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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. 3600Wh Monster Pro vs. 3200Wh Sherman You want the absolute best range, you get the Monster Pro. It's not like I'm not tempted by that! But you're right. People who specifically want a Monster will pay even such a high price for it, and everyone else should just get a Sherman as a more reasonable choice. Maybe the new axle-free motor will be mirrored in a strongly improved internal quality of the shell, wiring, etc. Maybe it won't be the usual mess. But I'm not counting on it. Anyways, let's not discount this wheel before it's even out, but the Sherman will take away a few prospective buyers from it I'm sure. Now that's where you went from normal, reasonable criticism, to Gotway hostility (Or you meant this as a joke, not sure.)
  2. Guys the battery is huge. In $/Wh this is a normal price. What did you expect? I would not spend like 4000 on an amateurish wheel like this either, though. The absolute price is too big, no matter how big that battery is.
  3. Sooo great No unnecessary stuff, no strange nooks and crannies in the shell. Just a simple flat box to put stuff into. This is what was so great about Gotways before they Frankensteined more random stuff into their old wheel designs, but Veteran has done it way better than Gotway ever did.
  4. All wheels are locked in the packaging, that is the point of locking them (so they don't turn on and possibly burn themselves out in transit). You should be able to unlock it in all apps. Try a third party app (they are just generally better) - EUC World on Android or DarknessBot on iOS - and unlock it. Only if that suddenly does not work you should worry about what's going on
  5. I love the conceptual and build simplicity of this wheel. Just a solid, no-frills build, and fantastic performance. Does it come with side pads though? I assume Kuji had none because it was a preproduction wheel? Will the production model have any side pads?
  6. Wow this is a big wheel in every respect. The batteries alone weigh 13.5kg (30 lbs)
  7. But I have to admit their suspension compromise is clever (or maybe just cheap and simple?). The entire shell is suspended like on the S18, but the build is more straightforward like on the V11. I wonder if any of these three options will turn out to be superior, or if it doesn't really matter.
  8. I hope GW realize it isn't the MSX Frankenstein look that made it popular. All their big/new wheels look like msupers now?
  9. Some posts about the Gotway suspension have been moved:
  10. New @EcoDrift article with updates on the S18 (and V11): https://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=ru&to=en&dl=de&ref=trb&a=https%3A%2F%2Fecodrift.ru%2F2020%2F06%2F29%2Fnovosti-o-monokolesah-s-podveskoj-muki-ozhidaniya%2F Some small improvements on the S18.
  11. New @EcoDrift article shows the latest state of the V11 (and S18). Not sure if all of this is already known here, but it's a good overview of the improvements they made. https://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=ru&to=en&dl=de&ref=trb&a=https%3A%2F%2Fecodrift.ru%2F2020%2F06%2F29%2Fnovosti-o-monokolesah-s-podveskoj-muki-ozhidaniya%2F
  12. This @EcoDrift article says that Gotway is testing their suspension prototype. Looks like the setup that Inmotion is using (suspension in the pedal columns). https://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=ru&to=en&dl=de&ref=trb&a=https%3A%2F%2Fecodrift.ru%2F2020%2F06%2F29%2Fnovosti-o-monokolesah-s-podveskoj-muki-ozhidaniya%2F
  13. Guys please make sure the discussion doesn't get too heated
  14. Done (since you asked). In principle there is nothing wrong with starting a topic wherever. It may also get more eyeballs in the General Discussion forum (after all, who checks the tire forum?) and can later be moved to a place where it is easier to find. So nobody think any tire topic must be in the tire forum. It's up to you guys
  15. Thanks for the input/concern We mods had this discussion a few months ago. It's old but may be important information to some, especially if there are some questionable charge doctor websites (?). Nobody likes pinned posts, but as a compromise we decided to wait until a new post is pinned and then this one probably gets unpinned (because who likes pinned posts!). So when the next big disaster strikes when a manufacturer does something really stupid, you might get your wish. Unless people think we should keep it there for longer.
  16. Isn't that really stupid? Like the old-timey BMSes that simply switched off if the power draw was too high before manufacturers figured out that's a bad thing for EUCs? It's not like the mosfets insta-explode as soon as that number is reached.
  17. The EUC may have been stopped in the spot but was still righting itself, and so the motor/tire was still moving? Or maybe you picked it up and tilted it and before the button was pressed down enough to activate, the wheel had already spun up beyond the threshold? Anyways, whatever the reason, I don't see any issue here. Your V8F seems to behave exactly as expected You certainly don't have to worry about any wear if it merely spins up in the air, that is literally nothing compared to just riding it. (Btw "wheel" here means the entire electric unicycle, not just some part of it, if that was confusing.)
  18. EcoDrift offers their own, extra waterproofing. I wouldn't try that with a stock MSP. Wheels are more waterproof in reality than one thinks, but of course without a systematic, guaranteed approach it's a lottery and you can never be sure what you can or shouldn't do in regards to water and rain.
  19. Their next wheel will be called "Patton", you heard it from me first. No, I don't have any insider information. It's just obvious (well, to me at least)
  20. The front/back corners of the shell look like there is not much ground clearance. Maybe there is due to the sheer size. It does indeed look like a scaled-up msuper. Not spectacular, but not bad either.
  21. "Post what you want to post" - I meant that mods don't get more leeway than anybody else in comparison. Bad wording. And more work for us? No thanks - Anyways, that new Veteran wheel sure is niceI wonder how the range per Wh turns out with all that apparent power delivery.
  22. So you shouldn't keep the charger in for too long? Balancing by having a full battery but without charger?
  23. All my opinions are my personal opinions. Has nothing to do with modding. We mods don't get extra privileges there, neither what we can say, nor what others can or cannot say! (If you feel otherwise, please complain!) Post whatever you want to post Anyways, that new Veteran Sherman wheel...
  24. Let's not talk about 25kg, knee-high wheels when other people on average are driving around in 2 ton SUVs and trucks as tall as a man, please! EUCs are laughably small and light compared to everything else, given their capabilities. We need to keep that in mind instead of giving (fake) ammunition to PEV haters. The only response to "but these might be dangerous..." complainers is: "Please mind every other vehicle first and get out of my face!". Don't engage in their false logic (e.g. missing the comparable math for a car in the post above).
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