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Incredibly bad look for this community.


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43 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Roller blades don't weigh over 30 Kg (66 lbs) and travel at 40mph. 

Here in the UK we have a simple choice of either "hoping" to be able to pay insurance or getting stopped by the police. Getting stopped by the police means having your wheel confiscated, a substantial fine and points on your driving license. If you get stopped twice then you could loose your driving license all together.

Even in the USA it's unclear what would happen if you injured a pedestrian. Would you pay for their medical bills? and how would you pay? or would you just run away? Also, how would you stand legally? would the police see it as just a bicycle or a motorised vehicle without insurance?

That’s right, rollerblades don’t weight 40+lbs, but a rollerblader can travel as fast as 35mph. In any state in the USA regulations are in place. Electric Micro Mobility vehicles are only allowed to go as fast as 25mph. That 40mph you find in a Sherman is really meant to give you ceiling room and help you maintain more range. You were never meant to go 40mph. But you can, at the cost of your range. 

What happens if you hit a pedestrian? I don’t know. But cyclists and rollerbladers have hit pedestrians multiple times. The world goes on. The key concept we should ALL be having a hard time with is anything that becomes mandatory. 

If being properly insured is that important to you (and you’re in the states) check out https://www.facebook.com/pacificsideinsurance . My buddy, Jersey, has insurance for OneWheel, ESkates, EBikes, EScooters, and EUCs. See if what he has is the right option for you. 

The UK? Oh so maybe my buddy can’t help you (but could help an American reading this). The UK has an entirely different problem. It’s called corporate fascism. That’s when companies like Lime and Bird get a special deal with the local government, asking said government to make laws that state the only PEVs citizens may have access to are those Lime rents out. That is pretty horrific. Imagine what other companies get those kinds of special rights. Those of you in the UK need to get to moving on a new revolution. 

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2 hours ago, CarlW said:

 You should be more than capable of presenting your point of view without derogatory statements towards others.           

Asking for laws that force other EUC riders to go to the  DMV and pay for registration on their EUC, plus buy mandatory liability insurance, and pay more taxes on their EUC, every year is DUMB, STUPID. To suggest such legislation is DISCONNECTED, as in TONE DEAF to the complete dynamics of the entire community’s diverse economic backgrounds as well as being lost on the fact that EUC’s are in no way on the same level as a car or MotorCycle. If you think your EUC is a motorcycle of some sort, you’re living in fantasy land.  

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You didn't answer the bit about "... what would happen if you injured a pedestrian. Would you pay for their medical bills? and how would you pay? or would you just run away? Also, how would you stand legally? would the police see it as just a bicycle or a motorised vehicle without insurance?". I think that part is quite important. I'm guessing you're in the "run away" part.

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@CarlW EUC status *researching purchase* Wait!!! Carl, did you forget to update your EUC status? Because I know you wouldn’t be responding to any of this discussion unless you were riding. What wheel do you ride?

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8 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

You didn't answer the bit about "... what would happen if you injured a pedestrian. Would you pay for their medical bills? and how would you pay? or would you just run away? Also, how would you stand legally? would the police see it as just a bicycle or a motorised vehicle without insurance?". I think that part is quite important. I'm guessing you're in the "run away" part.

Here. Read the part of my OP you missed:

20 minutes ago, Sumako said:

What happens if you hit a pedestrian? I don’t know. But cyclists and rollerbladers have hit pedestrians multiple times. The world goes on. The key concept we should ALL be having a hard time with is anything that becomes mandatory. 


And NO, no one just runs away. Cyclists and RollerBladers have not. Again, happens all of the time. Police and ambulances show up. Been happening for years and it gets figured out with out special insurance and regulations for Rollerblades, bicycles and even REAL Unicycles. 

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40 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

So roller blades, bicycles and unicycles are covered by a "special insurance" but you don't mention what happens with an EUC. The laws are obviously different in different countries and probably different in different states in the US but here in the UK we need insurance to be legal on the roads. I suspect many of us here in the UK would also be happy to pay it if it was available. We simply want insurance to be legal. The same thing may well be true across many parts of Europe as well. Paying for insurance might be DUMB to you but if it saves me from loosing my wheel and my driving license then I think it's fairly SENSIBLE.

OMG! The whole point is, we have been dealing with this issue of people getting hit by cyclists and skaters for ever and a day and there has NEVER been insurance for any of these cases. Y’all in the UK have free healthcare/socialized medicine. I can’t imagine why any of you need insurance for your PEVs in the first place if medicine and healthcare is covered in the first place. But I digress. 

What has the UK done when a cyclist or skater accidentally hit a pedestrian? 

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7 minutes ago, Chriull said:

Rinding an EUC is no necessary condition to be allowed to post here. 

Beeing interested in EUC'd could help posting here, but is not really necessary, too.

If you feel this has to be changed please propose your changes to the moderators team.

So as long as the rules are not changed @CarlW is heartly welcome to post his opinion here! As no member is entitled to stop any other member from posting here.

Yea, you missed the context of my post. In order to understand what is going on in this discussion, it really helps if you have actually ride an EUC. It’s like I don’t fly planes but I’m posting in a discussion about complicated issues regarding flying a solo sports plane. Ya can’t add much complicated discussions unless you have experience. See what I am saying? 

But we have not even established if @CarlWjust forgot to update his status or not. That’s all.

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1 hour ago, yoos said:

Sorry, but this looked like you simply attacked @CarlW instead of attacking his arguments. If you really cared, you could check CarlWs profile and see his latest message -- his 16X is underway.

Back on topic: an optional insurance would surely please all parties. Being so niche, I am afraid many countries have no EUC insurance options at all. Moreover, even if you have an EUC (or umbrella) coverage, you could be still in danger zone since your EUC driving (as a whole or your particular actions before an accident) could be considered illegal so that you would be exempt from coverage in the end. I found there is a particular insurance in Russia that includes eucs segways etc, but I did not check out all details. 

Generally speaking, I would still seek out insurance even before it may become mandatory. It's a protection layer just like a helmet: it might be irritating most of the time but it removes some of the most catastrophic (even if unlikely) scenarios from your risk sheet. Insurances are a great concept overall :).

It would also do a service to the community image: an insured rider would be motivated to stay at the scene after an accident and generally behave like an accountable and legitimate member of society.

I see where you are coming from on the umbrella, but my insurer specifically mentions slander/libel as covered & those are illegal...It's supposed to be a catchall.  

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5 minutes ago, /Dev/Null said:

slander/libel as covered

Perhaps, only unintentional slander and libel are? :D Anyway, really nice umbrella you have!

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I'm all for a (free/government subsidized) licensing/exam requirement for any "vehicle" that is used on the public roads, motorized or not. It's too late to enforce this on pedal bikes, but it should be done for all PEV. Reason is not so much for a pathway to insurance, but rather it gives authorities the much needed leverage to punish the reckless riders, while accepting the law-abiding ones. 

These reckless riders can no longer plead ignorance (since they passed the exam), so they can be hit with careless driving/reckless driving, the latter which is a criminal offense and both can carry license suspensions. If someone was hurt as a result, then it will add the "causing bodily harm" clause which can mean jail time on top.

Before a separate PEV licensing/exam is setup though, I think the minimum requirement is for anyone to ride on the road, they must have a drivers license. That way reckless behaviour can still be regulated via demerit points which is much more impactful than say impounding the wheel/confiscating it - which will just cause more "outlaw behaviour" as riders will have no choice but to try to dodge cops every ride. Personally, if I got stopped on my commute because I was going 60 in a 30 zone, I have no issue bringing out my driver's license and admitting I screwed up - how is this any different than if I was driving a car? Speed limits are designed for everyone's safety, shouldn't matter what vehicle it is.

If we want governments to take PEV micro-mobility seriously, we absolutely need licensing because of how how fast these vehicles are and the risk it poses.

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22 minutes ago, Rehab1 said:

If I just capture one moment in time of the entire video please calmly explain “who has the right of way”? 



Let's roll it back a 10sec or so. I don't think they anticipated an EUC to be that fast up on then. After all 2 set of people made decisions to cross and that could be done safely.

This is a very good example to why cities do not have highway speed limits in pedestrian areas.

One frame show one situation but it might not reflect eye contact that could have allowed all to pass each other in a different situation.

It become reckless riding the moment you are riding in a way that none around you expect you too. That mean both in terms in speeds, lane shifting or in areas you are not supposed to be. 

The pedestrian s are in a designated area for them to cross. It does not mean they can do whatever they please, but they do hold the advantage to right of way. At least to traffic laws I am familiar with. 

Once someone decide they are above the law it becomes a very dangerous situation very fast. Riding or driving fast do not make it better in any way. 

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5 hours ago, Sumako said:

OMG! The whole point is, we have been dealing with this issue of people getting hit by cyclists and skaters for ever and a day and there has NEVER been insurance for any of these cases. Y’all in the UK have free healthcare/socialized medicine. I can’t imagine why any of you need insurance for your PEVs in the first place if medicine and healthcare is covered in the first place. But I digress. 

What has the UK done when a cyclist or skater accidentally hit a pedestrian? 

Cyclists and skaters are not traveling at speed of 40+ mph. In America insurance is not required in every state. But registration is. Officers and the state need a way to identify you in case of traffic infractions or accidents. Many states do actually require a bicycle registration to be legal to ride in the road (generally it costs between 1$ and 10$)

I understand you dont think unicycles should travel over 25 mph but thats clearly not the direction they are going here anyways. The monster pro tops out at 59 and 40 mph is a common speed for its riders. 

Other countries may not share the trend but here in America interest in slow wheels is low. We do not have the infrastructure to support anything under 30 mph. Riding on bike paths and sidewalks can be pleasant, but its a HORRIBLE mode of transportation. Way to many people and animals and obstacles to be used regularly for travel. 

Road riding however has been catching the eye of the public. The majority of new riders here are looking at 30+ mph wheels in my anecdotal experience. Near everyone i meet on smaller slower wheels upgrades within months to a 35+ model. 

Our legal status is very clear, one wheeled devices are unclassified in 90% of regions. Some specific counties and towns have specific ordinances that catch EUC, but to my knowledge no state wide law covers us. They all specify devices with 2 or more wheels. In my real world experince, i have interacted with officers at least 40+ times while riding. 90% of those interactions are just "wow that things badass, you guys be safe!". Twice members of our group rides have been pulled over, one was a bike he caught going to fast (let off with a warning) and once was for my buddies trike which is unregistered (let off with a warning).

Only one time has an officer ever had a "negative" interation with us. And that was because we where at a street crossing in the rail trail bike path and he told us we are not allowed to ride in that path and asked us to please ride in the road. 

We just did a 100 mile ride from providence to Newport the other day, more than half of which was road riding. No issues at all riding 30+ in the streets here. Insurance requirements vary from state to state but i dont think its asking much at all for us to register our devices 

Edited by GoGeorgeGo
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