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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. I don't believe so. 100V wheels were even reported to be slightly more efficient at high speeds. 18(X)L and 16X discharge their batteries further. That's why they get higher range (and of course firmware behavior plays a role). Gotway has 84V wheels too after all.
  2. KS originally designed the 18L as a 1036Wh wheel. They had to be pried to do the 18XL. Maybe they just don't think bigger batteries are important.
  3. Questions have been moved to this thread because things got a bit too passionate in the info thread. Please be nice to everyone and appreciate if you have an official representative from King Song on this forum. Enjoy the discussion.
  4. Guys, please don't be too harsh, be benevolent, and do not read more into answers than they directly say
  5. Good point, another reason to disconnect the batteries. Just keep the wheel with disconnected battery and somewhere where it's safe if the worst happens and it suddenly goes up in flames. Later, when it's dry, you can look what works and doesn't work.
  6. Just disconnect the battery plugs and wait until everything is guaranteed dry. Unless the water causes a short in the battery (leading to a potential fire), nothing really bad can happen. This sounds to me like the power button got damaged? If the wheel shows any erratic behavior that can't be explained by a defect power button, I'd get a new board.
  7. Do you have a friend with an Android phone? Maybe EUC World works.
  8. This discussion topic has been split from the official info topic. Now you can post all your hopes, dreams, rumors, speculation, and Chooch fan stories and whatever else about the S18 without reservation Official info on the S18 can be found in the topic shown below. No discussion there please. You can cross-topic-quote posts from there into here by using the small "+" button next to the quote function.
  9. That was from the EcoDrift interview. I find it hard to believe and wouldn't rely on that info. Maybe something was lost in two translations Chinese->Russian->English by a German guy (me). Also now we have @gon2fast saying there is a suspension wheel coming soon. I'd rather believe that. Great summary of these wheels.
  10. You're right. We mods are aware and don't want this to become another 16X thread of chaos and discord. We'll keep an eye on it. Maybe @Jack King Song will make another info collection topic where no discussion is allowed, or he can have anything else he wants. We'll support that.
  11. Did you read that as an insult? It isn't one! After all I would be calling myself an idiot It's just something you say when two people have the same thought at the same time.
  12. In German it's "Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke" (Two idiots, one thought.)
  13. 1.4kg of that is the smaller battery compared to the V11
  14. That's just a wage suppression tactic and should be cause for an anticompetitive behavior investigation and you asking for a raise. "What are you going to do? Can't go to the competitor that needs your skill after all!" Yep, this is how it's done.
  15. Hey! Some people here are on old wheels with 1.5A default chargers! You're hurting our feelings From range anxiety to range pain... - This just shows how the EUC market has gotten so much better! 5a charging is slow now, prices stopped increasing, and we got crazy suspensions.
  16. I think 100V is their default now, so 1800Wh (4p) should be the new standard battery size
  17. Nice to hear! Looking at the videos of how smoothly and controlledly the suspension wheels go down stairs, I think suspension is going to be a game changer for EUCs. Suspensionless wheels will feel like uncomfortable hard boards after one tries a suspension wheel.
  18. Do you know anything? Or is this speculation? Pure speculation from me here: Not sure if Gotway have a suspension coming soon. I secretly believe Gotway is the best manufacturer as far as tech is concerned, if only because they experiment so much. So they'll look at KS's and IM's suspension solutions, copy steal the better one, and maybe that will be the best suspension of all (well the second iteration of course). Real issue is: You can't put a suspension on the old msuper So they cannot do their usual iterative process where they just add one new thing to their existing frankenwheel. They have to start more from scratch. I wonder how well that is going to work. Needs to be a serious step up above the Nikola (their last big new design) if you look at the level KS and IM are operating now with the V11 and S18.
  19. You need a bigger battery for 30-40 miles. 1600+Wh. So looks like you need one of the big boys: 16X, Nikola, MSuper Pro (MSP) or MSuper X (MSX), 18XL. All are great, personally I'd recommend an MSP (nice big comfy tire, great torque, big battery) for you. You may also enjoy a nice comfortable 3 inch wide tire for a regular commute, like the big boys have (2.5 on the 18XL). Though 4 miles one-way is fine with every wheel and tire size. - The Tesla is a great fun wheel, a great wheel to learn on, and expensive enough already. But I don't think it's enough for you, you'll enjoy a bigger and badder wheel more. Flats are very rare if you have normal tire pressure, and you can use slime to protect you further. But of course it can happen. Tire changes are a bitch on any wheel. Probably Gotways are a bit easier, but don't choose your wheel according to how the tire change works. You can normally expect to do it once every 1500+ miles when the tire has worn down. It's not that bad, you just do it when you have to. Valve access is no problem, worst case you need an extender (probably not for these big boys with exposed valve). Tubeless wheels are the mten3 and Z10. Not sure if there are (m)any tubebless conversions, there's nothing wrong with tubed tires. For problems, refer to your seller. For a first wheel I recommend buying local (aka ewheels.com for the US) if you have the money. Dealing with a Chinese seller when something is wrong with a brand new first wheel is no fun. As for maintenance, EUCs need no maintenance (just don't store yours in your personal pool of acid or your oven or something equally egregious). Once a wheel works, it can be expected to work reliably till you get tired of it and get a better one. ewheels.com or any other reputed US seller. There's some riders in Denver (since you mention Denver), including the legendary Chooch (probably the best rider your side of the Atlantic). Check out "chooch tech" on Youtube. You should find some people to ride with!
  20. Yep it was never the batteries. Fried mosfets and melted cabling maybe, but the battery packs survived admirably in nearly every case I can recall, and never caught on fire/exploded. - Speaking of batteries (on topic), the S18 battery packs have nice metal casings!
  21. I thought it was you. Too bad. The important part is that you already know EUCs are awesome, the rest is just formalities Hoping you get your chance soon.
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