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Dog chasing EUC riders small advice how to handle situation like this šŸ•


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We returned slowly home and a dog started chasing/hunting us. Why hunt? Because he wait when we(me and dog)Ā lost eye contact.

Unexpectedly, he ran out of the owner, who did not have him on a leash (fail). He started hunting us like his prey(ducks).

He jumped in our way.

How try to solve it?

Do not panic and try do not fall, slowly to slow down and try to keep moving away from the teeth of the hunting animal and do not run into it.(dodge teeth)

Use short loud strong scream on dog and be silent after.

He usually gives up soon after scream.

(warning)Acceleration therefore irritates him carefull and trigger chase instinct.

Best is to gradually reduce speed but not stop completly.(this rule working only when dog chase or hunt only)

If dog want kill/destroy you (It was not our/this/video case we "met" dog who love chasing/hunting)Ā Ā is easy recognize he atack or sprint on you when rider andĀ dog are in eye contact ,this is worst situation when definetly bite you this is fixable only by telescopic batton (or other weapon) idealy ownder interventionĀ ,some dog are hyper dangerous when defending master or property never slow down or stop try go away from his "master" or "teritory" if is possible when you meet "battle dog".

"battle dog" make you crash and bite when you are on ground and nothing stop him tear you cloth and body only owner/violence/exhaustion stop him.

What dogs I call "battle dog" is not about size or breed, "battle dog" is the setting of the animal's mind certainly everyone in life has met with this type of dog is the type he likes when he hurts and others are afraid of it is the type of aggressive dominance.

We were lucky that the dog we met just wanted to chase and a little hunting for the black things that go on the road(EUC). When I saw what he was doing girl on KS16X it would be useless to pull out the telescopic baton just yell.

I like animals I am against harming animals, I would rather punish the owner, buy a dog and not train him, for obedience is the irresponsible behavior of the owner who threatens the surroundings of the bike path of children skaters skateboards and pedestrians and other smaller dogs.

Please share you advices/tips what to do and how avoid situations like this.

IĀ realy want hear you personalĀ  experiences and opinion.

I wish everyone many happy miles without incident/s.



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I got a small dog during the coronavirus, having not previously "owned" a dog. I'm more a cat person, anyway.Ā 

My observation, which has translated well towards other aggressive dogs, is to simply say "what?" in an annoyed voice with hands on hips. Dogs seem strangely skilled in picking that up, while yelling at them either makes them flee or be much more aggressive.

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IMO best move is to stop, get beside wheel, crouch down and show the dog your back... This will diffuse most situations (especially with largerĀ breeds where a direct challenge could get bloody). Trying to outrun a dog is not a good idea and will only trigger the dog`s predation instinct further and might lead to a crash/collision... But people are supposed to have dogs on leads if they are not sufficiently trained to avoid chasing stuff!

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Just remembered, during my first year of riding, a leashless dog got free from the ownerā€™s hands and started catching me. I was already annoyed that people keep dogs free in areas where itā€™s forbidden by law, among other things, and I had already accelerated to around 30km/h after passing them, so I kept going.

I had zero fear of itĀ biting me, either because of the bed or the way it barked. For a second I thought I shouldĀ run the dog as far as I canĀ just to scare the owner, before turning and taking itĀ back ofĀ course. But the dog stopped and turned back to the owner who was clearly worried andĀ yelling the dogs name.


Another encounter was a year later when a Corgi (or similar) dog was (again illegally)Ā roamingĀ free without the owner in sight. The dog started running with me and @UniVehje. He didnā€™t even bark that much, he was just running beside me!

Ā Whenever I pass dog parks though, itā€™s a certainty that a dog (or all of them) will run alongĀ the fence barking. That would actually be a good safe place to test how the dog reacts to various acts.

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On 12/2/2020 at 3:32 PM, UniMe said:

As much as an owner has a responsibility to do effective exposure training with their dog during the puppy years very, very few people will have had the opportunity to expose their dog to an EUC. Because of this, I think it's prudent for anyone on an EUC to assume that any dog they see hasn't been desensitized to the EUC and is a risk in terms of chase or attack of the EUC or rider.

I don't think they have to be exposed to EUCs specifically/the uniqueness of EUCs is irrelevant--exposure to electric scooters and bicycles (which are everywhere) should be enough.

I was temporarily living in a small town and not-infrequently had issues with dogs, but then I moved to downtown Denver and even though there are *many* more dogs here (disgustingly so), I generally have fewer issues with them while riding specifically (certainly much less frequently than before). My theory is just that the dogs living in the center of a city like Denver are much more used to/desensitized to scooters/bikes/etc all around them, compared to those in the small town where it was a much less frequent occurrence.

Edited by AtlasP
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I wonder if anyone has any experience with this kind of product:Ā https://amazon.com/SABRE-Dog-Spray-Protector-All-Natural/dp/B008SBO9FU/

Unfortunately it's basically the same mace as used on humans. Ideally I wish there were a solution that only worked on dogs while being safe for humans. Unfortunately reviews for any non-mace products seem very inconclusive/not as dependable.

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5 hours ago, AtlasP said:

It is not and should not be my responsibility to become an expert on or even to have to consider theĀ psychology of someone else's pet to go about my daily life in public.

I fully agree, and I myself get very easily annoyed with people that donā€™t have their dogs on a leash for this very reason. But as you correctly used the wordĀ throughout your post, thatā€™s only how it should be. But it isnā€™t. I see this thread as a place for tips for managing situations where the dog owner doesnā€™t do what they indeed should. So that we could prepare ourselves and wouldnā€™t crash from the surprise, or from a collision with the dog.

WhileI also agree with @ShanesPlanetā€™s defense strategies,Ā I actually donā€™t think Iā€™ve even heard of a situation where the dog attacks the rider. In every video and live Ā encountering Iā€™ve seen, they clearly bark towards the wheel only. But this is of course not very clear in the situation where you must quickly decide whether you should defend for your life or just ignore the bark.

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I think the high pitched whine of any EUC drives dogs nuts. I say this because my dog goes slightly crazy whenever I turn on the EUC, and even though I've trained her to trot alongside, if she's unleashed she keeps attacking my foot and leg.

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Woot, there it is, right on cue! thinly veiled reference to pulling your concealed fire arm and just shooting the dog.

Sorry to hear your son got bitten, and happy to be north of your border (for so many reasons, last count was what, 14mill or more). There's nothing more vile than a pussy with a gun in his hand.


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5 minutes ago, UniMe said:

Woot, there it is, right on cue! thinly veiled reference to pulling your concealed fire arm and just shooting the dog.

Sorry to hear your son got bitten, and happy to be north of your border (for so many reasons, last count was what, 14mill or more). There's nothing more vile than a pussy with a gun in his hand.


Woot, there it is, right on cue! Another not so thinly veiled reference to my sexual preferences by a loving conversational person. I do like pussy, and yet Iā€™m slight in stature. So I carry my ammonia laced concoctionĀ as protection from thoseĀ mean nasty dogs and an engaged holster for the human animal. I have deployed its use several times to my advantage.Ā 

I realize that some of my content is shocking to some, so I try to veil my liberty to some extent. Yes veiled reference to killing a dog with a firearm is a little over kill. Savage might have been a little more appropriate for your sexual preferences.Ā On the other hand I do cherish the freedomsĀ we still hold and would not hesitate to employĀ them at any convenience.Ā 

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