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Mike Roe

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@ESB that makes sense coming from a very different wheel, especially in terms of height, with much higher pedals and weight. You'll need much longer hours of riding to really feel at home on it - at all speeds especially.

Could be because your stance is not really symmetrical on the pedals (which is okay) or power-pads not mirror exactly in terms of positioning (although you probably don't have any installed now).
But either way that shouldn't last forever.

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1 hour ago, ESB said:

I’ve got 14 miles on the v12 so far. 9 today and 5 yesterday.

im having strange issmost of what ue where I feel like I have to twist my body/torso slightly in order to go straight. It makes for an uncomfortable ride. I’ve played around with pedal sensitivity and split modes but I’m not sure it’s helping.

Readjusting my feet sometimes helps a bit but I haven’t quite figured out what is causing this. I certainly don’t feel like I’m putting more pressure on one side of the wheel than the other.

I’m coming from a 16s which is a lot lighter and shorter and has enormous pads. So I always knew there’d be a transition period. Wish it was faster lol.

im on highest pedal setting and max speed is set to 21mph.

i have noticed similar. i think the v12 is affected by the slope/camber of the road. the wheel seems to turn toward the slope, forcing the rider to counter that. most of what i have read seems to point to the tire. i now have about 250 miles on my wheel and notice it waaaay less than at first. i dont know if that is tire wear or just me getting used to it.

i hope this helps.



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13 minutes ago, evans036 said:

i have noticed similar. i think the v12 is affected by the slope/camber of the road. the wheel seems to turn toward the slope, forcing the rider to counter that. most of what i have read seems to point to the tire. i now have about 250 miles on my wheel and notice it waaaay less than at first. i dont know if that is tire wear or just me getting used to it.

i hope this helps.



I think its more the CST tire that it ships with than the V12.  If you can get your hands on the H666, grab it.  I started accidentally going 40 mph once I switched to that tire.

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28 minutes ago, pkinpdx said:

I think its more the CST tire that it ships with than the V12.  If you can get your hands on the H666, grab it.  I started accidentally going 40 mph once I switched to that tire.

yes, that is consistent with everything i have read. i heard that H666 is very difficult to mount. was that your experience?


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21 minutes ago, evans036 said:

yes, that is consistent with everything i have read. i heard that H666 is very difficult to mount. was that your experience?


A little hard to get over the the rim, its easier with two people.  It took about 2 min of cursing for my buddy and I to get it over the rim.  Mine was really easy to get straight on the rim though.  Just make sure you stretch the inner portion of the tire back out for a couple days prior to trying to mount if it comes squished..  I put a pool noodle inside the tire and kept it in the house where it was warm.

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28 minutes ago, pkinpdx said:

A little hard to get over the the rim, its easier with two people.  It took about 2 min of cursing for my buddy and I to get it over the rim.  Mine was really easy to get straight on the rim though.  Just make sure you stretch the inner portion of the tire back out for a couple days prior to trying to mount if it comes squished..  I put a pool noodle inside the tire and kept it in the house where it was warm.

ok, thanks for the tip

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5 hours ago, evans036 said:

i heard that H666 is very difficult to mount.

Without lube / tire grease, every single tire is difficult to mount. With lube every single tire, including the stiffest motorcycle tires, are pretty easy to mount.

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15 hours ago, Tawpie said:

Try braking in the s*itting position with less 'leaning' and more knees bent with rear end hanging off the back. I don't have a V12, but not 'leaning' backwards totally solved my braking wobbles. I consciously "press down hard with your left heel" as well. In my case, wobbles were related to the way my feet were applying pressure to the pedals—probably too much pressure ahead of the wheel's rotational axis.

Thank you for this.  It could be injury saving advice.  It's kind of a natural reaction when i ride that the gayer I'm going the more i sit when braking. I will consciously make an effort to sit more when baking now. 

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4 hours ago, ChiWestSider said:

Thank you for this.  It could be injury saving advice.  It's kind of a natural reaction when i ride that the gayer I'm going the more i sit when braking. I will consciously make an effort to sit more when baking now. 

The gayer you're going?  :laughbounce2:

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6 hours ago, Lefteris said:

After 1,500km on the wheel there won't be any wobbles..

yes, the more i ride (had the wheel for 2 weeks now) the less wobbles are an issue. i am going to stick with the stock tire for now and reassess after more experience.

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Good video...Veritasium is a great channel.

The second reason at time mark 8.14...could this be the explanation of EUC wobbles? 


EUC riding at high speed.

Body mass moves to left/right and the rim/tyre responds as in reason two of video.

Tyre overshoots the required adjustment, turns back.  Overshoots again, turns back, etc.  Keeps wobbling until correct alignment achieved...or rider thrown off.



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4 hours ago, Paul A said:

Good video...Veritasium is a great channel.

The second reason at time mark 8.14...could this be the explanation of EUC wobbles? 


EUC riding at high speed.

Body mass moves to left/right and the rim/tyre responds as in reason two of video.

Tyre overshoots the required adjustment, turns back.  Overshoots again, turns back, etc.  Keeps wobbling until correct alignment achieved...or rider thrown off.





the worst thing to do in this situation is to apply the brakes. so hard to remember that when you're in the grip of a speed wobble. i got sweaty palms just watching the vid


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Yes, sweaty palms watching vid.


With the motorbike wobble video, think someone suggested it might have been caused by the front tyre lifting off the road under high acceleration.


The front tyre upon landing is slightly off in alignment to travel, it then turns as according to reason two of the bicycle video.


Perhaps the adjusting front tyre at high speed overshoots the correction, turns in opposite direction, overshoots, repeats etc. Wobbles until alignment is finally achieved.  Maybe.

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On 11/23/2021 at 11:28 AM, Kerberos said:

I haven't gone through all the replies, so maybe this has already been touched on. I was walking my V12 and I stepped off a curb with it, when the wheel landed on the ground beside me, it did a little bounce and turned off. Now I can hear something loose inside the wheel. I've already sent it to the shop I got it from to have it looked at, but what I troubleshooted before doing so is the following: I could only turn the wheel on if it was parked and charging on it's kickstand, but I could connect my phone and everything. I even did the diagnosis, but it said that everything was fine with the wheel, I uploaded the log but it didn't download anything so I assume it sends it straight to inmotion. I let the battery charge to 100% then left it another couple of hours to try and balance the batteries, but that made no difference. Battery was also charging fine and to the proper voltage. I later found out that putting it in transport mode allowed me to turn the wheel on while upright. The second I turned off transport mode, it immediately shut down again. It seems to have something to do with the motor engaging that just shuts off the machine. I let the V12 sit for 24hrs too before trying to turn it back on again and same thing. I'm just glad I was only walking the wheel and not riding it, or for all I know I could ended up very seriously injured. :/ 

This exact thing happened to me, walking it over a 2 inch drop onto grass. Ewheels is sending me a new control board in a few weeks.

Jason assured me that it’s not a design problem but rather a component failure and that replacement boards have been thoroughly stress tested. Let’s hope this just boils down to a batch of subpar MOSFETs. I can’t imaging how bad it would be for this to happen at speed. 

It’s interesting that both of these cases were while walking. Maybe it’s related to higher voltage under no load and freshly charged. 

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21 hours ago, Chester Copperpot said:

This exact thing happened to me, walking it over a 2 inch drop onto grass. Ewheels is sending me a new control board in a few weeks.

Jason assured me that it’s not a design problem but rather a component failure and that replacement boards have been thoroughly stress tested. Let’s hope this just boils down to a batch of subpar MOSFETs. I can’t imaging how bad it would be for this to happen at speed. 

It’s interesting that both of these cases were while walking. Maybe it’s related to higher voltage under no load and freshly charged. 

I had something similar happen with a first gen V10F (grey rubber surface pedals) - I tried to go under a very low overpass where I had to bend down, but I was too much of a noob and had to jump off the wheel. It tipped over at walking speed and I couldnt switch it on again. Even disassembling it and doing a hard reset by disconnecting the battery had no effect. No visibly burned or molten parts and no bad smells from the control board either. I had ridden a couple dozen kms on it the day before without any issues.

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