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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Yep I think it's the "18XL effect". Fully justified with a 10p battery, the voltage drop must be tiny compared to other wheels. Clever design! 18XL 3.0V, 16X 3.15V
  2. Latest video I see on your channel is your unboxing
  3. You know how far your 1600Wh wheels took you. The Sherman has double the battery so... - Interested how it will fare on the rougher offroad trails. You mentioned it not being ideal for certain riding conditions. Looking forward to your videos!
  4. Maybe the other name is a dig at Gotway. I took it from the manual.
  5. Maybe to help you make a choice, for me there are three categories of wheels: Small wheels that I personally don't take very seriously. Used for fun or when not just the riding itself counts (e.g. low weight or being carryable). Small batteries and low power, or some other restriction. For example: mten3, your V5F, V8, even the V8F with it's comparably small battery Bigger wheels that aren't performance wheels yet because they lack the ultimate speed, power, and big battery size. But very nice secondary wheels or perfect city commuters for everyday practical, serious use. Usually a bit lighter, and nicer/sleeker looking. For example: the 16S (I'd no longer buy that), the V10 and V10F, the S18, maybe the V11. Performance wheels that offer the state of the art in speed, battery size, power. Big and heavy and bulky and more utilitarian looking. Maybe too big and heavy and impractical if you don't purely ride them but also carry them, take them on a train, etc. For example: Nikola, 16X, MSP/MSX, 18XL, Sherman, etc. Maybe the V11 also because it's quite big and heavy. You're coming from category 1 so everything is going to be a huge upgrade for you. You can think about if you want to go for a pure performance-over-everything-else wheel from category 3, or go for a maybe more practical (for you) wheel from category 2. It's not so much about what is right or wrong for you, but what is most pleasant and convenient for you. And don't take the categories too strictly, the MSP for example is rather light and small in comparison, the V11 is (for me) somewhere between 2 and 3, and so on. Good news is, you'll be happy with pretty much every wheel, they're all great and will be a huge upgrade for you. But maybe it helps if you think about what kind of wheel would be most pleasant for you to own. Pure performance when riding (cat 3) or a sleeker, lighter, sexier compromise (cat 2). Trust your instincts there.
  6. Sounds like grinding sand in the wheel? The sound appears when you go very slowly or change direction? That's completely normal. That's just the discrete magnets showing their discrete existence at very low rotation speeds. With the extra wide and strong magnets in the MSP motor, maybe they are extra noticeable.
  7. I second that. The S18 for example isn't too big or too heavy, and looks like a very comfortable offroad and city rider.
  8. Yep. So far my wallet had to veto that. But I'm still happy with my ACM. MSP is tempting, though. Sherman is even more tempting. Ideal would be a 16 inch Sherman ("16 inch" like the Nik/16X so 18 actually) with lots of torque.
  9. Will you do a full range test? Ride till it throws you off?
  10. I love how they even copied the name from Gotway Gotway: Dongguan kebye Intelligent Technology Co.LTD Veteran: Guangzhou Veteran Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. - Looking forward to all your tests with this wheel. Enjoy the ride!
  11. Personally, I'd definitely prefer the normal high-torque MSP over the high speed variant. It's just more fun unless you absolutely need that higher top speed. I'd prefer the Sherman over both, though
  12. High quality photos of the Sherman and its disassembly, by the ever fantastic @EcoDrift guys!! Photo article Disassembly article Sherman first impressions video All pictures by @EcoDrift. LOTS more in the links! [ Here is the link to their fantastic tech blog with all their articles, by the way. Whenever a new wheel is avaliable, a few days later these guys deliver! Original link: https://ecodrift.ru/category/blog/ Translated link: click ]
  13. Get the Sherman anyways, since it seems to be the wheel you want
  14. It's 24s8p (192 cells) with 21700 cells, you can expect them to be the LG M50T Gotway uses for their new wheels now. One battery pack is 24s2p for "900Wh" (24*2*3.7V*5000mAh = 888Wh), the usual 1800Wh Gotways have two of them, and this Monster Pro simply has 4 battery packs, two on each side. In comparison, the Sherman uses 18650 cells with ~3500mAh each and has a 5p split-shape battery pack on each side
  15. Someone once put some different motor in a wheel and it worked (I forgot the details, it's here on the forum somewhere). What I'd be worried about is lack of alarms, wrong speed display, etc. from the lack of a matching firmware.
  16. Looks like this is the right wheel for you then! The Nik 2100Wh is the 4th highest range production wheel.
  17. @Scottie The mten3 exists, just in case you needed that info And the V11 looks to be a great wheel so go for it!
  18. No idea. Could be a firmware problem?
  19. Not sure what this has to do with a broken axle, but... Is your ACM 84V or 67.2V? The early 84V ACM and msuper V3 (maybe till April 2017 motor date? rough guess) came with a certain motor cable thickness in the 1500W motor. Gotway slightly (not by much) upped the cable thickness in their 1500W motors after some wire melting issues back then. Then came the ACM2 (inofficial name) which was an upgrade of the ACM with the 1900W Tesla motor at the beginning of 2018. So there's 3 motors to consider: 1500W with thin cables, 1500W with slightly less thin cables, 1900W Tesla motor. Not sure about the 67V ACM, but since it was available before the 84V, I assume they all have the original 1500W motor with the thinner cabling, but maybe some of them have the second 1500W motor. Whatever that info has to do with a broken axle...
  20. I remembered this topic and updated it with the Monster Pro, Sherman, V11, and S18. Please tell if I forgot something.
  21. Yea it's a typo. ewheels has plenty of them Doesn't matter. It's a 1600Wh wheel with an extra Tesla battery (2p ~510Wh, two of which give the 1020Wh of the Tesla) on top. Not sure if the battery is custom shaped or literally the one also used in the Tesla.
  22. The fire (whether it was battery-related or not, which is pure speculation at this point) was on a wheel with certain 21700 cells (that Gotway stopped using some time ago anyways). The 2100Wh Nikola uses 18650 cells which are proven good beyond any doubt, and these type of Gotway battery packs have been the most solid battery packs of all (across all manufacturers) with zero problems. Absolutely no battery worries there! The 84V Nik is still a great wheel and the 2100Wh option gives you great range. It depends on the price how it compares to the 100V Nikola and other alternatives, but I assume it might be quite the bargain. It's 160 cells (8p) at 3.45Ah each. It's the normal two 3p battery packs like on a 1600Wh wheel plus an extra 2p pack in the top.
  23. I really really hope the competition and example from the Sherman and this Monster Pro means the next msuper will get 4 battery packs for 3600Wh!
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