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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. A video about climbing a spectacular rock wall in a remote fjord on Canada's arctic Baffin Island. But the true star of the show is just the glorious glacier-formed granite landscape and most of all the peak of the climb in ethereal illumination when they get up there. Fantastic images. I don't care about climbing in the slightest and watched this twice in the last 24h already https://blog.arcteryx.com/great-sail-peak-brette-harrington-and-marc-andre-leclerc-in-baffin-island/
  2. Fold a few leaves of kitchen towel around your tire and rotate the tire to scrub the inside of the narrow wheel well. Works really nicely and gets everything out from everywhere. Just do NOT turn on the wheel or the paper might block the tire and fry your board. Use as thick of a layer of paper as you can get in there.
  3. Always assume the most likely. Much more likely the charger is bad than the battery. More so for Gotway batteries, which have historically been more or less flawless with extremely few problems (if any?) reported. In contrast, these chargers are nothing special, just some generic China stuff, and there were plenty of reports of bad chargers (usually from KS chargers dieing, but I think there's not much difference to the model GW uses). Don't forget you seller can help you, too. E.g. send a new charger (warranty) or give other info what could be wrong (but I really expect it to be just a bad charger).
  4. Disconnect the battery Switch the wheel on. The wheel will turn on and balance for a second until the residual energy is drained from the capacitors and the wheel is "dead". When you reconnect the battery at the end, do it quickly and without fuss. This reduces the chance of a bad spark (due to the voltage difference between the full battery and the empty capacitors).
  5. Most likely the charger went belly up. Do you have another charger to try?
  6. I'd be more worried about "earth" aka a rock slide on the next spectacular Southern California mountain ride. Though a gust of "air" pushing him off track so he has to bail and the wheel continues down over a cliff or under a truck sounds uncomfortably plausible, too. Maybe best just to get it over with all four options quickly and trying not to anger any Greek Gods in the future
  7. Maybe the weight of the board and speaker assembly on the right side is what's notable?
  8. Congratulations on the new wheel! (please add it to your profile) For your problem, I have no other idea but to open it and see if anything looks wrong. Maybe the fan wire is pinched somewhere? Does the board look good? And observe the fan behavior to see if it always works when the trigger temperature is reached (maybe use a blow dryer on the board if that sounds like it makes sense). Maybe the fan didn't start in this instance and it is faulty and works only unreliably? I wouldn't know what other issue could cause overheating (fan bad, or - I believe this is really unlikely - something wrong with the board so the fan doesn't start when it should). Maybe it really is just the Florida heat? What was the outside temperature? Did the sun shine on the right side of the wheel where the board sits? What temperature does the wheel show if it just sits still for a while (but is on)?
  9. By contact patch you mean the one from the tire to the ground? Maybe your tire is off sideways somehow? Anyways, good reviews!
  10. I wonder why. The packs are symmetrically placed in the wheel. Is it you or the wheel?
  11. That is just a typo on this particular website where they forgot to replace the name "Tesla". The first link (the "XXX") seems to be a Tesla V1 (no Bluetooth speakers, no lift button under the handle - as far as I can guess from the pictures) while the other is a Tesla V2 (updated with speakers and lift button, the rest is the same). Funny that the V2 is cheaper. No idea why.
  12. Can't argue with @LanghamP here. And as far as he has racist opinions (I can't argue either that there were some... statements at least), this isn't one of them No fighting please. I don't want to split this off into another healthcare discussion because the posts are intertwined with the original topic. Be nice.
  13. Nice tour, nice video! Are you guys all about the same weight?
  14. The temperature reading means nothing if there is glue. There was a Nikola that failed due to glue at more or less cold start temperatures.
  15. @michaelbui This is not a vague issue. There are two cases here: You are 100% sure your mainboard is glue-free (the old mainboard with the smaller mosfets is no problem by itself). You need to check and, if necessary, get a new board or fix it in some other way. Since you aren't 100% sure, you need to do something. Hoping "it will be ok" is a really bad idea, the glue (if there) can strike at any time, unpredictably. I wouldn't even ride a questionable Nikola until this has been clarified. Easy solution is to put in a new board, that will not only be glue-free, but also with much stronger mosfets. Or you disassemble your board and have a look, which is a bit of work.
  16. Small update (I also edited my post above): There will be no 21700 MSXes. So this 100V 1860Wh is going to be the best MSX that will ever be
  17. There is a 1845Wh 100V MSX (or 1860Wh, exact same thing) available at ewheels. Jason/ewheels seems to be extremely swamped with emails at the time. He hadn't visited here for 2 months, dropped by to make a quick statement about the fast charger issue, and then went back to answering emails. So tagging him here isn't going to get a quick reply (or maybe a reply at all). @photorph is somehow affiliated with ewheels so you can tag him instead of Jason for better chances.
  18. Stupid question, but your tire is pumped up fully?
  19. If it works, it works Still not entirely sure why you have (had?) such problems learning, something must be going on. Have you ever met another rider and tried another wheel (or they yours)? You mind if I move this to General Discussion? It's clearly about electric unicycles.
  20. Below each post there is "hide" in the "options". You can remove your posts (and threads, hide the first post) this way. You can also ask a mod to hide a specific post of yours, but you can do it yourself.
  21. Great observation, and you are definitely right. That's how my first ACM died. Wheels nowadays have a bit thicker wires, and the mosfets overheat (warning alarm making you stop) or, worst case, fail first. But under extreme circumstances you can still get the motor power wires to melt their insulation and short, e.g. this video of the infamous @EUC GUY MSX car push test. I wish they would just quadruple their wire gauge (why not if you can!?) but that means having thicker axles on the motor as the cabling goes through there.
  22. Nice wheel!!! And good info, thanks! And they did have to cut away some plastic so the wider battery would fit. Free space at the top! At least a custom 450Wh battery is going to fit there (2250Wh) or even a third 900Wh (2700Wh!!!!!!!!!). Someone please send me 4000+€ so I can do this Sad to hear there will be no 21700 MSX. But also good news, they have to design a new msuper successor now (or at least wider side pads).
  23. Nice weather today, giving fantastic views. The snowy pyramidal mountain you can just see in the distance (in the center of first picture) is the Großvenediger, over 100km linear distance away. Red cross is about where the pictures were taken. Marker at the bottom is the mountain.
  24. Meine Fresse, wie böse. Gute Besserung. Schutzkleidung hätte eventuell was gebracht: mit Handgelenkschonern mit Plastik-Rutschplatte wären die Arme vielleicht nach vorne weggerutscht, anstatt von der Reibung mit dem Boden an der Stelle gehalten und gebrochen zu werden. Aber die Ursache ist klar: das V8 ist einfach zu schwach und aus heutiger Sicht für einen normalgewichtigen Mann zu unsicher. Verstehe dass du danach keine Lust mehr auf EUCs hast. Veilleicht ändert sich das noch irgendwann in Zukunft
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