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Finn Bjerke

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About Finn Bjerke

  • Birthday 03/10/1961

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  • Location
    Nykøbing Falster Denmark
  • EUC
    Kingsong s22, Sherman S, Inmotion V11, Inmotion V13, Inmotion v14 Mten3., Et Max, Sherman Lynx

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  1. Pidzom chareger goes to 168.2 volts on Et max.
  2. I like seated riding - but I have long legs and v14is not tall wheel ---- We will see how it goes . The patton is much better design when it comes to seated ridng I find
  3. Damn. It charges to 167v, then original charger stops and shows green light. Begode will not let me firmware upgrade since their app is SNAFU. It refuses to register me.
  4. If normal charging procedure ain't working try this. 1. Euc turned on attach pidzoom or Roger charger. 2. Switch charger on using correct voltage. 3. Disconnect variable charger, turn off EUC and Use original charger. I hope it's helpful
  5. My euc World app makes csv files for my trips, but no map or graphs on the homepage. Am I doing something wrong? Some setting I have ignored?
  6. Well I took my weight a relevant parametre now its good.
  7. I trhink its a little complicated - the et max was pretty good when I first got it, then I tried to experiement now its not as good as it was. ANyone have experience with this....
  8. I like to have the correct bearings in house -
  9. One very dead bearing on my Veteran Sherman S. In the proces I found out that the fragile plastic cableholder was broken several places Maybe my bad Donno. Bad sounding bearing Right here: https://www.facebook.com/595319538/videos/pcb.3510787455880217/1203225534103442
  10. more info here
  11. Im told its 6012 - Bearings can die very fast but Im told that ET Max bearings is sealed - My bearings on Kingsong s22 and my Sherman S died after a few month. I live in Denmark, snow, roadsalt and shit ..... Still SKF bearings maybe also FAG bearings are much better than Chinese bearings I guess. Early death for chinese bearings is not pessimism - its realism. Sorry to say. For ET max iots 6012 bearings Im told: Dimensions: The 6012 60 mm Ball Bearing Inner Dimension 60mm X Outer Dimension 95mm X Width 18mm For Sherman S is a 6208 bearing This 6208 2Z C3 SKF The bearing's dimensions are 40x80x18. I neeed to get that info verified if possible..... Inmotion v14 16 inch wheel uses Kogellager (bearings) 6013-2RS-INOX ... Big and expensive
  12. I want this info pls. Bearings size anyone?
  13. SKF 6208-2RS1 Bearing is pretty standard for my other wheels FAG bearings are also good Im told. I was hoping for a relevant answer ...... Chinese berarings die pretty fast in Scandinavian winters .....
  14. Just to be on the safe side I want to purchase SKF bearings for my new Et max - any idea what size they are ?
  15. Solution to BEGODE problems was EUCWORLD app for android. Thx for good info you nice ppl. I have to confess: Begode Et max goes faster and smoother than any other wheel I have tried. So much power even the Lynx feels a little slow in comparison. First 500 km I must say its a wonderfull machine - despite the road tire this wheel does pretty good in the forrest when its dry.
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