard "sherman competitor" as part of the wheels hype. To me sherman competitor means pushing the current boundries of what wheels can possibley be, not essentially copying the format of another subsect of already popular wheels. 

I know a lot of people think we are "near max thresholds" but i just dont see it that way, i think we have only just begun to open the door to the future creations that could sweep the nation into EUC fever with the rest of us.

A Sherman probably only costs like 900$ to produce, a far FAR cry from where we can potentially see production costs eventually go on these machines if they are truely to become a transportation alternative to the masses or even just a high end hobbyists vehicle like a Harley.

Another "tease" was inmotion talking about a 10k$ wheel remeber? Well the v12 sounds like ~2200$ is going to have to be its price to remain competitive with the RS, EXN, V11 and Sherman. I was hoping this would be the first 4000$ wheel and really blow our doors off with both specs and build quality

Edited by GoGeorgeGo
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I wasn't putting you down for riding a V8 (I'm on a 16S which isn't much different). I was just trying to point out that companies try to build wheels that people will actually buy and the V8 is one of the most sold EUCs ever made. I'd picture the market for $4k wheels as being almost negligible. Would you buy one even if it could reach 50mph and have a range of 100 miles? 50mph sounds like fun but you'd have to have a screw loose to hit that speed on a unicycle and what would happen if the car in front happens to slam on it's brakes? Similarly a 100 mile range sounds great until you try and lift it out your car or up a flight of stairs. I'd much rather companies concentrate on producing wheels that I can use and afford.

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3 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

I'd picture the market for $4k wheels as being almost negligible

If that $4k wheel has 10 year warranty, 100mile range and it charges in 10 minutes to full.. We be talking solidstate batteries now maybe with ultra capacitors regen braking. Tech making these things possible is here already, just not mass produced. Too expensive for small industy like EUC manufactors to give it a shot yet? Then again there are some lobbying to make these things banned in some areas where conditions for use would otherwise be ideal (Holland and Germany).

3 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Similarly a 100 mile range sounds great until you try and lift it out your car or up a flight of stairs. I'd much rather companies concentrate on producing wheels that I can use and afford.

Heavy wheels limit use case. With li-on batteries these companies have been doing the amping specs of products, as if some revolution of evolution is going on. This has been increasing the weight of the devices too. Truth be told, it is a marketing scheme. Competition is the only reason why they been amping up(and maybe the customer base demands). New tech is coming and these old wheels are gonna look antique in x-amount of years. 10-15 min will be the new full charge time and Watthour battery size will prolly lower as solid-state batteries will come to market being expensive and ramp up again as batteries get cheaper.

3 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Would you buy one even if it could reach 50mph and have a range of 100 miles? 50mph sounds like fun but you'd have to have a screw loose to hit that speed

In different countries the operating area of these devices are different. Some cases you have to be among cars and sometimes in bikelanes. I think the bikelanes are the place where these devices belong to. For your country/towns case could be different. There be many towns that consider the car lane the only place worth putting money into and walking- and bike lanes are in bad condition. Bad conditions and increased speed will be dangerous, deadly even. If you add poor light conditions and  poor trafic design.. it will be matter of time for accidents to happen. All after all the lanes are designed with certain speed in mind. In highways a slower cars tend to cause accidents. Could too high speeds with these devices cause bans? Where do you use em? Who will we fault in case of accidents? The user who can drive  fast or manufactorer who made it possible?

Edited by Tasku
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5 hours ago, GoGeorgeGo said:

I ride a v11 but i dont see how that has anything to do with what i may want to see the market progress towards.

It kinda does when you talk of wanting to see wheels that far outperform the Sherman which already does nigh on 50mph.

Have you ever ridden a unicycle above say 40mph? Ever stood up in a 50mph gale whilst trying to maintain even pressure on both feet?

I can tell you that wind resistance becomes a real problem. Its the sole reason why I cant see any general use case for a wheel that does more than 55mph. Unless maybe a racetrack series, but that takes it away from being a mass-market (cheap) wheel.

Are we going to start fitting euc's with fairings to beat the wind...? I think we can all agree we would be getting very much into MC territory if we did..

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2 hours ago, Unventor said:

But in down town road traffic I wouldn't consider speeds above 50kmh safe.

I find having cars tailing you close behind or taking over more dangerous than the speed itself. A car will crush you no matter what speed you are at. In civilised countries like the north people do not wish to kill you, so you might be safe at lower speeds. In southern European trafic they dont give a shit (it is gods will) so I'd rather be able to stay away from their tons of steel.

Edited by null
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29 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Im out of touch with reality. What is considered 'fast' on an euc? 50kmh is only around 30mph right? Im curious if what people consider 'fast', is relative to geographic location? Seriously, 35mph aint shit in america. Maybe it's my background that has my perception askew? I only wonder what the general consensus is, as maybe in China, 50kmh IS fast? I worry more about being run over or run into, that the conesequences of sliding down the apshalt at a mere 30-50mph. Anything over running speed is a tumble anyhow, I dont see much difference in tumbling at 20mph than 40mph. Our biggest worry should be the car drivers on cell phones tailgating as a daily ritual. Even if you do run out an overlean, you aint running out the 2,000lb steel box that isnt watching the road, but watching their gps, texts and in car televisions.  With 2 seconds following distance, a downed euc rider shouldnt get run over. the friction of skin on pavement doesnt lend you to stopping as fast as 4 tires on pavement. At 40mph+, the wind is a REAL issue. Im thin as a stick and duck down, but even I'm effected by it quite a bit.

What DID happen to that 10K$ inmo wheel they announced? Was this just more bullshit that we are becoming accustomed to?

Yes I am constantly at 30mph. Mmmmm

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33 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

What is considered 'fast' on an euc?

Yeah, I only just started riding this year and I already am able to ride comfortable at 30mph. It took me years to be able to ride that fast on an electric skateboard and I could only do it for a short periods of time. Where as on an euc I'm already hitting my 32mph speed alarm I set enough that I'm weighing up how much head room I need to leave myself on my RS HT and if I can move my speed alarms up.

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Theres over 820,000 motorcycle riders in California alone. You need to have a screw loose to go 150mph+ on a bike but people do it. In fact i believe half of the appeal of a unicycle is how crazy it is to even ride one regardless of speed. Decent bikes cost 5k$+, and to grow the category aggresively, we need more dare devils to enter the sport. Just because a vehicle CAN hit 100 mph does not mean you have to push it to 100 mph. But having 100 mph in the tank is nice

Edited by GoGeorgeGo
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