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1 minute ago, Will R said:

I would suggest that sub 2kw wheels aren't fit for the road at all, only for pavement/cycle lanes and tracks. IMO 2k watts and 30mph should minimum capabilities, to put them in moped class. I wouldn't mind paying like £100/year for insurance just to ride free of potential harassment from 🐖, and for the knowledge that if a BMW driver decides prematurely end my life my family can get a small payout to cover the cost of hosing what's left of me off the road.


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On 5/6/2020 at 11:57, Mike Sacristan said:

Eso significaría que tengo 150 km en mi MSX que tiene la mitad de la batería. : roflmao:

Tengo 50-60 km en mi MSX.

Actualmente con mi V3 3108Wh hago más km's que comparada con V3 84V 2400Wh de amigos míos.

Teniendo en cuenta que mi peso en orden de marcha es casi 100kg, el viernes pasado realizamos una salida de 75km's y llegué al 28% de bateria.

La salida fué NON STOP y con elocidades altas continuadas (40km's y superiores); subidas continuadas y a alta velocidad en off road.

El viernes 19 de junio realizaremos una nueva prueba de 100km's en ruta tranquila sin excesos de ningún tipo, con otros modelos de ruedas variadas (MSX 100V, KSX16, V3 84V 2400, MSX 84V 1600, etc).

Ya veremos los resultados finales......

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8 hours ago, WI_Hedgehog said:

Stay under the radar so you can afford to enjoy wheeling.

Yup yup, thats the plan. Harder to do with hordes of riders in groups in the cities, riding around like road rules need not apply.

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Just now, ShanesPlanet said:

Yup yup, thats the plan. Harder to do with hordes of riders in groups in the cities, riding around like road rules need not apply.

i also agree with this, there are those who want to grow the EUC population but i want to keep it a niche activity because if too many people start using these things it’ll get regulated. 

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2 hours ago, Carbonos said:

Actualmente con mi V3 3108Wh hago más km's que comparada con V3 84V 2400Wh de amigos míos.

Teniendo en cuenta que mi peso en orden de marcha es casi 100kg, el viernes pasado realizamos una salida de 75km's y llegué al 28% de bateria.

La salida fué NON STOP y con elocidades altas continuadas (40km's y superiores); subidas continuadas y a alta velocidad en off road.

El viernes 19 de junio realizaremos una nueva prueba de 100km's en ruta tranquila sin excesos de ningún tipo, con otros modelos de ruedas variadas (MSX 100V, KSX16, V3 84V 2400, MSX 84V 1600, etc).

Ya veremos los resultados finales......

Translated (I speak Spanish):

I get more km on my Monster V3 3108Wh compared to my friends on their Monster V3 84v 2400Wh.
Mi riding weight is 100 kg. Last friday we went on a non stop 75km ride with lots of 40 kmh+ riding and my battery was down to 28%. 

On Friday 19th of June we will attempt a 100km ride at a more moderate speed with other wheels.
We will see what the final results are.


Thank you Carbonos for sharing! 


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Bummer he only thinks 100 ks??/

I think ill keep my 16s -i rode it for 47k yesterday but the last couple were horrible at walking pace and it had 1/% battery left.

I want a monster pro but surely 100ks can be bettered???

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2 hours ago, Daley1 said:

Bummer he only thinks 100 ks??/

I think ill keep my 16s -i rode it for 47k yesterday but the last couple were horrible at walking pace and it had 1/% battery left.

I want a monster pro but surely 100ks can be bettered???

The 16S is auto-limiting in the sense that we can't reach the high speed battery draining that we can reach on the faster wheels.
Lately when riding my MSX I have been getting 80km but I have been slow cruising with some speed here and there but also some few km walks getting stuck in forests.
My normal range for the MSX is around 50km. Times two would be 100 for the Monster.

So I have my normal range and my riding like an Ahole range.
Kingsong wheels will give us 10-15% more range because there is more usable voltage but that's about it. There is no other magic involved when it comes to Wh and battery usage and range so we can basically just use a calculator to approximate the range.

For your numbers if you rode the Monster 3108Wh like you ride the 16S then you would get ~150km.

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It's all about the speed (wind resistance). 3600Wh should give about 140-180km at ~30kph, and probably half that at ~50kph.

Just take the 1800Wh Nik/MSX range tests and double it.

4 hours ago, Mike Sacristan said:

riding like an Ahole range


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From @Carbonos post:
Monster V3 3108Wh compared to my friends on their Monster V3 84v 2400Wh.
Mi riding weight is 100 kg. Last friday we went on a non stop 75km ride with lots of 40 kmh+ riding and my battery was down to 28%.

From the EUC Comparison Table:

Monster V3 84V: 2400Wh / 25Wh/mi = 96mi (154km) expected range
Monster V3 100V: 1845Wh / 25Wh/mi = 74mi (119km) expected range
(both match eWheels expected range)

From @Carbonos post:
100kg = 220lbs = 15.75 stone
40kph = 25mph
75km = 47mi

Expected range of his wheel:
3108Wh / 25Wh/mi = 124mi
3108Wh / 15.5Wh/km = 200km

Calculated range of his wheel based on his ride statistics:
3108Wh * (100% - 28%) = 2238Wh => 90mi (145km)
(so he seems to be coming up short on range)

Carbonos expected battery capacity based on his ride:
(47mi) (25Wh/mi) / (100% - 28%) = 1,631Wh

Carbonos expected battery capacity if he's really pushing it:
75km = (47mi) (30Wh/mi) / (72%) = 1,958Wh
35Wh/mi = 2,284Wh
much lower than 3108Wh claimed)


BUT, to double-check this for reasonability:
If Carbonos battery capacity really is 3108Wh, he's using about double the normal power usage:

(3108Wh) (72%) / (47mi) = 48Wh/mi (30Wh/km)

If his friend's Monster V3 84v 2400Wh was at 5% (we don't know this number), his friend would have used:
(2400Wh) (95%) / (47mi) = 48.5Wh/mi (30.4Wh/km)

This is about the same as Carbonos, so the most likely outcome is:

  • Carbonos battery is 3108Wh
  • Carbonos rides like a madman
  • Carbonos loves good food

Not as likely (though also possible) is his friend's battery:

  • is well-used and the capacity is not 2400Wh
  • capacity never was 2400Wh
  • was not fully charged
  • was not discharged to 5%


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18 minutes ago, WI_Hedgehog said:

Desde @Carbonospost:
Monster V3 3108Wh en comparación con mis amigos en su Monster V3 84v 2400Wh.
Mi peso de conducción es de 100 kg. El viernes pasado hicimos un recorrido sin parar de 75 km con un montón de 40 kmh + y mi batería se había reducido al 28%.

De la tabla de comparación de EUC:

Monster V3 84V: 2400Wh / 25Wh / mi = 96mi (154km) rango esperado
Monster V3 100V: 1845Wh / 25Wh / mi = 74mi (119km) rango esperado
(ambos coinciden con el rango esperado de eWheels)

Desde @Carbonospost:
100kg = 220lbs = 15.75 piedra
40kph = 25mph
75km = 47mi

Alcance esperado de su rueda:
3108Wh / 25Wh / mi = 124mi
3108Wh / 15.5Wh / km = 200km

Alcance calculado de su rueda en función de sus estadísticas de conducción:
3108Wh * (100% - 28%) = 2238Wh => 90mi (145km)
(por lo que parece estar corto de alcance)

Carbonos esperaba una capacidad de batería basada en su viaje:
(47mi) ( 25Wh / mi) / (100% - 28%) = 1,631Wh

Carbonos esperaba la capacidad de la batería si realmente la está presionando:
75km = (47mi) ( 30Wh / mi) / (72%) = 1,958Wh
35Wh / mi = 2,284Wh
mucho más bajo que 3108Wh reclamado)


PERO, para verificar esto de manera razonable :
si la capacidad de la batería de Carbonos realmente es 3108Wh, está usando aproximadamente el doble del consumo de energía normal:

(3108Wh) (72%) / (47mi) = 48Wh / mi (30Wh / km)

Si el Monster V3 84v 2400Wh de su amigo estuviera al 5% (no sabemos este número), su amigo habría usado:
(2400Wh) (95%) / (47mi) = 48.5Wh / mi (30.4Wh / km)

Esto es casi lo mismo que Carbonos, por lo que el resultado más probable es:

  • La batería de carbonos es 3108Wh
  • Carbonos cabalga como un loco
  • Carbonos ama la buena comida

No es tan probable (aunque también posible) la batería de su amigo:

  • está bien utilizado y la capacidad no es de 2400 Wh
  • la capacidad nunca fue de 2400Wh
  • no estaba completamente cargado
  • no se descargó al 5%


Efectivamente acabo de verificar el nivel de bateria después de los 75km del pasado viernes y está al 30% del nivel de la bateria.


Ya expliqué que esos 75km's fueron a un nivel miy exigente, subida, off road,pendiente pronunciada y a una velocidad elevada durante la mayoria de zonas.


La temperatura después de una subida larga y rapida llegó a los 58 grados.....


he de decir que la temperatura siempre era superior en mi 3108Wh 100V que en la de mi ami9go 2400wh 84V.

Tambien mi peso es superior 100kg versus 82km....


El viernes 19 de junio saldremos de dudas en los 100km que queremos realizar con otros amigos y diferentes ruedas.

Espero ayudar a solucionar dudas y comparar datos .


Saludos y muchas gracias por tu comentario.


Abrazos desde Barcelona.

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Batteries are funny beasts .I don't think u can equate battery percentage in the app with distance left to travel.

My case in point yesterday. From a fully charged battery the  first 23.5 ks were slow on a wet slippery trail rail trail that was more of a skate than a ride. Average about 20k/m/h. I get to the turn around point and the app says I have 67% which gives me a theoretical distance of 47ks left. Not so!. Struggled to get back to the start despite having 2/3 battery left according to the app. Thats why I like real world rides and not theoretical expectations from producers trying to boost their bottom line

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3 hours ago, Mrd777 said:

New headlight for the Monster Pro!




If that's the new tire, it looks more road oriented. Plenty of tread depth for less flats. The body panels look like prototype versions, but hint at how the renderings look in an actual build. It's a big beast. Seem to be pointing the lights down at the ground, so it's less blinding for other drivers/riders. Messing around with the renderings, and comparing against the pedal hangar dimensions, I'm getting an outer wheel diameter of 26.5" but ... could be significantly off, so take that with a big grain of salt (for starters, they are just renderings, not the actual tire!)

The piece being held up for comparison is the MSP light. So the Monster Pro body is definitely wide. If that's a 3" tire, then on either side you're getting an additional 1.5 to 2 inches of width? (Sorry if this has been answered already, but how do you get to 3400wh? 24s7p or 8p of 21700 cells?)


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