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@Unventor Very nice outfit. Transition weather can be tough when trying to figure out what to wear for comfort. Regarding the bars in the background are you in some secure room (or jail)?

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36 minutes ago, Rehab1 said:

@Unventor Very nice outfit. Transition weather can be tough when trying to figure out what to wear for comfort. Regarding the bars in the background are you in some secure room (or jail)?

It is the storage and in/out shipping area of customers products. Unfortunately we had to secure the office or workshop, due to a series of attempting break-in some years back.

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On 10/7/2018 at 11:56 PM, houseofjob said:

Fun ride today with @Jediah Matthew & Wiktor G.!, finally reaching the Connecticut border, 28 miles from our Upper West Side NYC start point!

(also a good occasion to test out my new GoPro Fusion!)




YES SIR. That was the most fun I've ever had thus far in this community. I can't wait to do it again sometime. I was concerned after Victor and Chris told me their battery size but I as very confident about my Tesla being able to keep up, which it did. This ride was very informative as well, I learned alot from these two from charging my wheel properly to riding habits and more technical information about these wheels. It was a last minute decision on my part to go, but I'm more than happy i did. AWESOME AWESOME. 

This is a recap I did about the trip. I have yet to make a video of the actual ride. Hopefully it comes out good.


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On 10/7/2018 at 5:36 AM, Svenbo said:

Enjoying the last warm days here in Germany ?



Same here man. I'm dreading the coming winter here in Boston. Not going to be fun if indeed winter does come in it's full force. How is that Inmotion V8 treating you?

Edited by Jediah Matthew
wrong wheel description
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On 10/10/2018 at 5:29 AM, Jediah Matthew said:

This is a recap I did about the trip. I have yet to make a video of the actual ride. Hopefully it comes out good.

Really nice video! Loved the map and the narration where you went and how you felt, very personal. This ties it all together and makes it more interesting than "just" a video. Also, getting up at 3am for a group ride, respect:thumbup:

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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ACM is at 5300km (3300 miles).

I have no photography skills, just see something, stop, and put the wheel somewhere so it is in the picture, and take a succession of quick photos (usually one of them works, often the first:efee8319ab:). But thanks!

Pictures are taken with my Xiaomi Mi A1 phone, which has a passable camera (no image stabilization and so-so dynamic range, colors are not too accurate), but its camera app itself is working pretty well. The HDR mode makes up for the mediocre camera a lot (I use it by default, the regular mode isn't very good) and the panorama function is nice in that it allows dragging arbitrary width-panoramas (instead of adding sections like the original Android Google Camera does, but that app also has some other cool panorama modes I miss having). Also it has a second 2x telephoto camera, which creates these desaturated-color zoom pictures that look nice.

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