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Dog chasing EUC riders small advice how to handle situation like this 🐕


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I was chased by 4 feral wild dogs up a mountain recently... Pretty crazy if you ask me i just managed to swerve out of the way of the first one attempting kamikaze. I did not think to stop and power-leaned outta there real quick i was not trying to take on 4 "battle dog" who clearly wanted to kill/ destroy me :roflmao:

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10 hours ago, UniMe said:

For sure, and to clarify I was simply paraphrasing one of my favorite quotes. I chose not to use the word 'hate', thought I was showing some restraint.

We all have our own perspectives, but a hillbilly meme combined with language of touting guns is a highly charged political statement these days. Might as well just have a maga hat for a profile pic. I can only speak for every one I know, but being north of that nonsense has felt like living above a meth lab. Constant waves of toxic air polution and always wondering when the place is going to explode :)


Wow yer really having a hard time with this. I’ve tried to pass off your aggressive tone with a little sarcasm, but I can see that it didn’t work.

Try speaking for yourself I can’t imagine that everyone you know is as condescending as you seem to be.

I don’t indulge those that hate for any reason. I wear a MAGA hat. I carry a firearm, I am an American, and I’m probably a pussy.

I’m trying to comprehend how the topic of guns could possibly be a source of contention in a country that strictly prohibits its citizens from owning them.

At this point my conversation with you is over I will add you to my ignore list. Please find another forum to troll.

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11 hours ago, Mac said:

I wear a MAGA hat.

That tells me your'e ok with some quite terrible people being on your side. Unless a person adds to that they are also totally opposed to white supremacists and neo-nazis, that's all I need to know to mute. goodbye.

Edited by Olestra
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ah, I was just trying to formulate something along this line.

Just press your ignore buttons everyone and the thread can get back to dogs.

Edited by null
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On 12/3/2020 at 3:36 PM, Olestra said:

My go-to for off leash animals (and their owners) is a whistle. it's part of my EDC

Specifically the fox 40 whistle (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000071K5K)

it's loud and discordant like you wouldn't believe... loud enough to get the attention of of a Roller Derby gal starting to throw hands. it is loud enough to get the dog to think you are bigger than they can handle, and loud enough to completely derail the most deranged karen.

"how dare you whis..TWEET!!
"how dare[TWEET!!]

works pretty well

Just got the whistle. It’s hard to believe that a little inexpensive whistle like this and make that much noise. Thanks that thing is ear piercing!

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11 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Yep, that usually sums it up with dogs (and most animals including humans).

Ok guys, let’s try to stay in the subj... Umm, wait... Are we on the...? I DON’T KNOW!!

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On 12/12/2020 at 6:32 PM, Toad said:

One fine day, I was sailing carefully along an uneven bike lane when I gradually overtook, tottering slowly on the sidewalk alongside, what at first seemed to be an old lady, a very sturdy old lady, wide and short, in a shapeless overcoat and a plastic bonnet.  Thinking back now, with a cool head, and considering the location, there can be no doubt: it was a Russian agent.  Plodding along with the "old lady" was a full-size orange dog, on a leash.  Applying skill and focus, I managed to sail past them without slipping on a pebble.  Then I put on steam.  Suddenly, a hoarse shout!  And the sound of hot panting breath at seven o'clock behind my heels!  Instantly I understood, by triangulating the sounds, that the dog had torn free of her arthritic grasp!  Now, this was on a stock V8, with footplates measured in centimeters.  There was not room enough for both me and the dog.  Something had to give!      (To be continued)

As I took a second look to my left I realize that he was obviously a Komondor/Irish Setter mix! Dreads flying, a Kenyan warrior at my heels, I was riding for my life! I had never ridden this fast before, so many things happening all at once! I’m trying to carefully negotiate the potholes and the little black pebbles and gravel that have washed ashore from these gaping craters in the tarmac. And then I realized clenched in my fist was the Fox 40 Classic Whistle. The 107 db screech it made, took the dreaded gladiator totally by surprise, he stopped in his tracks. The resonance and high pitch broke the passengers side window on the Austin Martin next to me, and made more than a few folks on the corner scramble back a few steps. 

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I've been chased by countless dogs big and small. Happens all the time. 99.9% of the time it is a non issue. My biggest concern is people losing their dogs. In addition to what @mrelwood said below:

On 12/2/2020 at 11:24 PM, mrelwood said:

I have heard of two sensible explanations for dogs attacking the EUC:

1) The high pitched tones that come from the EUC any time it’s powered on. We can also hear a few of those whining tones, and I’m sure there are a few very high tones beyond human hearing that makes the dogs go crazy.

2) The owner of the dog that caused my first dangerous encounter, told me that dogs have trouble understanding a human going forward without moving ones limbs. She said that the dogs sometimes react the same way to skateboarders.

The other reason dogs may be very prone to chasing EUCs is because of the way they glide along with virtually no moving parts. You know how the greyhound racing dogs chase a moving fake rabit that just glides along a rail. I think that due to their instinct, this type of movement triggers them into action. Not sure why because nothing in nature moves in this way. But those racing dogs will chase that rabbit on rails every single time. So that's saying something. And EUCs move in the same way.

So like I said 99.9% of the time it has been a non issue for me. The dogs will charge at you but they nearly ALWAYS stop before they actually reach you. Then they either give up and return to whatever they were doing or they keep chasing you from a distance and do more bluff charges. I actually love dogs but I get that other people don't. But I don't mind at all when this happens. I'm sure the dog is also having a good time. But as @Seba said below...

On 12/3/2020 at 12:23 AM, Seba said:

As my favorite form of EUC riding is long distance journeys, the route of which usually leads through rural areas, "meetings" with dogs are frequent. In the past I simply tried to speed up and run away, but I found out that even small dogs can run surprisingly fast. One day I stopped, turned around in front of the dog and it turned out that the dog stopped chasing me. He stood at a certain distance from me and all he did was bark. When I then resumed my ride, the dog did not try to chase me. It turned out that this method worked well in all subsequent cases. So far the effectiveness is 100 %.

...if you just stop, the dog will immediately snap out of it and return to their owner.

So the way I usually handle being chased by a dog is I just keep riding and smile as I watch the doggy run around me. Then if the dog keeps chasing for too long I will turn around and lead the dog back to it's owner. And I'll tell the owner to hold the dog so they don't lose it. Actually last time this happened was about 2 days ago and the owner was very rude an unappreciative of my efforts to return their dog :facepalm:

Now about that 0.1% incident where the dog didn't stop. I was riding my Sherman on the beach. I can go very fast on the sand with the Sherman and it's super stable.
I was riding past some people with large dogs but I didn't pass by them closely. I still slowed down though.
Then dog started charging at me from the side and I thought "here we go again :w00t2:"
Fully expecting the dog to stop short as they always do I just kept on riding normally, but this one didn't even break stride. It hit the side of the Sherman hard enough to make a banging sound and the dog literally bounced off. The Sherman barely budged. I got some wobbles and just kept going. The dog just got up and walked back to its owners.
This was one incident (among others) that showed me how EUCs are actually more stable than bicycles. If I was on a bike and the dog rammed my front tyre that hard it would be face meets ground.

Come to think about it though I was lucky that the dog didn't manage to bite my leg. Or perhaps the dog intentionally targeted the body of the Sherman. Which would concur with what @mrelwood said below:

On 12/2/2020 at 11:24 PM, mrelwood said:

3) The same dog owner told me that some dogs try to rescue a poor human that has been attacked and is being forcefully moved around by a skateboard, or for example a wheelchair.


Edited by UniGrad
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20 hours ago, UniGrad said:

And I'll tell the owner to hold the dog so they don't lose it.



20 hours ago, UniGrad said:

Actually last time this happened was about 2 days ago and the owner was very rude an unappreciative of my efforts to return their dog 

..... because the owner did not want the dog back?! :confused1: 

Kidding aside ... many people will deflect blame off themselves and onto the the blameless due to their lack of understanding of the proper order of things. They just will not assume responsibility for their actions. So sad.

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29 minutes ago, Scottie said:

Kidding aside ... many people will deflect blame off themselves and onto the the blameless due to their lack of understanding of the proper order of things. They just will not assume responsibility for their actions. So sad.

Yeah and the rules say that they're supposed to hold their dog on a leash or they get a fine.

But at the same time the rules say that I can't use my EUC. So fair game on the dog running freely.

I just hate seeing the act of being ungrateful. Nothing annoys me more. Some people are just miserable I guess.

I bet that person is in a worse mood than I am on my EUC B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

The solution is more simple than you realize.

I've had 4 versions of Horns. My last was the large Bulb type.

I was fun and functional and even funny to the kids. Clown like.

Then I got serious. VERY FUCKIN SERIOUS. Almost get ran over every day serious.


Marine Fog Horn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8oz. 8$ at WalFart.

The first 2 times I tested it at arms length, it injured my ears. I thought I might have to go the the ER.

Your arms can not get it far enough away to use. Probably comparable to standing next to a simi horn.

No car, no burglar and no monster dog or man eating tranasuaruos can withstand its high and loud Dicibles.

Marine Fog Horn. 8oz can.

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