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"Dangerous" motorchange on Inmotion V11 is is possible?

Finn Bjerke

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Have anyone changed motor on Inmotion V11 ? Im forced to do it and Im not happy. In fact Im angry. 

My V11 sounds like shit, the bearings are producing too much friction. I took the wheel for a ride in the rain, since that day the sound is terrible.  I love my V11 I use it for commuting on a daily basis, Im clumsy and not technical.  I really believev Inmotion should take back bad wheels and give us new ones. This bloody project is gonna take me at least 12 hours Im told.  As always Marty is very helpfull, there is a youtube video on how to do this. Also Inmotion have one and mr Wrongway have a video of how not to do it. 

This makes me bloody nervous and a litytle angry too. Bad bearing does that really mean I should work for inmotion for free in like 12 hours or so, or I should send my wheel back and not have a wheel for 6 weeks.  Also the project is dangerous as seen here by Marty: 

Inmotion do the decent thing . The first batches had many errors send me a new wheel and stop this nonsense. Do the decent thing.  Dont leave dangerous and difficult repairs to me .. bloody well do it yourself. 

PS: I dont need Negativity from simple minded keyboard  warriors, I need help from clever tech people.  Here wrongway demonstrates dissolved metal making a fix bloody impossible: 

Its not good enough - Inmotion this is bollocks. 

Edited by Finn Bjerke
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I like you guy you're like the angry neighbor chasing a weasel with a shovel. Every neighborhood needs one. You made me chuckle but your issue is understandably frustrating to the nth degree. 

The truth is these companies don't test them enough and release beta products. The market gets new tech and process repeats. Some people tell me thats just the universe works and thats part of the contract you signed when you joined The Firm. 

From my viewpoint outside the cult I do think Inmotion is the best company out there from a sophistication, development and safety standard...but each of those could be argued and it is opinion to a certain point. I come from Kingsong products and like you the V11 is the wheel I want so badly to be perfect that my emotion manifests as frustrations. 

When you start producing wheels moving upwards of 30mph they have to be at a higher standard than one that can do 15 or 18 or even 22 mph. There is a rush to market and that is the downfall of capitalism but its worth it. It would be nice if they would slow down and perfect a wheel instead of constant innovation. But they are driven by market forces right?  So essentially we are doing this through our purchases. Addiction is driving bad QC thats hilarious. 

With all that being said...this level of repair should not be done by a civilian and I think a wheel exchange would be in order - you send yours in, they send you another newer version model. They retrofit. If I was them I would sell retrofitted wheels at a discount and make my money back on the product with a $300 discount. I'd even pay to ship the wheel back. 

But the other problem you have is the middlemen have to eat part of that cost as distributors and they in some cases would be doing the retrofitting. So perhaps Ewheels would sell retrofitted models. As you can see its a bit complicated due to the model. But thats The Firm man. 

One other word of advice don't go too fast they hate that here and if you do you have to buy a Gotway instead and turn off all the alarms because you are a bloody idiot. Its in the blood contract you signed when you bought an EUC. Welcome to the Firm man. 

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12 hours? 1-2 hours, maybe. I understand your frustration though. While I personally am okay with taking on a task like this, it would be better for many folks to have this done by a technician. It's really unfortunate that Inmotion didn't design it for a simpler motor/tire change. An inline connector outside of the control board box would have drastically simplified the process. Did you buy the wheel straight from Inmotion, or is your dealer requesting that you pay shipping costs? That would suck, for sure.

Edited by redfoxdude
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Mr SF Fox. a 4 hour projct is very OK.  Thats learning  - A 12 hour projct would drive me and my veasel nuts.  If only there was a video of bearing change - As always Marty have great info. Inmotion does not? 



Not trully sealed bearings means nowhere for the water to go. "drool" builds up behind the motor cover. i believe Inmotion has also drilled holes for water to get out. more important factor, their bottom line.


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9 hours ago, Finn Bjerke said:

In fact Im angry. 

At who? Did you buy a 1st batch wheel without a warranty?

Regardless: it's not going to take you 12 hours - you're making it sound worse than it is. Maybe you can find someone who is good at this stuff to help you?

4 minutes ago, Finn Bjerke said:

If only there was a video of bearing change

There is one, but it's not an easy process:


If I was you I'd find a mechanic nearby and see if you can hire them to do it for you.

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10 hours ago, Finn Bjerke said:

Have anyone changed motor on Inmotion V11 ? Im forced to do it and Im not happy. In fact Im angry. 

My V11 sounds like shit, the bearings are producing too much friction. I took the wheel for a ride in the rain, since that day the sound is terrible.  I love my V11 I use it for commuting on a daily basis, Im clumsy and not technical.  I really believev Inmotion should take back bad wheels and give us new ones. This bloody project is gonna take me at least 12 hours Im told.  As always Marty is very helpfull, there is a youtube video on how to do this. Also Inmotion have one and mr Wrongway have a video of how not to do it. 

This makes me bloody nervous and a litytle angry too. Bad bearing does that really mean I should work for inmotion for free in like 12 hours or so, or I should send my wheel back and not have a wheel for 6 weeks.  Also the project is dangerous as seen here by Marty: 

Inmotion do the decent thing . The first batches had many errors send me a new wheel and stop this nonsense. Do the decent thing.  Dont leave dangerous and difficult repairs to me .. bloody well do it yourself. 

PS: I dont need Negativity from simple minded keyboard  warriors, I need help from clever tech people.  Here wrongway demonstrates dissolved metal making a fix bloody impossible: 

Its not good enough - Inmotion this is bollocks. 

Hi Finn I was wondering, Will Inmotion V11 be worth buying in 2022 or later?

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I have done it. It’s not too bad if you have good instructions. You will need to learn the process anyway if you ever get a flat tire or your outer tire gets worn out (in about 4000 km) and needs replacement.

Both of the videos in the first post have some steps wrong. @mrelwood made a much better video that you can easily follow. 


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@UniVehje above wrote exactly the post I was going to. Marty and WrongWay didn’t have any experience or good instructions for disassembling the wheel. You do.

If you know how to follow instructions and how to operate a screwdriver, the process is not dangerous, and it shouldn’t take you more than 2 hours, tops.

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Yet another headline to draw negative attention. But then again I didn't expect anything else from OP. 

If you choose to see the bad that is all you are going to see. 

So what is the next brilliant headline you can make? 

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15 hours ago, Finn Bjerke said:

PS: I dont need Negativity from simple minded keyboard  warriors, I need help from clever tech people.  Here wrongway demonstrates dissolved metal making a fix bloody impossible: 

If this was the case why not just ask for help. Silly false headlines do not invite people to help you out. 

And noone forces you to do this. It is a warranty matter between you and your chosen reseller. 

Now there are things I do and don't do too. Like swappi g tire on my car (when I had one) due to my bad back. I understand that some taks seem daunting and better left to others. 

But like others have pointed out a motor swap is very close to fixing a worn down tire or puncture. It has noting to do with bearing issue as it will happen at some point regardless. On any model or brand. 

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17 hours ago, Finn Bjerke said:

PS: I dont need Negativity from simple minded keyboard  warriors, I need help from clever tech people.

For someone that seems to show so much negativity on this forum I'm a bit surprised you won't accept it from others. And is there any reason to have 7 threads on this same bearing problem? And I seem to remember you were warned about possible bearing issues even when you were considering this wheel.


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The idea that you would pay 2k for an item you need to spend 2+ hours to fix yourself within days of purchase...so far beyond my comprehension I can't even grasp some of these responses. 

Hey my IPhone broke (1200 USD) within days of purchase but its all good - Apple sent me a video and a magnifying glass so I could rip it a part and rebuild it so I could use it. Righhtttttt

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20 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

I agree completely. However.... I have had to learn to ignore this line of reasoning, as it only sours the purchase and experience. It really sucks that we have no choice but to lower our standard, but thats where the industry is right now. Of course, there is a limit to how much wretched materials and build quality I can handle. I think the standards we have are all different and some of us can overlook things that others cannot. In the end it boils down to...   either I buy this crap and assume its a dice roll so I can enjoy an EUC. OR, i expect this crap to be quailty and since its not, I choose a hobby that has decent equipment. Not much for choices, but thats what it is. Hell, even my best/fav wheel is FAR short of waht I would consider hi-quality.  Kind of like last call at the bar.  You either forgo your normal requirements so you can get some, or you dont...

Shane I agree with you 100%.  Here is my question - do you agree that the very reason the bar is set low is because everyone accepts the current state of affairs?  Thus the market forces cannot work to generate better quality?  In other words, the only way to make money is to sell wheels and you must sell them to willing buyers who...buy them?  So until the community demands more through the power of the wallet things will not change...and we accept this. 

Thats my point of the "cult" atmosphere...it drives bad market behavior. Of course I know an EUC isn't like an IPhone. But to pretend that things should just be accepted as they are is silly. And further...and this is a very important point...the higher the dollar the better QC the product should have. If I buy a 3k wheel or a 4k wheel I should not have wires rubbing and screws undone or missing completely. I accept that on a 1200 dollar wheel sure...but come on here. 

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29 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

It really sucks that we have no choice but to lower our standard, but thats where the industry is right now...You either forgo your normal requirements so you can get some, or you dont...

See I believe through capitalism we have a choice sir...and we could influence change. Imagine if every youtuber started posting QC issues. Looking at bearings. Talking through pedal hangars etc. Companies would take notice. Instead we just roll over and accept it. 

My personal goal isn't to change the market, just inmotion. See they are the closest to the mark so they can make these changes and own more Market share. Gotway will be Gotway. Kingsong really miffed me with the S18. Inmotion can be the company that implements higher levels of QC and becomes the Lexus of EUCs. This is not a pipe dream. 

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16 minutes ago, EUChristian said:

do you agree that the very reason the bar is set low is because everyone accepts the current state of affairs?  Thus the market forces cannot work to generate better quality?  In other words, the only way to make money is to sell wheels and you must sell them to willing buyers who...buy them?  So until the community demands more through the power of the wallet things will not change...and we accept this. 

Thats my point of the "cult" atmosphere...it drives bad market behavior. Of course I know an EUC isn't like an IPhone. But to pretend that things should just be accepted as they are is silly. And further...and this is a very important point...the higher the dollar the better QC the product should have. If I buy a 3k wheel or a 4k wheel I should not have wires rubbing and screws undone or missing completely. I accept that on a 1200 dollar wheel sure...but come on here. 


10 minutes ago, EUChristian said:

See I believe through capitalism we have a choice sir...and we could influence change. Imagine if every youtuber started posting QC issues. Looking at bearings. Talking through pedal hangars etc. Companies would take notice. Instead we just roll over and accept it. 

My personal goal isn't to change the market, just inmotion. See they are the closest to the mark so they can make these changes and own more Market share. Gotway will be Gotway. Kingsong really miffed me with the S18. Inmotion can be the company that implements higher levels of QC and becomes the Lexus of EUCs. This is not a pipe dream. 

This is a western mindset which simply doesn't apply to Chinese businesses due to low-level premises about business deeply rooted in their culture. You can either buy what they sell, or if you don't they'll just either shrink as a business and/or go out of business and/or switch to making something else--and they would *rather* any of these outcomes over meeting a higher quality bar, as they have proven endlessly over the past century of industrial production. No simple market force is enough to change this for a Chinese business in any reasonable timeframe.

(I'm a fellow believer in capitalism on a fundamental level, but there are psychological/cultural factors in China over this subject that are steep to overcome, hence my reference to "reasonable timeframe". Such behavior by western buyers could eventually change this over *decades*, but no, your buying habits aren't going to change anything regarding any one niche Chinese company in a couple years. It'll just never happen.)

Edit: just to add, fortunately capitalism offers us a better solution even in the current situation: higher quality western resellers that provide the kind of support expected by western consumers. You just have to do some homework and pick the right one(s) and be willing to pay for it.

Edited by AtlasP
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I'd be cheesed too, I have a lot going on with very little down time so such a project isn't my idea of fun, I guess just look at it like a learning experience and who knows, maybe you can help someone with similar issues in the future, but yeah, I'd be a little grumpy too...


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5 minutes ago, AtlasP said:


This is a western mindset which simply doesn't apply to Chinese businesses due to low-level premises about business deeply rooted in their culture. You can either buy what they sell, or if you don't they'll just either shrink as a business and/or go out of business and/or switch to making something else. No simple market force is enough to change this for a Chinese business in any reasonable timeframe.

(I'm a fellow believer in capitalism on a fundamental level, but there are psychological/cultural factors in China over this subject that are steep to overcome, hence my reference to "reasonable timeframe". Such behavior by western buyers could eventually change this over *decades*, but no, your buying habits aren't going to change anything regarding any one niche Chinese company in a couple years. It'll just never happen.)

I would love to debate this with you sir but I feel like you really won't change your position regardless. 

I understand what you are saying. I do. 

China isn't communist. They are more capitalist than they want to admit. And you are right, I can't change anything. Only we can. 

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big nope on discussing the merits or not of capitalism, but this stands out to me:


My V11 sounds like shit, the bearings are producing too much friction. I took the wheel for a ride in the rain, since that day the sound is terrible.

maybe I'm old school, but a quick squirt of WD-40 seems a lot easier than a bearing or motor replacement.
roller skates, skateboards and even electric skateboards -- so CLP or WD-40 is what you do after wet riding/ skating conditions.

probably don't have to take the thing as far apart to do compared to a full replacement. 

/just a bystander's 2 cents

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