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Reckless riding is going to get us banned

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On 6/29/2020 at 1:23 PM, ShanesPlanet said:

havent you seen the age poll? Most of the guys here ARE 'old stagers' even tho Im sure they wont admit it. Funny how being 'old' continues to go up in age as people come nearer it.

as a 72 year old rider i am "still" waiting to get old

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8 hours ago, Rawnei said:

What a bunch of entitled assholes, EUC's are already in a gray zone, being idiots doesn't help.


24 minutes ago, GothamMike said:

Agreed. The immature idiots will not change their stripes.

And no matter how emotional one gets insulting any others is just edcalating and wont help neither.

Besides it's against the forum rules to insult others!

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2 minutes ago, Chriull said:


And no matter how emotional one gets insulting any others is just edcalating and wont help neither.

Besides it's against the forum rules to insult others!

Insult? I'm reacting to what I'm seeing in the videos, have you watched them?

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3 minutes ago, Chriull said:

Yes - i've seen two immature guys escalating whatever happened before to a fight.

Not sure how to interpret this, who is the two immature guys? Sounds kind of like an insult? 🤔

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2 hours ago, Rawnei said:

Not sure how to interpret this, who is the two immature guys? Sounds kind of like an insult? 🤔

"entitled assholes" and "idiots", is pretty far down MY list of personal insults. "immature" is not nearly the insult. Personally I think, anyone resorting to physical violence in today's society, is both engaging in criminal behavior, socially unacceptable behavior and is indeed being immature.   I'm sure I appear to be both immature and an idiot to some people as well. Even so, its not helpful or intelligent to point it out.

@null didnt you know, its the latest thing to attack people personally with insults, when you find something disagreeable? Age and maturity are definitely NOT related, just as wisdom and learning is not related to age. Some poeple seem to quit learning and growing up, at a young age. Plenty of very old people around with a 10yr old grasp on everything. Violent behavior is KING in the jails and prisons. Sometimes I wonder... maybe this kind of person SHOULD take a nice long stay in a facility where their immaturity is a valuable tool. For the rest of us adults, it would be a nice break from them for sure.

Here's a tidbit that people seem to not quite grasp..  Its not YOUR duty to  try to educate another adult publicly(that isnt asking you to). You're just being silly if you think you can change a persons immaturity and ignorance. If these people havent learned it by now, you must realize that YOU damn sure aint gna get it thru their thick skulls.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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1 hour ago, null said:

You asked him if he had seen the video.
He's answering yes he's seen the video of the two immature guys who escalate whatever happened before to a fight. (a car driver and a EUC rider, not to name him)

He is calling them immature guys, to contrast to you and @GothamMike who are calling them idiots. The point being that you can express your disagreement without getting to name calling. You guys might be very sure of your case, but not everyone think like you, so let's stay civil, as we are all the idiot of someone else.

Point taken I didn't understand he was referring to the people in one of the videos, I stand by my opinions after watching the videos but will keep it to myself.

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14 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Problem is, if no-one says anything then they just keep on doing it. One of my hobbies is quietly (sometimes not quietly) pointing out to people that they're being antisocial assh@les. It doesn't bother me whether they're littering, annoying people with loud music or just driving around like maniacs. Sometimes people do occasionally come to their senses and the world becomes a slightly better place and then sometimes it all goes pear shaped. Hey ho.

No, the problem is that you actually believe that saying something will make it stop. When is the last time that pointing out someone is an asshole, got you the adjustment you hoped for? Pointing out to me that I should wear a helmet, pretty much does the opposite. As if I'm so stupid i dont realize the risk and it never occured to me. Same with smoking.. really, its bad for my health? Oh wow, thanks for that, I had no idea, I guess I'll just quit immediately. These people know they are misbehaving. Im sure they also have some convoluted way to justify it in their own minds. Tis good to have hobbies, but I'm not sure yours is one of the better ones. If someoneis so stupid they dont know they are being an asshole, they're probably too stupid to believe you. When I want to be taught, I ask for it. Trying to educate me about my behavior is not in ANYONES job title and its offensive when they try. My momma doesnt even get to tell me what to do anymore. Having some random asshat try and tell me how to behave or what to do, is a pretty bad idea. We have teachers and cops and judges for that kind of thing. You act like a total ass towards me, and you wont get a suggestion, just a quick reminder of consequence. The reality is, I cant control others behavior and wont waste my time. What i can control is... do i need even hang around for it.

It IS fun to point out in a sideways manner, things. Provoking a response but making it appear as I had not intended to.... thats fun. Sideways insults and insinuations... too fun.  Bustin your chops just cuz.... yeah tis fun too : )    You know we love ya mike! Im just on a roll today is all.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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On 1/29/2021 at 10:33 PM, mike_bike_kite said:

Last Sunday morning I found two people doing practice boxing under the windows of a large country house in a park to loud rap music. I quietly pointed that people still lived in the house and that blocking the public footpath while they were boxing wasn't exactly encouraging too others to use the footpath. Surprisingly they were good enough to turn the music down and move elsewhere. During the week I asked the gardeners in the same park if they'd mind taking away all the undergrowth that had all been cut away by volunteers. It had been cut away by volunteers because these gardeners just sleep in their van each day. I was told that I should mind my own business - today I had a meeting with their boss. That's just this week.

Mr. @mike_bike_kite, I adore you! The way you take part in society in this way absolutely makes a huge difference. There are a lot of things people just don’t come to think of, and if you’ve been skillful with your approach, they now just might. Hats off! :cheers:

@ShanesPlanet’s comment is still valid though, one must know what and how to say. Telling people how smoking kills is neither.

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On 1/29/2021 at 1:10 PM, ShanesPlanet said:

didnt you know, its the latest thing to attack people personally with insults, when you find something disagreeable? Age and maturity are definitely NOT related, just as wisdom and learning is not related to age. Some poeple seem to quit learning and growing up, at a young age. Plenty of very old people around with a 10yr old grasp on everything. Violent behavior is KING in the jails and prisons. Sometimes I wonder... maybe this kind of person SHOULD take a nice long stay in a facility where their immaturity is a valuable tool. For the rest of us adults, it would be a nice break from them for sure.

Here's an example of insults escalating beyond all reason. It's well worth watching (if you're brave as it's somewhat gruesome) in what not to do.




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  • 1 year later...

Even today there's still bashing of NYC riders (for good reasons and bad), I see it on facebook all the time whenever a NYC clip is posted. People still saying that their riding will make PEV's illegal where they live when

A. Local politicians in Bumfuck, Nebraska don't care about what happens in NYC, especially when the local government doesn't seem to care. New Yorkers in NYC and the rest of the state will feel any enforcement from their actions long before anyone else will.

B.) Stricter regulations will happen regardless of NYC riders or anyone riding fast/dangerously/whatever. These are unregistered vehicles on the road that can go up to 55mph, there's no way in hell any of these large wheels will be legal. If/when EUC gets big enough for legality they will be outright banned because the politicians wanna say "it's unsafe there are no brakes, or what if it randomly cuts out" BS, or they'll be extremely limited speed/power-wise like the e-bike and e-scooter markets around the globe. 

C.) Chances are they're already illegal on the road where you live. We're riding an unregistered motor vehicle. In most states in the USA that I've checked they define a motor vehicle as "Any vehicle except" and then list the exceptions like bikes, e-bikes, e-scooters, wheelchairs, and EPAMD or a device made for a disabled person kept at low speed. Sadly in most states you'd have to do some mental gymnastics for squeezing into any of these categories. For instance in Washington you could argue it's a "Power Wheelchair" if it stays under 15mph and you are physically disabled, in Florida it could be an Electric Scooter as long as it's under 20mph.

Now, bashing them for risking the lives and wellbeing of pedestrians I'm all for. David Yanson has said before that U-Stride rides on his ass and rides really close to pedestrians at high speed, and there's plenty of videos of him doing so.

Edited by TantasStarke
Clarified my stance that there's good reasons and bad reasons to bash NYC riders
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5 hours ago, TantasStarke said:

Stricter regulations will happen regardless of NYC riders or anyone riding fast/dangerously/whatever.

I have no problems with any private vehicle (except maybe airplanes and other very destructive vehicles) having no licensing regulations whatsoever except perhaps age. There should be very few rules and laws on the road. You should be able to go as fast as you want on whatever you want with speed limits and red lights not stopping you.

The catch, of course, is that any and all personal safety equipment is utterly illegal. No helmets, no safety belts (for cars), no abs, no windshields, no airbags, no ABS, no traction control, indeed anything that redistributes the risk from you to the person you're hitting should be deemed highly illegal.

And in a way, NYC riders that I've seen have done a lot of that by refusing a helmet. It's kinda a neat way of looking at things, because it's very similar to giving your <new> girlfriend your motorcycle helmet. It's a contract, "I promise I will ride carefully, and look, here's my helmet so if I crash I'll come off worse than you." When people see helmetless NYC riders, they generally first worry for the rider as being crazy and possibly suicidal.

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25 minutes ago, LanghamP said:

I have no problems with any private vehicle (except maybe airplanes and other very destructive vehicles) having no licensing regulations whatsoever except perhaps age. There should be very few rules and laws on the road. You should be able to go as fast as you want on whatever you want with speed limits and red lights not stopping you.

The catch, of course, is that any and all personal safety equipment is utterly illegal. No helmets, no safety belts (for cars), no abs, no windshields, no airbags, no ABS, no traction control, indeed anything that redistributes the risk from you to the person you're hitting should be deemed highly illegal.

And in a way, NYC riders that I've seen have done a lot of that by refusing a helmet. It's kinda a neat way of looking at things, because it's very similar to giving your <new> girlfriend your motorcycle helmet. It's a contract, "I promise I will ride carefully, and look, here's my helmet so if I crash I'll come off worse than you." When people see helmetless NYC riders, they generally first worry for the rider as being crazy and possibly suicidal.

No idea what you're trying to say dawg, that had nothing to do with what you quoted

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30 minutes ago, TantasStarke said:

No idea what you're trying to say dawg, that had nothing to do with what you quoted

The vast majority of people who killed others in traffic crashes were using safety equipment. The more safety equipment you're using, the more likely you're to kill someone, and that's especially true when victims themselves aren't wearing any safety equipment. It seems the more safety equipment people use, the more safe they are but the more dangerous they are to others. The safety equipment seems to make people behave more aggressively in traffic. Hence, the removal of all safety equipment would make people look up, assess risk, and slow down.

As for NYC riders, they wear almost no protection (despite their armored motorcycle jackets and full-face helmets) and hence pose almost no risk. I have not heard yet of a single fatality despite their almost complete disregard of traffic laws made for cars.

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1 hour ago, LanghamP said:

Hence, the removal of all safety equipment would make people look up, assess risk, and slow down.

What you say is totally true. Way back in the stone age I bought Honda's first "real" car... not the 3 cylinder Suzuki powered one, the first one with an actual Honda motor (the CVCC). It took about 10 seconds to realize that I was inside the equivalent of a (modern, aluminum) beer can, and any conflict with anything larger than an underfed chicken was going to be very bad news for me indeed. This was the time when most cars on the road were made of actual steel… I was a very safe and defensive driver.

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