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Marty Backe

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Marty Backe last won the day on September 9

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  • Location
    Southern California
  • EUC
    67-volt Mten3, 84-volt Mten3, Mten4, Mten Mini, S22, Commander Pro, Commander Mini, Master, Master Pro, EX30, Lynx, Sherman L

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  1. Yes, he has the "Vince" CNC linkages and shock installed.
  2. Not trying to gaslight anyone on purpose I was open to be corrected, and you guys corrected me I wonder if they took into account the small rubber bumpers (at least another 5mm) at the bottom of the suspension when performing these measurements?
  3. I was curious and looked at the Blitz spec sheet that comes with the wheel. I don't see any numbers for suspension travel. So how is Begode being misleading in what they are delivering? Maybe there's another "official" spec sheet that I haven't seen? At the end of the day, rather then playing gotcha (I'm guilty of this too), just enjoy the wheel. It feels great going off very large street curbs. I'm sure it's fine for 98% of the riders out there.
  4. I think, over a long period of charging and letting the BMS do active cell balancing for many hours at a time, you'll probably be able to get the voltage high enough to be good. Be patient. Could take a few weeks. Oh, going down to 20% is not necessary IMO. Cycle between ~90 and 100 percent, a lot, should be good enough.
  5. There's no denying that the S22 is wonderful, when it's working. The issue is the slider design is prone to failure/deterioration over time. And the S22 is also prone to control board failures under stress. I've personally witnessed this and others have to. I really like my S22 but I'm hesitant to ride it on distant trails because of its unpredictable failure tendencies. Finally, it's an old wheel by late 2024 standards. The Blitz is far superior IMHO.
  6. Except for the loose screws I've had zero issues.
  7. With long time Forum member @Olivier
  8. This post is a bit of fear mongering, IMHO
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