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Reckless riding is going to get us banned

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19 minutes ago, gr8ps said:

How is it twisting? I called out what I saw to be unnecessarily risky behavior in that old thread. I saw Tishawn and others blow through stop signs, red lights, and cross walks with pedestrians crossing. I'm not sure if it was that specific video but I distinctly remembering him purposely going directly towards a woman walking away from him and then veering away to the left on purpose. It stuck with me because I thought it was unnecessarily risky to the pedestrian who has no decision in the matter and very self-centered behavior. The responses I got from you and other NYC riders was that it was normal in NYC. Essentially what I got out of it was your opinion doesn't matter on this unless you live here and I left it at that.

The narrative you say I'm supporting by twisting the prior thread is me stating that maybe that sort of behavior is the norm, either amongst NYC e-riders or New Yorkers in general. I supported that statement by quoting what you and other NYC riders have said in the past when called out for what others perceive as bad behavior. I don't see how that is twisting anything.

I didn't agree with the riding style in NYC then but I chalked it up to what you said, I just didn't get it. I know I ride differently downtown San Diego compared to the less urban areas. Maybe NYC was at a different level. Now this recent behavior of NYC riders, with beat downs in the middle of the street, freeway riding, purposely trying to cut-out a 60lb wheel in a street with cars parked to the side that the wheel could crash into while a pedestrian crossing, speeding in pathways and buzzing right by families with kids ... way to egregious.

It IS TWISTING my words because you're putting it in THIS argument, when I don't agree with everything that went down here.

WTF does running reds have to do with "beat downs in the middle of the street, freeway riding, purposely trying to cut-out a 60lb wheel in a street with cars parked to the side that the wheel could crash into while a pedestrian crossing, speeding in pathways and buzzing right by families with kids"?

Did my statement allow you to also gross generalize I'm cool with hitting and killing kids while riding? Like I don't have a brain to make opinions individually that don't necessarily align with norms?

If you wanna sit on your high horse and circle jerk with the privileged class middle-aged "image police" that's fine, just don't bring me into this, or I'm going to come right back at you, there's your New Yorker for you MF.

Edited by houseofjob
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11 minutes ago, houseofjob said:

If you wanna sit on your high horse and circle jerk with the privileged class middle-aged "image police" that's fine, just don't bring me into this, or I'm going to come right back at you, there's your New Yorker for you MF.

Let's not resort to name calling.

I never said you supported it and I'm glad you don't. I used quotes to support my initial sarcastic statement:

On 6/25/2020 at 2:20 PM, gr8ps said:

Have you guys ever ridden in NYC? You don't understand. You have to be aggressive, all the cars and cabs are out to get you. No one follows traffic signals, everyone runs reds. Until you've lived in the city, you can't have an opinion. Go back to riding in your suburbs with perfect roads.


16 minutes ago, houseofjob said:

WTF does running reds have to do with "beat downs in the middle of the street, freeway riding, purposely trying to cut-out a 60lb wheel in a street with cars parked to the side that the wheel could crash into while a pedestrian crossing, speeding in pathways and buzzing right by families with kids"?

Maybe the IDGAF attitude?

I'm done with this thread.

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4 minutes ago, gr8ps said:

Maybe the IDGAF attitude?

I'm done with this thread.

Good luck with that. Don't ever leave Cali to visit other parts of the US then, cuz you're not gonna like the non-West Coast parts.  You can live in ignorant bliss over there.

And again, sure didn't point out the lines where it says I'm cool with the events of THIS day. Remember, YOU dragged me into this, not the other way around.

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I am glad by two things here.

1) we are debating how to ride and it does affect out community.

2) majority is take a distance to recently events. 

That said I had wished we didn't have to.....

I also think it would be wise to take the debate down a notch or two. 

It is a topic that stirs up emotions. 

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16 minutes ago, Unventor said:

I am glad by two things here.

1) we are debating how to ride and it does affect out community.

2) majority is take a distance to recently events. 

That said I had wished we didn't have to.....

I also think it would be wise to take the debate down a notch or two. 

It is a topic that stirs up emotions. 

If guys are going to quote me out of context on a thread I wasn't even a part of, then argue nonsensically that it's not out of context, I'm coming out fighting, I don't just take it sitting down.

I'm Switzerland usually on this topic: neutral, there's no point, no one's getting convinced the other way, you're not gonna police the incidents you can and cannot see on video from your couches on social media without proper regulations and enforcement.

Leave me out of this if you just want an outrage agree-fest with each other.

Edited by houseofjob
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Ustride is an utter clown. A punk who doesnt care about his surroundings or other peoples health. It will bite his ass for sure. He needs some youtube action and he will do anything to get it. Lets not watch this clown. Dont feed the beast. 


He might rethink and become a better person. Then he is welcome back. 


Risking others safety is just horrendous. Immature.

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37 minutes ago, houseofjob said:

If guys are going to quote me out of context on a thread I wasn't even a part of, then argue nonsensically that it's not out of context, I'm coming out fighting, I don't just take it sitting down.

I'm Switzerland usually on this topic: neutral, there's no point, no one's getting convinced the other way, you're not gonna police the incidents you can and cannot see on video from your couches on social media without proper regulations and enforcement.

Leave me out of this if you just want an outrage agree-fest with each other.

I think it's just the one guy doing it. TBH I haven't (nor do I intend) dig into whichever thread he quoted you from. I think most sensible people agree that "reckless behavior" needs to be defined within context. We've heard from many people that New Yorkers ride differently because of how the city operates. That's fine and i believe it. As Hsiang pointed out earlier and now I"m just summarizing: if anyone has ever visited countries in Asia, you would be shocked to see how people drive/ride even with supposed regulation. So you ride how the environment tells you to ride. Even when you first learn to drive, most handbooks point out that speed limit is a guideline and you should really just follow the flow of traffic. So again - ride how the environment tells you to ride.

That being said, let's be clear on which individuals criticism should be directed to. I'm assuming David is one of the more aggressive riders (the guy who always call out "slow riders" which I find hilarious) - even he is calling out UStride in the video for riding dangerously.

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1 minute ago, Nic said:

but he is an adrenaline junkie that likes speed. 

Fine! But if your into kink people will be fine if you get a room. Dont do it in a park with families. 


Does he really needs this explained? Velocity and momentum kills. We dont need any research to learn this..

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10 minutes ago, Nic said:

I doubt that is true ... he seems like a genuine nice person to me, but he is an adrenaline junkie that likes speed. He had a recent video on YouTube about this. People just perceive risk in their own way and often don't realise that their ability to judge danger might be a little bit off.

People focus too much on speed... but that's not the only factor (and probably not even the primary factor) to consider! Someone earlier on asked why you can't/shouldn't take the EUC on the highway...and the answer to that is not simply about speed.

A self-aware / critical thinker would take time to reflect on the comments directed at him. I did not see this from U-Stride. Once again, it's not even about speed because David (a speed junkie himself) and Wrong Way (who also demonstrates high speed riding on his channel) called him out on his utter disregard for the people around him.

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23 minutes ago, davinche said:

I think it's just the one guy doing it. 

Yes, agreed.

But if I don't set that record straight, then I look complicit. And when he has the gall to retort back I'm unjustified in my sentiment, I don't care who gets uncomfortable here, I'm making my feelings known regarding getting dragged in someone else's mud I never set foot in.


As for the rest of the arguments, this has all been beaten year-after-year like a dead proverbial horse on here. I most certainly don't agree with most all the transgressions of this day here, but I'm smart enough to know of these guys (duh, I ride in NYC), that I know pointing fingers is just a knee-jerk reaction back from them to double down and do MORE of what they're doing, this is just common human laws of energy: attack with negativity, and get met back with knee-jerk negativity: what you give to the universe, will be what you get back from said universe.

Is the point really to change things here, or to just retort in cacophony the same comments over and over again for each incident, for selfish, self-righteous social media satisfaction release? Because if it's the former, you're (the proverbial you, not you @davinche ;)) gonna need a better approach than all this unsophisticated finger pointing, ie. real results.

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7 minutes ago, houseofjob said:

Is the point really to change things here, or to just retort in cacophony the same comments over and over again for selfish, self-righteous social media satisfaction? Because if it's the former, you're (the proverbial you, not you @davinche ;)) gonna need a better approach than all this unsophisticated finger pointing, ie. real results.

Personally I'm looking for some change. I'll quote myself with my thoughts again (not saying that I think they're that important) as an example of ways I think we can progress.

4 hours ago, davinche said:

This is why my main disappointment was in U-Stride.

But I think a common theme here that is causing so much distress is the lack of accountability. It is exactly for this reason why people are protesting police brutality. Police were/are getting away with shit that they shouldn't be getting away with.

So to a much lesser degree, there are some EUC riders who are also getting away with doing stupid shit that they shouldn't be getting away with.

I agree that not holding demos would be detrimental, but I don't agree that it is the "only way to control it". Clearly there are a couple of people who have demonstrated that they can't handle the responsible/are willing to be held accountable for anything that could happen. So you ban them from future demos. Holding people accountable for their actions is the only way to move forward.


2 hours ago, davinche said:

True. This is a pretty tough problem to solve. But even with friends, when you invite them over to your place, you lay out the house rules right? So if they find themselves uninvited to things because they constantly break the rules, it shouldn't be a surprise to them? Relationships, people, human interactions etc are tough and I get that, but I wouldn't fall into the line of thinking that just because it's tough it is reason enough to take no action.

But to your point about EWheels sending the wheel for the community, I guess ultimately some clarification needs to be made by ewheels? From what I've seen, the wheel is passed from YouTuber to YouTuber, and how they choose to showcase/demo the wheel is up to their own discretion. I do agree that by sending it to you, there is probably some intention for the wheel to be tested by the most aggressive riders. Which is all fine IMO, but I would assume that which riders and where they should test the wheel should be up to you? Maybe @Jason McNeil can provide some more insight on the intention.

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7 minutes ago, Marty Backe said:

You guys have to see U-Strides latest video where he rides a highway in NYC. Now I thought this was hilarious (he survived) because it wasn't intentional. He was in a lane that all of a sudden turned into a freeway with no way out. I'm sure he was sweating it.

Here's the video. I started it where he's getting on the freeway. Again, this was unintentional. Imagine yourself in this situation :laughbounce2:


Holy! That's nuts. I had to rewatch the couple of seconds where the bike lane turned into the highway to even grasp wtf went wrong. Glad he stayed calmed and survived. He should've shifted to the right (slow) lane though if it was possible to do it safely.

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Exactly. I couldn't even tell where the bike lane ended and the highway started. It seems he was following the correct signs. You can also see two bikers stop and stare as he entered the highway. He may have been in too much shock to go into the right/slow lane. We should ask him. 

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i'm going to have to jump in on this thread too and give my input

1) idiotic riding causes risk of death to other people. Is it really worth the risk of riding fast past uncrontrollable kids who randomly like to walk and explore with out looking where they are going just for "youtube hits" ?

2) selfish riding will only ban the majority of sensible riders to suffer once an accident happens and the CCTV footage captures the incident

3) That freeway video riding...if they guy has a cut out then the people in the cars wont get hurt? WRONG! They will most likely swerve and then go into another car causing a massive pile up creating more deaths, let alone a tyre blow out once the EUC takes out the car tyre

4) emiotonal impact of the pedestrians who witnessed someone getting killed falling off high at high speed and face planting with an open face helmet

5) Manufactures will no longer create EUC's due to low profits as they are banned so sales will be low causing them to cease production

6) prices will be pushed up on any few exsisting manufactures to a stupidly high price to make extra money

7) 1st batch of EUC's usually has problems ( like the gotways for instance) when it comes to cut out's.... so it was a bright idea to test almost max speed in a place full of pedestrians and kids..... really?????

8) the video is still up on youtube and not pulled down... way to go.... so much for taking care of the rest of the EUC community for your own channel?


never heard of this youtuber before but no real loss as i wont subscribe

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