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    Grampian, Scotland
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    Sticking meantime with my MSP, Sherman and ‘S’

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  1. Meanwhile, somewhere in the Scottish Central Belt, the politicians’ predictions for a ‘clean, green future’ go up in smoke…
  2. Just wondering if the 25% tariff increase on ex bikes from China into USA applies to EUC’s also?
  3. Sunny ride in the Lake District last weekend.
  4. Can anyone ‘remind’ me whether the charger for my ‘S’ should have a cooling fan working inside it? I’ve only just recharged my wheel from overwinter storage, and I notice that the charger (whilst still charging the wheel) is silent, and I’m not 100% convinced that it should be so, I have it in my mind that the charger is meant to have its own (functioning) inbuilt cooling fan. Thanks for any input.
  5. Unlike world peace, tragically.
  6. Do you refer to ‘Velcro’ (ie not the real stuff), or Velcro? I think the former (generic hook and loop fastening) isn’t worth the money, but the genuine article (with genuine 3M adhesive) is. Anticipating re doing my Sherman ‘S’ for this very reason. The adhesive is the most important part of the product, assuming the hook and loop part is at least half decent. An area where wheel manufacturers have been ‘underachieving’ for years, though of course it’s the fixing or adhesive people who are spoiling the ship for a hap’worth of tar. Think of the cheap stuff as the ‘post-it’ type, not the ‘poster boy’ type. 😊
  7. Adams’s first impressions of the InMotion V14
  8. We call them an Air to air (or A2A) heat pump; a friend installs these (Scandinavian spec, COP of 4 and above), they’re pretty cost effective, unless you have to pay German rates for your energy these days.
  9. Alexa_market in Moscow (via insta/telegram) have I think CNC machined axles, or did have.
  10. Meanwhile, battery tech may be moving along:
  11. Not sooner than 2046? https://youtu.be/h3WIokz3Fuo?si=BNTwGEsM2wvhMTkA Diehold Foundation, series 4; watch them all. When one guy (an accountant) writes to the heads of department in that US 5 pointed building and they put a halt to their 65-year strong $21 trillion DUMBs project, and then when he writes to the Senate suggesting changes to their Bill 4488 (‘existential threats’ to US citizens bill) and they do so quick time, and then the guy gets acknowledgement and action based on his 47 years of research from the Russians, you kinda know or may surmise that he knew they know he knows more than they do. https://youtu.be/FQoMHt4UZZY?si=I1sf3ZdIZ_e1e8yw
  12. Good on you for being proactive in this regard, Jamie. Lucky for the speed demons in the jungle of NYC that at least for now, the police there are giving them the benefit of the doubt. Best try to act as an ambassador, rather than be regarded as an outlaw.
  13. Jono Purcell in Australia has been riding the same Michelin on his ‘S’ too, see his videos where he talks in some detail,about his (positive) findings..
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