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1 minute ago, Planetpapi said:

That follow me mode from your Mavic is great too! Did you shovel all that snow in that method? Kidding.

Thanks! Yep...it took me 48 hours to clear the lot:)

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18 minutes ago, Sidestreet Reny said:

We don't get snow here....but we did the other day. :shock2: Ice on the pedals and awesomely slippery ground.


Ah man...10 second video? Come on @Sidestreet Reny...do some 360 neck twisting spins and butt smacking slides in the powder!!:thumbup:

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1 hour ago, steve454 said:

But think how fast you could mow the lawn:w00t2:

LOL...well I have now blown leaves and shoveled snow on the V5F+ so grass cutting should be next but @EUC Extreme has already performed that stunt!

It did feel awesome to ride today even though it was C:cry2:LD outside!

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15 minutes ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Speaking of EUC Extreme, has anyone noticed that his profile background image is a moving gif animation?  It's pretty cool... except he exits into some sort of trans-warp portal at the end... :blink:


So funny, you're right. I wonder where he goes?

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10 hours ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Speaking of EUC Extreme, has anyone noticed that his profile background image is a moving gif animation?  It's pretty cool... except he exits into some sort of trans-warp portal at the end... :blink:


Sort of like Terance Mannn in The Field of Dreams when he goes into the cornfield and just disappears!



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18 minutes ago, Duf said:


Yeah, I put mine back too :) I didn't get any pain, but I thought braking was slightly compromised, probably because of the extra inch I had to put my feet forward to keep acceleration, and I didn't like the feeling that my toes were hanging off the end of it, supported only on one side. Much better now they are back to normal, and my foot position / weight deployment technique has now adapted from what I was doing on my old Airwheel, so that I don't have problems climbing hills like I used to when I first got the MS3...

Edited by Cerbera
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Hey guys!  It was me and my big mouth, and camera, that mentioned changing the pedals around...  :blink1:

I've tried going back and forth a couple times, and I'm still happy with them backwards from stock, but I agree with Duff, it might have something to do with foot size.  I wear a size 8.5 US shoe, so my feet are smaller than many of you.  Maybe that's why it feels better and more supportive for me?

As far as the braking is concerned, I do notice it's slightly harder to pull back, but I've considered that a plus for me.  I've heard of quite a few cut-outs while braking hard, and this simply prevents me from doing that as easily.  I can still stop quite fast, but it's not as easy to go into a skid, which is a plus for me.  I'm a semi casual rider, so I'm not in situations where I need to skid.  But again, each person has their own way of riding and should set up their wheel accordingly.

Thank you for speaking up though and letting people know it might not be for everyone.  It's great that it's simply a 2 minute swap to try either way.  ;)

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7 hours ago, EUC Extreme said:

Yes, sometimes I have a video I'm going to take it. I have never been involved in the camera. Except when I go videotaping.
It is rarely used. In fact, I do not like the conclusion of the video :) It takes too much time, and driving less time :)
But maybe I will next video I'll be back with new stuff ;)
Then there should also be a different character EUC ;)

Wikileaks has just revealed this photo!:thumbup:


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