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Incredibly bad look for this community.


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1 minute ago, Paulo Mesquita said:

Dear @ShanesPlanet the only reason I want a license or insurance for my EUC is because I don't want the thieving portuguese civil service picks, parasites, opportunists, leeches, roaches, turd eaters... Screwing me and apprehending my EUC and then making it disappear into a garage to some tax collector or police chief's son.

With a licence/insurance I'm superman against these civil servants... slime of the earth, sibling inbreeders, infected pustulence... (damn!!! Here I go again!!!... Gotta control myself 😡😡😡😡

... Sorry got carried away... 

Looks like Portugal has bigger issues.

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If I thought that lives were being jeopardized any more than every other day we go out riding, perhaps I would agree. But I don't, so I don't.

That's my view, I recognize not everyone holds it, it's as useless to try to persuade me otherwise as it is for me to try to change the views of those who think differently.

My view that is not okay to call other riders (or anyone really) idiots in public fora, is also not subject to change.


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8 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

I find it odd theres a shortage of law enforcement, as a LOT of people seem to be more than willing to regulate everyone else. :) 



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1 hour ago, Heyzeus said:

Digging holes is fun.  You don't have to avoid the thread, nothing wrong with civil discourse.  Being able to respectfully discuss and debate topics is important and being able to disagree without hating someone else is also important.  I hate how polarized the world is today in general where it seems in so many areas people can't disagree.  Maybe I don't change your opinion, maybe you don't change mine, but maybe someone else watching(reading) changes their mind or considers things they wouldn't have had either of us just been name calling and otherwise starting from a place of aggressiveness.

:thumbup::thumbup: exactly


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1 hour ago, Heyzeus said:

I especially slow down around dogs and kids, like walking speed almost.  Even if I'm on a wide path and the parents are with their kid, holding their hand and the kid is not close.

Am I worried I'll hit the kid, no, but it shows awareness and consideration that a non intelligent and unpredictable being is nearby.  Sometimes the kid is far enough away where I could keep going 20 without hitting the kid even if they did something unpredictable but I'm not worried about hitting the kid.

I'm worried about that parent being well to do or connected, on the city council or knowing someone on the city council, or politically active and complaining and trying to get wheels banned or stricter regulation passed.  Sometimes there's no risk but I'm more worried about the perception of danger and risk that spurs a person to go "Oh my, that's not safe, this shouldn't be allowed" and try to make it so.

It would be so easy too.  Like I could totally see one rich person in O.C./Irvine, who is on the city council or connected, being able to get local laws passed before anyone knows about them and without much pushback before it's too late because EUC's are so niche.

It's because of the 77 Mile Ride movies (and music) and the driving style shown there - that I bought my wheels.  Thanks Dan 

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Wow, you guys really worry me. How long a novel and how disagreeable do I have to be, before its time to plan an attack on ShanesPlanet? Because of covid, our missile defenses are low and we're running out of bullets. I guess I better stock up on arrows! If those run out, Im gna simplky start slinging turds!

@Heyzeus No I wasnt kidding. I have been earning seatbelt tickets at the rate of 2-3 per year. I get them in Tennesee ($60) and North Carolina ($200). Oddly, its the ONLY infraction I ever get, as I am a well trained and responsible driver. Yeah, I even use turn signals, come to complete stops at signs, and dont carry a phone or any gps to capture my focus. I am a professional driver for every mile i travel. Hell, I dont even use a radio or a/c and leave my window down to hear traffic as I drive.  The car I drive is a 2 ton weapon, and the public deserves me to drive it at the best of my ability, no excuses. In a commercial vehicle as a driver, I always wear a seatbelt, as I'm on someone else's dime and its THEIR rules. My friends dont have me on payroll, so they dont get afforded the same compliance.

I don't wear a seatbelt in my cars because I choose not to. I dont have kids and my passengers are always free to decide what they want to wear. I have gotten out and hitchiked before, as people want to impress upon me that I HAVE to wear a seatbelt. Its highly unlikely that me not being seatbelted will increase the liklihood of injury to anyone else, during a crash. It is FULLY likely that I will pay my own ticket should I get one. I agree that stats don't lie, but its not the stats I care about. Its my freedom to endanger myself, so long as it doesnt overly endanger another. I have no kids, so I dont know how I feel about forcing a parent to belt in a child. I grew up standing in the back of a station wagon.Is it not the responsibility of the parent to keep a child safe? Is it not THEIR bill to pay, if a child needs care? I have no real opinoin on kids, but I can say without a doubt... I am a grown man and should be allowed to make my own choices. If the cops and judges cant get me to change, how likely is it that a random person will? I have complied to people requiring me wear belts before. Why? Because sometimes I just would rather not start that fight and walk away. I don't agree, it strains my friendships, and sometimes it winds up in me getting out of the car and walking. So what IS safer? Me walking down the highway hitching, or me getting a ride without a seatbelt? While everyone is so worried about me and my belt, they chat on phones, tailgate, speed, fail to yield, fail to merge, fail to stop and fail to do exactly what their primary concern should be, driving. My biggest worry was to live a life. I have already done more and enjoyed more than a lifetime worth. I suspect that if lack of a seatbelt is what does me in, so be it. If it winds me up on machines, unplug that crap and save the electricity. B)



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26 minutes ago, winterwheel said:

I admire your commitment even if I kind of think there more noble causes to die for.

do you mean he is an idiot?  :D



we should make a poll about Shanes seatbelt. 

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34 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Wow, you guys really worry me. How long a novel and how disagreeable do I have to be, before its time to plan an attack on ShanesPlanet? Because of covid, our missile defenses are low and we're running out of bullets. I guess I better stock up on arrows! If those run out, Im gna simplky start slinging turds!

@Heyzeus No I wasnt kidding. I have been earning seatbelt tickets at the rate of 2-3 per year. I get them in Tennesee ($60) and North Carolina ($200). Oddly, its the ONLY infraction I ever get, as I am a well trained and responsible driver. Yeah, I even use turn signals, come to complete stops at signs, and dont carry a phone or any gps to capture my focus. I am a professional driver for every mile i travel. Hell, I dont even use a radio or a/c and leave my window down to hear traffic as I drive.  The car I drive is a 2 ton weapon, and the public deserves me to drive it at the best of my ability, no excuses. In a commercial vehicle as a driver, I always wear a seatbelt, as I'm on someone else's dime and its THEIR rules. My friends dont have me on payroll, so they dont get afforded the same compliance.

I don't wear a seatbelt in my cars because I choose not to. I dont have kids and my passengers are always free to decide what they want to wear. I have gotten out and hitchiked before, as people want to impress upon me that I HAVE to wear a seatbelt. Its highly unlikely that me not being seatbelted will increase the liklihood of injury to anyone else, during a crash. It is FULLY likely that I will pay my own ticket should I get one. I agree that stats don't lie, but its not the stats I care about. Its my freedom to endanger myself, so long as it doesnt overly endanger another. I have no kids, so I dont know how I feel about forcing a parent to belt in a child. I grew up standing in the back of a station wagon.Is it not the responsibility of the parent to keep a child safe? Is it not THEIR bill to pay, if a child needs care? I have no real opinoin on kids, but I can say without a doubt... I am a grown man and should be allowed to make my own choices. If the cops and judges cant get me to change, how likely is it that a random person will? I have complied to people requiring me wear belts before. Why? Because sometimes I just would rather not start that fight and walk away. I don't agree, it strains my friendships, and sometimes it winds up in me getting out of the car and walking. So what IS safer? Me walking down the highway hitching, or me getting a ride without a seatbelt? While everyone is so worried about me and my belt, they chat on phones, tailgate, speed, fail to yield, fail to merge, fail to stop and fail to do exactly what their primary concern should be, driving. My biggest worry was to live a life. I have already done more and enjoyed more than a lifetime worth. I suspect that if lack of a seatbelt is what does me in, so be it. If it winds me up on machines, unplug that crap and save the electricity. B)



So that begs the question -- how many EUC"ers that sit on a seat use a seatbelt? :popcorn:

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23 minutes ago, enaon said:

do you mean he is an idiot?  :D



we should make a poll about Shanes seatbelt. 

I get that quite often, no surprise and probably accurate. Obviously the majority don't agree, or it wouldnt be a law. Or maybe not, as nothing is obvious in law.

22 minutes ago, /Dev/Null said:

So that begs the question -- how many EUC"ers that sit on a seat use a seatbelt? :popcorn:

School busses, motorcycles, 4 wheelers, bicycles, we are not alone.

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9 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

School busses, motorcycles, 4 wheelers, bicycles, we are not alone.

Busses tend to be driven by professional drivers and they tend to be fairly slow. Motorcycles it's far better to be thrown clear. 4 wheelers (quad bikes?) would be the same as motorbikes as you don't want one of those tipping over on top of you. Bicycles, I don't think it makes much difference.

I understand you don't like seat belts but do you also disconnect the airbags and replace any laminated windscreen with plate glass? Then there's things like collapsible steering columns and crumple zones to disable. It seems like a lot of work. I suspect that Ralph Nader book was aimed squarely at you ;) 

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1 hour ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Why? Because sometimes I just would rather not start that fight and walk away. I don't agree, it strains my friendships, and sometimes it winds up in me getting out of the car and walking. So what IS safer? Me walking down the highway hitching, or me getting a ride without a seatbelt?



The injuries to Christie Haskell’s face, wrist, and spine are constant reminders to her about the risks of riding without your seat belt fastened, KUSA-TV’s Nelson Garcia reported.

In 2002, Haskell was buckled into the back seat of a car that was hit directly in the side by another car going about 55 mph.

“The passenger sitting next to me wasn’t wearing his seat belt,” Haskell said. “He slammed into me. It forced my face to break the window next to me.”

Haskell suffered serious injuries and required multiple surgeries to rebuild her face and body. She recovered enough to walk again and is now helping CDOT warn others about the perils of riding without restraints.

Buckling Up Saves Fellow Passengers | Daniel R. Rosen (danielrrosen.com)

Well, for your friends, it's definitely safer for them if you hitch.

Counterpoint, why should they care about the safety of you hitching if you don't care about their safety enough to where it would "strain a friendship" to ask you to do something so simple.   I don't even notice my seatbelt 99% of the time I'm wearing it.  Kind of wonder if you have some sort of claustrophobia  to be willing to deal with so many tickets. 

1 hour ago, ShanesPlanet said:

While everyone is so worried about me and my belt, they chat on phones, tailgate, speed, fail to yield, fail to merge, fail to stop and fail to do exactly what their primary concern should be, driving.

It would be totally fair of you as a passenger to call out the driver if they were doing those things and say knock it off or I drive separately/we don't hang.

Every year I see a few articles about a car full of highschool students where all died because the driver was speeding and showing off and wrapped around a tree/car/pole whatever.  Perhaps had one or more of their friends not got in the car with them previously over their driving or had one of them in the car before it crashed told them to knock it off and drive safer they would still be alive.

Anyways, sorry, I don't want to sidetrack the thread into a crosswalk of pedestrians. :P

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9 hours ago, Heyzeus said:


Well, for your friends, it's definitely safer for them if you hitch.


Or perhaps I would notice a car pulling out and mention it, thereby mitigating which is safer. By staying in the car at all, I am likely increasing risk as Im engaging the driver in some form or another.  One can always find a statistic about how ANYTHING we do may risk the health of someone else. It's a rabbit hole and also relevant to this thread. How likely is a pedestrian to get hit in a crosswalk by an euc? How likely is  a friend going to hurt you by not wearing a seatbelt? In your rare as hell statistic, it doesnt prove much at all. Seatbelts dont constrain a person from sideways motion enough to prevent people from bashing into each other. I typically sit in front seat next to a person. If in a backseat, how likely is the SEAT going to constrain a person enough to prevent impact to another in the front? I would be more concerned about the people outside of the car, being hit by a person as they crash thru a windshield. I'd bet lightning has struck more people than the totality of people injured by a human projectile (excluding the projectile themselves). Is it okay for you to stand near me in a lightining storm?

Oddly enough, the last time I paid a lawyer an obscene amount for a seatbelt ticket (i just wanted to see if they could still control space/time/reality), he said I should get a doc to verify claustrophobia and be done with it. Only reason I'm going to court now, I hear that lawyer of mine is now a judge. The irony is too thick to not go soak it up in person. Fwiw, they still can control reality, as THAT offense simply never really happened.:D

Everything we do has the possibility of being a danger to another. Directly and indirectly, it happens. Can we not avoid the increased risk by walking instead of driving? The only reason we all NEED to drive, is because we accepted the risk was worth the rewards. Personally, I think the risk is worth the rewards, when it comes to personal seat belt usage for a consenting adult, usually. I think we all ignore the risks that others put us in, when it suits us and we want to do the same. Is the risk of running red lights tolerable? How about the risk to others from a 40mph euc? How about the risk of collecting in social gatherings? I think it's fair to say the we all have our own levels of acceptable risk. The worst part is that this risk involves others nearly everytime. We quit asking everyone if it was okay to risk them a little, as soon as we became part of a society. Sometimes the overlap is going to just be a disagreement. How risky is it when people fly jumbo jets over population? When is what considered a neccessary evil?

@mike_bike_kite yup, I do disable airbags when possible. Our most recent 'accident' was hitting a bear. The only injuries sustained were from airbags. Well, the bear had to be put down. County Leo seemed REALLY happy to do it. 3am middle of nowhere, they forgot about us. After everyone was gone, luckily the crippled car started. Cost us a front end. fun times...

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45 minutes ago, Paulo Mesquita said:

@ShanesPlanet my dear friend. Since the day I met you in this forum I figured out you're a nihilist. But a granite rock one. So, and with the wisdom of my 61 years I also immediately figured out that no one will ever change you. Some of your ideas are not mine, and sometimes I need to process them as they are hard to swallow, but I fully respect them and I take my Alka Seltzer 😁

One thing that worries me though: with all the seat belt fines... when are you going to start selling your EUCs to pay for them? 😂😂😂😂😂😂.

Take care and keep on hitting strong here at the forum!... and yes you dug yourself into a hole... but I've been in great expectancy that did precisely that. A debate without you, is a lot less fun. And this one needed you in it! Cheers. 

I had to look that one up. I dunno bro, I have a moral compass. I also have a religion. I also think that both of those things are mine and mine alone to view as I see fit. They don't always align with the popular opinion, but it makes sense in my own head. I was thinking maybe more like a narcissist. It does make for good reading when odd opinions arrive.

Fines aint so bad when its in Tennessee. Being fined only fuels my insistence. Yes there are bigger battles to be faught, but THIS one is an easy one to survive... or not perhaps? :)

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@ShanesPlanet, don't come out to ca, out here the driver gets the ticket if they have a passenger not wearing a belt. Something about it being the drivers responsibility blah blah blah.....

I don't care if my passenger wants to go without a belt but since I have to pay the ticket the belts on or they are walking. It's a lame law but it makes everyone wear the seat belt. 

I also used to stand up in the front seat when I was a kid. Of we had to stop quick my dad would put his arm on my chest to keep my off the dash board but sometimes I'd slide under and fall on the floor. We'd laugh about it and I'd get back up on the seat. 

If you ever come out this way and end up in my car you can drive and I'll wear a seatbelt so you don't get a ticket from me :cheers:

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1 hour ago, Flying W said:

@ShanesPlanet, don't come out to ca, out here the driver gets the ticket if they have a passenger not wearing a belt. Something about it being the drivers responsibility blah blah blah.....

I don't care if my passenger wants to go without a belt but since I have to pay the ticket the belts on or they are walking. It's a lame law but it makes everyone wear the seat belt. 

I also used to stand up in the front seat when I was a kid. Of we had to stop quick my dad would put his arm on my chest to keep my off the dash board but sometimes I'd slide under and fall on the floor. We'd laugh about it and I'd get back up on the seat. 

If you ever come out this way and end up in my car you can drive and I'll wear a seatbelt so you don't get a ticket from me :cheers:

SOunds like a good offer! Here, the ticket isnt a moving violation and no points. The officers tell us that as they issue the citation. That being the case, if a passenger in my car gets a ticket, they are gna have to pay it. I think its MY responsibility (driver) that it gets paid. Forcing an adult to police another adult is not my policy. You get a ticket in my car, I expect you to pay it. It seems only fair and logical. Same as boating without a life jacket in some places. The person with the ID, gets the tickets. We've split fines more than once. Usually the one who has to show the ID is the one who has the cleanest one. They get all the fines, we later play cards to divy it up. I mean hell, whats a few tickets and a few bucks among friends. :laughbounce2: 

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10 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

I understand you don't like seat belts but do you also disconnect the airbags and replace any laminated windscreen with plate glass? Then there's things like collapsible steering columns and crumple zones to disable. It seems like a lot of work. I suspect that Ralph Nader book was aimed squarely at you ;) 

Now you are overly tormenting your victim :popcorn:

I know one person who does not like to use seat belts, but this person does not justify it by the freedom of choice, but by the fear of dying in a fire or drowning in water.  maybe he just knows that in an emergency he reacts with panic and has no logical thinking.

 Shane's you stole the topic :yawn:

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On 7/6/2021 at 1:08 AM, mrelwood said:


This forum expects each member to have the capability to make the distinction themselves.

And as a non-moderating member of the global community :

As you have been reminded, this is not a US only discussion forum. And we are not talking about US EUC communities in this thread, but the global one. Most EUC riders do not live in the US.

Do you think that the gun laws in Europe are as tight as they are only because of how European people have used guys in the past? You might want to think that again. Any video in YT can affect anywhere in the world. For example a Finnish YT persona got a job from Hollywood because of her YT videos.

… and for pretty much every country other than the US. That’s why calling the idea stupid or ignorant was a very narrow minded comment from you.

Are you serious right now? 

I take a moment to actually recognize a difference between the needs of international riders and the needs for those of us here in the states. I am clearly making a proper distinction that only US riders (who are in this forum) are being addressed in my comments. But you choose to be unhappy with my comments because I make it obvious that I am only talking about American Riders out of respect to the international riders and their issues?  

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10 minutes ago, Sumako said:

Are you serious right now? 

I take a moment to actually recognize a difference between the needs of international riders and the needs for those of us here in the states. I am clearly making a proper distinction that only US riders (who are in this forum) are being addressed in my comments. But you choose to be unhappy with my comments because I make it obvious that I am only talking about American Riders out of respect to the international riders and their issues?  

Please remind me of the nationality of the creator of the thread that first described the problem?

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46 minutes ago, Sumako said:

I take a moment to actually recognize a difference between the needs of international riders and the needs for those of us here in the states. I am clearly making a proper distinction that only US riders (who are in this forum) are being addressed in my comments. But you choose to be unhappy with my comments because I make it obvious that I am only talking about American Riders out of respect to the international riders and their issues?

That would’ve been great, but you really haven’t been very successful in doing that in these heated responses of yours, first of which was a direct response to an Australian member:


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49 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

That would’ve been great, but you really haven’t been very successful in doing that in these heated responses of yours, first of which was a direct response to an Australian member:


@mrelwood wow, you had to dig way back to June 11th for that one. There have been a few updates since then. You obviously missed the post I made to @Paulo Mesquita


“@Paulo Mesquita- You bring up a very important point, and one that should have been spread across the board when the discussion started with being upset over the Ally Cat race. USA issues on the subject and the rest of the world are so different, this thread should have been split up into 2 or more threads. There should have been a separate thread for us US citizens to discuss the matter with our concerns and a separate version for the international community. It’s also important to acknowledge that what happens in the USA is not going to have any impact on those of you Globally. Culture/laws are different in the states than what other countries deal with. 

So, Paulo I do apologize if you felt that my comments about asking for regulations/licenses and alike were aimed at you and your international friends. My posts were really aimed more towards any UC rider in the states; because EUCs here in America are already street legal. We have laws guiding EVs.  Obviously other countries do not.”

Since then I have been very conscious of Pointing out a distinction between US and other countries. Something which you figured out BTW. However, congratulations on jumping the gun. 

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