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RetroThruster last won the day on November 13 2020

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    Chattanooga, TN
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    Gotway, Shane's Planet T's/accessories, Black Crow stands

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  1. Anyone thinking about a tire swap, I'm not jiving with this stock tire?
  2. I need to look at the heat but doesn't seem bad, I will confirm tomorrow. After riding it more, I think Begode went a little conservative on the mapping or firmware, maybe in an effort to keep temps down, I really don't know. I've been riding it back to back with my early 40t A2 and am hard pressed to tell any difference in power, I was sort of thinking MCM5 torque or relatively close to it but sadly, it's quite a bit less torquey than the MCM5, still a cool/solid little wheel.
  3. Anyone getting a popping/grunting sound out of their Mten5+, when climbing small'ish hills, I'm getting a popping sound on mine, sort of like when you lean into a small wheel at a stop or almost dead stop you get that grunting sound? I'm riding in hard pedal mode "off road". My mten mini and old 600wh A2 climb the same hills without any issue for perspective. I was expecting a LOT more zip out of this wheel tbh.
  4. Sorry for the insanely late reply, all I got was the original confirmation from Jason at eWheels, EB said that it had the 50s cell but I have NOTHING in writing anywhere stating that it is, I've leaned into it pretty hard a few times (I'm not an aggressive rider) and didn't see much sag at all so I'm guessing it has them but it'd sure be nice to have been able to read it somewhere in the paperwork or on the box, it really hurts the value if and when I decide to sell.
  5. I'd say padding would be too tight but grip tape certainly is possible.
  6. Here is mine, don't have a lot of miles on it yet, stock pads are just wrong, they're okay for braking but that's it, I'm used to the knobby on my A2 and have no issues with it, I'll ride primarily on grass and dirt with this wheel. Suspension feels good at my 210lbs, no sense of bottoming out but I'm no jumper, I'll increase the rebound/compression dampening but it's really not bad where it is stock, I don't think I'll need to do a spring swap (it did come with a different set, I'm assuming stiffer). As you'd expect, it feels a lot like the A2 but with high pedals and suspension, that's a good thing to me. Check your bolts on the front handle, 3 on each side, all 6 of mine were loose.
  7. New firmware is available now for higher top speed which I'm sure you've seen, Mten Mili_GW1121002, 12mph is no problem for my 215 lbs. I know the specs aren't there but like you say, if your expectations are set correctly, it doesn't disappoint. I love the fat tire. Pic beside my A2.
  8. Can't deny the specs but have you ridden one? I guess my biggest concern is the weight, making something out of higher priced/lighter material is costly, that tire is VERY wide so I guess that adds to it. I couldn't image toting around two 10lb plates plus other miscellaneous items in a backpack for any lenth of time, much less 27lbs plus the other stuff.
  9. I love mine so far, my paperwork says it's the 50E version but I bought the 50S version at eWheels, there is no indicator on the boxes either, they got confirmation from EB that it has 50S cells but I'm a tad skeptical after the S16 "Pro" situation with Marty
  10. Thanks for the insight, mine is still solid as a rock but I've not done any removing of parts, I'm sure I'll find something but so far, so good. I agree about the tire on road but mine sees more grassy/gravel riding so it's not bad, I'll live with my stocker for a while, mostly because I'm lazy:) Look forward to your thoughts on the teardown!
  11. I've labeled mine as a yard/training wheel, haven't used it for the later but for getting a quick fix in your yard and surrounding area, it's perfect.
  12. I'm measuring 16" so mrelwood is correct
  13. Hate all the bad press this wheel is getting but facts are facts, I was unsure what to do with mine (40t ewheels version), sell it or keep it, well, finally unboxed it and took her for a spin, I like it, I was looking for something to split the difference between my mten3 and Nik+, which is does very well. I had the mcm5 v2 and have an mten3 84v and I'm not disappointed in the power of this wheel at all, no powerhouse but hauls my 215lbs just fine, glad I bought it now, just hope it treats me well...
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