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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. A good dealer (ewheels, maybe euco) should be able to order some. Never hurts to ask and make your interest known. Or you might just find them on Ali soon, who knows.
  2. Apparently the MCM5 has been upgraded. What's new? New pedal hangers increase the pedal height and tire clearance, and (it sounds like) you can now install a 2.5 inch tire without further modifications to the shell! Still comes with 2.125 tire by default, but a simple tire change will allow you to go to 2.5. Unfortunately, the pedal hangers don't look compatible between v1 and v2 so you cannot do a quick upgrade of your v1 to allow the 2.5 inch tire. And it sounds like you can get the new pedal hangers and upgrade your MCM5 v1 to allow a 2.5 inch tire, too. Not sure about the details. The trolley handle is a bit taller. Comes with (Nikola?) pedals in black. I think that's it. The 84V has a 12 mosfet board with (supposedly) TO-220 packaging, I forgot if the MCM5 always had that or was TO-247 at some point. Anyways, who cares Source: This @EcoDrift article. Translators are acting up for me, so I'm only posting the untranslated link: https://ecodrift.ru/2020/05/10/gotway-mcm5-v2-razbiraem-67v-280vtch-versiyu/ Translate for yourself. All pics courtesy of @EcoDrift! MCM5 v1 pedal height. The bottom corners of the shell are over the tire. MCM5 v2 for comparison. They say it's quite a big difference. Corners are up higher. Minimum tire clearance on the v2. Enough for a 2.5 inch wide tire.
  3. No, it's not split, but it has a weird shape. It has "wings" that go over the trolley handle bars. The other side battery is normal and rectangular. Well, approximately, both batteries look a little crooked and homemade (but it's not bad!).
  4. You should get at least one review soon. Unfortunately there seems to be a battery problem with this guy's (not me) particular wheel, so I'm not sure when or how thing will develop there.
  5. It's very nice of you to think of others after your transaction Congratulations on the new wheel, and don't forget to proudly update your profile's EUC field
  6. You just did leave feedback Not that it is expected or needed. This forum isn't a sales platform, just a place where sellers and buyers can find each other. Rest is up to you.
  7. Sounds like a good plan if you're not in a hurry. Wait and see how the suspension wheels turn out, they will surely be more comfortable than suspensionless wheels.
  8. Don't forget to get a EUC bodyguard to also protect your nice new wheel
  9. Sounds like you got low battery beeps. Be aware that the alarms are voltage (= battery %) dependent, and the voltage can drop heavily under a demand spike. So you can get low battery alarms far before the wheel shows 15% battery under no-load. 1st and 2nd alarms are just speed alarms at fixed speeds. You can enable/disable them from any app. The 3rd=80% alarm is the one to listen for (as you rightly say) and it is a voltage-dependent speed alarm (alarm speed goes down with the voltage) that cannot be disabled. There are barely any other beeps (overvoltage mostly). I believe the DarknessBot alarms are app-related and unrelated to the wheels alarms. Not sure, never used the app. You can always test it by lifting the wheel, tilting it carefully to controlledly speed it up, and listen which alarms appear when (by watching the speed in an app while you lift it).
  10. @Benoît Brummer This Gotway representative has last visited the forum in 2017. Don't expect a reply. There are no Gotway representatives here as far as I know. Check Gotways website (kebye.com) or their Facebook pages for contact info. Maybe you'll find help. Make it short and in very simple, unambiguous English. Do NOT expect them to read a thread like this.
  11. Seems like you just need more practice and to build up some leg muscles. In general, try to be as relaxed and comfortable as possible. Consciously relax your toes and un-grab the pedals.
  12. Yes! Yes! Wide tire, a lot of oomph, big battery, what's not to like about the MSP! (The 2500W MSP is the actual MSP. The 2000W one is a semi-official mod.)
  13. Taller people tend to be heavier, bigger diameter wheels tend to be stronger, and for a taller person an 18 inch wheel is about as big as a 16 inch wheel for a shorter person. Wheel size is relative to the rider. To be fair, there are actual 16 inch diameter wheels (Tesla, 16S, etc.) and the 16X/Nikola which are nearly 18 inch in diameter. And 18 inch wheels are maybe 19 (2.5 inch wide) to 20 (3 inch wide) inches. Most people mean the actual 16 inchers when recommending a bigger wheel for taller riders. The 16X and Nik should count as being in the 18 incher group. No, not really. Bigger battery = stronger (more parallel battery cell blocks). Motor power is mostly meaningless except as a very rough guide how powerful the motor will feel. Details depend on the individual wheel model. Wow, that is very long for a EUC. It's like 1 hour of riding if you have stops (traffic lights etc.). Consider alternatives to EUCs too (suited towards higher speeds than EUCs, like a serious ebike). That's not a hill, that's a just a joke No EUC you consider will have any problems with that. Don't worry about that. - In short, all wheels are great, and you can do anything with every (powerful enough) wheel. But you can choose the best wheel for you. For a a) regular commute and b) loooooong regular commute (18 miles wow!) I would recommend a tire that is as comfortable as possible. 3 inch wide, and as big as it can be. So I'm recommending the Gotway Msuper Pro (MSP). It also has a bigger battery than the two 1554=1600Wh King Songs, which might very well make a difference - you're not light, and you will go want to fast on such a long commute. You might not have to charge at work, you will have more reserves in any case. There's the Monster, but I personally really dislike it. Too unwieldy and not-fun, it's just a heavy weight that goes straight.
  14. Would you have a link to that back light?
  15. I would never have the patience for that. I'd give up after 20 seconds and go speeeeeeeeeed
  16. Ground-Braking is my new favorite euphemism for a crash/faceplant now. We ain't falling off the wheel, we are merely ground-braking. "I overlooked a pothole and did a ground-brake."
  17. Almost But you got it right in the other post so you figured it out.
  18. No. It allows me to download it or to add it to my iCloud stuff. But no embed anywhere. It's just a link to a Facebook photo album. No embed. In doubt just use something like imgbb (dedicated simple image host). The direct links are hidden behind a share link (I guess it's like that mostly everwhere, they want you to visit their site) but you can easily get a direct link by right-clicking/long-tapping the image and copying the adress. Feel free to keep trying
  19. I moved this into its own topic. Just to be clear, the forum can only deal with a direct link, like this: Anything else (besides Youtube/Insta/Facebook embeds) doesn't seem to be supported.
  20. I think it's iCloud-related. I tried the "copy address" on the image and it still only does give the indirect iCloud link. Even "Download" still hides the actual address. I guess Apple really don't want you using the web like it's supposed to be used. Googled "direct image link from icloud" and this came up, for example: https://www.ampercent.com/get-direct-link-icloud-file/28416/ You can try that, or use another less annoying image host
  21. @Bart Swerts Don't worry, nobody reads the rules Paste a direct link (not a shortened/share link) to embed an image.
  22. You can always open the wheel and disconnect the batteries. Then switch on the V10 until all power is drained. But in all likelyhood this is just a bad board and you need to replace the board. No point in riding a wheel (even if it works again) that had unexplained error symptoms, that's just waiting for a disaster to happen. Ask your seller, they must know.
  23. Yea, but how well? I could never get a good stance right away at the stage you're in. The point is not to be on the wheel, but be on the wheel in a good, relaxed stance. Use a pole/wall, stand still on the wheel, correct your feet until it feels good, and then go. That's what I meant. Just don't come to a lingering stop, but brake quickly and decisively. You'll be standing before you have a chance to fall over. I don't think it is backwards. Riding is much easier than starting or stopping. - Anyways, don't overthink it, especially at this early stage. I'm just offering something to try Just do what you intuitively want to do.
  24. I think you would benefit from a pole/wall to assist you in mounting the wheel. You're not too slow, but your stance is probably uncontrolled/bad because you get up there so hectically (that's normal for a learner!). Better stance = no reason you can't go forever. Likely you're fighting your stance more than the wheel.
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