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How bad were you hurt?

How bad were you hurt?  

182 members have voted

  1. 1. Select the highest level of injury you've sustained as a result of an EUC-related accident

    • Completely unscathed
    • Light cuts and bruises only. Nothing that wouldn't heal in a few weeks, and nothing that impedes mobility/range-of-motion. No noticeable impact to quality of life.
    • Minor injury such as a sprain, minor break, or deeper cuts. Takes more than a month to heal and/or impedes mobility/range-of-motion. Quality of life has been noticeably impacted/diminished but not seriously so.
    • Major injury such as concussion or serious fracture or punctured organs or something similarly alarming. Injury was possibly life threatening and required immediate medical attention. Takes several months to heal and with major impact to quality of life but recoverable to relatively normal activity afterward.
    • Major injury which resulted in permanent impairment such as loss of limb, brain damage, loss of vision, etc. No possibility of return to normal activity.
  2. 2. In what way have your habits changed in wearing protective gear since the acccident you've selected above?

    • My habits haven't changed. I wear the same gear as I did before my accident.
    • I wear more/better protective gear.
    • I wear less protective gear.

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This is a cool poll to have. Can I make a suggestion. Add a further question to ask if the injury has resulted in a permanent disfigurement, impairment, or loss of QoL. It is mentioned in your question regarding the actual injury but I think it would be good to separate the lasting impact on QoL vs the immediate impact during healing. 

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51 minutes ago, LanghamP said:

If you're not falling you're not trying. I fell twice on Sunday, six times yesterday. :) Not step-offs either.

I did not fall at all on Monday.

You're hardier than I am!  At 25kph+ the only "trying" I'll do is trying to stay on the wheel!

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I went riding with two other riders from this forum, and we each crashed at least twice, semi-hitting the ground (grass or gravel).

I think one guy crashed and banged up his KS16s within the first 15 seconds of starting a trail, hehe. I was giving them a tour of the local park I frequent, and it seemed I was telling them I had crashed there (or more!) every couple of seconds. Until I pointed out all these crashes I had grossly underestimated the number of crashes I had (none serious, no bruises, most were step-offs but many were not). Forgettable crashes.

It is very clear to me that the really bad crashes are the high-speed ones you have out in the suburbs when your covering distances on asphalt/concrete. These itty-bitty crashes I have at the park are always low speed doing stupid crap, are not very dangerous.

Unless you get hit by a car. That might be the worse.

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  • 1 month later...

Minor injury (see post history) no change in equipment but serious change in riding style on the other hand. I respect the warning beeps now (msuper v3) I ride exponentially slower the closer I get to the 20% power warnings so I don't hear that alarm and so I am always on the safe side, I accelerate less aggressively, I also started orienting myself more since I learned many cars don't know about right of way. 

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this is discouraging. i'll never get girls on these things. one fall and they'll be suing me for disfigurement. might have to wrap us up in carpet padding like the euc's. or maybe cool gel packs. i don't like falling. i do dangerous stuff on the ranch daily, really most dangerous occupation in america when you combine logging ie tree felling, which i hate but have to do more than i like, not sure if i want to tempt fate.

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On 8/18/2017 at 1:23 AM, novazeus said:

I'd like to see a poll on crashes that designated/distinguished, euc fault, operator fault, external influence fault or act of God.

Does alcohol count as an external influence?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/07/2017 at 7:30 PM, RichieV said:

My worst accident happened when I was riding about 8mph and clipped a curb with my pedal.

same here, but I clipped a wall B) resulting in a swollen lip and a knee contusion, both pretty mild. I find pedal ground clearance a quite important safety feature, 13cm is a must, ideally more. Otherwise I stopped considering to wear the protection I bought quite a while ago. 

Edited by Mono
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  • 1 month later...

I've taken a lot of falls while learning on my small 14" wheel.

When I finally got my ACM, the falls continued, only they became more intense.

My first really bad fall on my ACM happened while trying to pass some young girls

on bikes while on the bike trail. I was passing on a tight 90 degree turn and I went wide going too fast and my right foot pedal hit the ground knocking my foot off

which caused me to completely lose it.

When I hit the ground my left side and shoulder kissed tarmac, my head smacked down straight into pavement on my left temple.

I had a motorcycle helmet on at the time so my head survived, but I had a huge knot on my left eye socket for about a week which I Iced for 3 days.

I also injurred my left ribs, 3 of them were bruised for 1 month very bad pain.

I have since bought Hockey pads for my chest, back, and shoulders.

I also bought a rib protector for football.


Since being fully padded I have taken a few bad falls at high speeds, but my gear protected me very good.

My only sustained injury is my left elbow tendon hurts for past 8 weeks since the last bad fall.

* I fell the last time because I am a Diabetic and experienced a low blood sugar level while on a 30 mile ride.

I was alone, at night in the dark on the trail far from home.

I fell 3 times in a row, I had lost the ability to control the wheel any longer.

I then rode home at like 5 mph going very careful and slow.

I ate a meal and I was fine then.

I am very cautious now about riding far from home, I always bring OJ with now in case my sugars go low.


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I used to belong to a sportbike forum, it seemed there weren't that many riders yet every week someone would report or be I. Some gruesome injury or death. It seemed once 1000cc bikes became the standard bike half the people would crash out of them.

In comparison EUCs feel safer, though we have our share. Bicyclist crash pretty badly too.

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  • 1 month later...

they first time got way cut out at 32km/h max was 28km/h, totally my fault. Sense I wear full bike jacket, gloves, helmet, knee/ sheen protection.

2nd fall, msuper cutout due bad road conditions at 45-48km/h, now im  looking at full face helmet.

for the most parkt I walked away from both, but the first one was the most paint full........

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I am riding bike since i was a kid (30 years). So i thought for riding a unicycle (inmotion v5f), same ability is enough. I had a bad fall, when i was trying to learn. At that day, i wore no safety equipment because i was just testing how to turn corners and had a broken wrist at the end of the day. This was a lesson to me not to ride without any safety equipment and not to turn corners making movements like a spin around yourself.  It is dangerous even in the low speed to force the wheel turn right or left spinning around your body. I was leaning on a wall, eventually i had a move and left the wall. After i came to corner, i have turned around my body then the wheel took a higher speed that made me lose my balance and fall.  

Edited by Kudays
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On 12/3/2017 at 1:31 AM, EternalEnigma said:

New to EUCs. Been fooling around with an IPS i5 for around 30km so far in ~4 sessions.

No protective gear, haven't fell yet, but I'm starting to get a little scared reading these posts.

you should be, :)  trust us that have fallen, it will only take one time and you'll get lots of gear. Im looking into full face helmet now.

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I think a big part of the problem is that EUC riders have a more upright stance that makes falling harder to deal with.  In addition, with the feet side by side there's a real lack of ability to run off an accident at higher speeds.  To complicate matters, add in isometric contraction of muscles over time making them stiff, reduce reaction time due to muscle fatigue plus factor in a slight forward lean, and you've started losing the battle already against gravity if the wheel stops balancing.

Although it's inconvenient to routinely put on, appropriate protective gear matched to a person's level of riding can save riders some skin and avoid injuries which thereby ends up being very convenient!  :efef927839:

Edited by Hunka Hunka Burning Love
Omigod was that even English... had to adjust those sentences...
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1 hour ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Wearing appropriate protective gear matched to your level of riding can save riders some skin and avoid injuries which thereby ends up being very convenient!  :efef927839:

You think I should go out naked?
I don't think my neighbors will be too impressed.

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12 minutes ago, Jens Muysoms said:

I just had an injury that I didn't anticipate on having while driving my EUC. I was riding around at slow speed through the city center and when I came around a corner there was a dog that got so spooked by a one wheeled human that he decided to put his teeth in my leg. Just got back from the doctor, should be fine but if it gets worse i will need to take antibiotics. Anyone else got any experience with angry dogs while driving an EUC?

Yeah, I carry a flip-knife for just this occasion. Although I haven't needed to use it, I've come mighty close.

If the dog bites you, then did the owner pay for the medical bill? No of course not. I wouldn't let a dog get away with biting me.

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