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Riding techniques: Fight! (Split from Kingsong 16X: pedal dipping thread)


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20 minutes ago, 3euc said:

Anyone who can't master the basics shouldn't be riding at the higher speeds, or getting wild and edgy.

I would be interested to be pointed to your basic skill videos then, like showing how to

  • brake hard,
  • go curbs up and down and over speed bumps,
  • change foot positioning while riding,
  • turn shoulders and hips while riding straight,
  • ride tight 360 turns,
  • ride on one leg,
  • ride backwards,

to name a few.

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1 minute ago, Mono said:

I would be interested to be pointed to your basic skill videos then, like showing how to

  • brake hard,
  • go curbs up and down and over speed bumps,
  • change foot positioning while riding,
  • turn shoulders and hips while riding straight,
  • ride tight 360 turns,
  • ride on one leg,
  • ride backwards,

to name a few.

Are you interested in how-to videos or just wondering which of these things I do?

My YouTube channel link is in my signature, as are other links of mine. Existing videos have examples of some of these things. Let me know if you've got any videos of your own online.

Nothing further on your location, beyond Western Europe?

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10 minutes ago, 3euc said:

Are you interested in how-to videos or just wondering which of these things I do?

I was just wondering to see such videos. I can't really say I would be particular interested though (judging from what I have seen so far) and I certainly won't go through your 100 videos to find the examples. Never mind, I had to do my trolling part as well.

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1 hour ago, Matthieu Thegrey said:

That's a video of braking tests with different wheels that I made with friends ( MCM5, RW GT16, GW MSX). Need to lower center of mass to be effective enough.

Wow 😲.

That is a very well done video. Love how you also included the wheelog. 

I did not know you can crouch brake like that. That is something of value to me, now I can try and explore it. Thank you! Here is your cookie 🍪.

I don't understand a word you're saying, but if you're giving professional lessons, I'm buying your entire stock.

Edited by chrisjunlee
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Just gonna jump in and say that @3euc, merely being able to reach the top speed of the 18XL, doesn't mean you are utilizing its capabilities. With the firmware update 1.13, came massive increases to acceleration and braking. If you are not exerting able to utilize a majority of the power of the wheel (with a safe margin), then you just happen to putt putt your way up to top speed while staying locked upright. 


An upright posture is ideal for casual and upright riding. But tight turns and slaloms require changes to your stance more than you let on. Your center of gravity does not need to be perfectly over the middle of the wheel's axis, for the ride to be stable, enjoyable, and within the parameters of the wheel. 


I personally utilize custom sidepads to achieve greater acceleration by placing added force on the front of the wheel, which allows for a more upright posture, while accelerating. This is generally more preferred. However, in using full the acceleration of the wheel (without any beeps/tiltback) and while riding through long, sweeping turns, the C.O.G. isn't as rigid as you're making it out to be.


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2 hours ago, chrisjunlee said:

Wow 😲.

That is a very well done video. Love how you also included the wheelog. 

I did not know you can crouch brake like that. That is something of value to me, now I can try and explore it. Thank you! Here is your cookie 🍪.

I don't understand a word you're saying, but if you're giving professional lessons, I'm buying your entire stock.

You do know that you can turn on CC and YouTube's auto-translate to English? Works pretty good :thumbup:

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1 hour ago, Marty Backe said:

You do know that you can turn on CC and YouTube's auto-translate to English? Works pretty good :thumbup:

I didn’t have English as an option for some reason, only French. Did you use English for that specific video, or just mentioned as a generic tip?

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12 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

I didn’t have English as an option for some reason, only French. Did you use English for that specific video, or just mentioned as a generic tip?

Just watched the braking video with English subtitles just fine here.

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17 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

I didn’t have English as an option for some reason, only French. Did you use English for that specific video, or just mentioned as a generic tip?

When you first select auto-translate it'll show the native language. Then select the settings menu again for auto-translate and you'll get a long list of languages. I watched it with the English translation.

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5 hours ago, Darrell Wesh said:

I do ride EUC’s!

I am usually recording my friends on their different e-vehicles. They are not yet adept enough to keep up with me AND record me at the same time so I have no one to record me

Nice! I appreciate you sharing. :efefae4566:

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6 hours ago, Mono said:

I was just wondering to see such videos. I can't really say I would be particular interested though (judging from what I have seen so far) and I certainly won't go through your 100 videos to find the examples.

Here's a video of mine from about a year ago on a King Song 18L, with some hard braking, as you were asking about--I go from top speed to nearly a complete stop in a fairly short span at some of the stop signs, then accelerate right back to top speed. I haven't done videos to highlight only hard braking, but you'll find instances within the clip.


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6 minutes ago, 3euc said:

Here's a video of mine from about a year ago on a King Song 18L, with some hard braking

That’s just the thing. I, and I imagine most others as well call those ”medium brakings”.

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2 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

That’s just the thing. I, and I imagine most others as well call those ”medium brakings”.

It's amazing how many talkers keep popping up, but without a single video of their own to show! Where are your cameras?

Regardless of how you or anyone else would describe my braking in that particular video, they were executed with ease and under full control, along with the subsequent acceleration. Not a wobble to be seen. No hunching over, either.

I am not out to prove to anyone how fast I can stop, I was just trying to fulfill someone's request here. If you are capable of these incredible hard stops, then show some video of it, otherwise it's just empty claims from a ghost.

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5 hours ago, Declan acoustic-unicyclist said:

Just gonna jump in and say that @3euc, merely being able to reach the top speed of the 18XL, doesn't mean you are utilizing its capabilities. With the firmware update 1.13, came massive increases to acceleration and braking. If you are not exerting able to utilize a majority of the power of the wheel (with a safe margin), then you just happen to putt putt your way up to top speed while staying locked upright. 

An upright posture is ideal for casual and upright riding. But tight turns and slaloms require changes to your stance more than you let on. Your center of gravity does not need to be perfectly over the middle of the wheel's axis, for the ride to be stable, enjoyable, and within the parameters of the wheel. 

I personally utilize custom sidepads to achieve greater acceleration by placing added force on the front of the wheel, which allows for a more upright posture, while accelerating. This is generally more preferred. However, in using full the acceleration of the wheel (without any beeps/tiltback) and while riding through long, sweeping turns, the C.O.G. isn't as rigid as you're making it out to be.

I don't use custom pads to improve acceleration. I do just fine with a stock wheel. Looking at your interesting creation, I can't say I'm motivated to add pads anytime soon. :lol:

So, you're yet another phantom riding master without one single video to show? Have you not ever videoed anything once that you've shared?

I don't believe I've ever said that center of gravity has to be perfectly over the middle at every moment. Of course it's possible to have some reasonable variation, but still have a stable, enjoyable ride and remain within the parameters.

Here is a video of mine from about a year ago on a King Song 18L. Would you say I'm putt putting my way to top speed? I think I'm doing better than that. I'm rock steady, comfortable, zero wobble, with straight posture. And Melrose Avenue is not the smoothest street.


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On 10/8/2019 at 7:58 AM, 3euc said:

I spoke my piece a long time ago. I wasn't really planning on anything beyond one post.

But I keep getting brought back in here to reply to others. If someone engages me, I will try to reply. Otherwise, a forum wouldn't work.

Regardless, I'm hopeful that something I said benefited someone somewhere.

(quoted your short post since i didnt want to make this post gigantic)

it's like you keep going with the put your weight forwards. but dont shift it forwards.

i completely understand your point that you shouldn't crouch. i also see what you are trying to say. but it just does not make sense. the differences you are talking about barely make any difference. and if they did make a big impact on using a lot of power from the wheel. you would be able to see it as amperage spikes. but from what i have observed, using your ankles in conjunction with your knees to push it to an acceleration makes less amperage spikes that simply going stick and putting all the weight forwards which is slower. but that usually makes the euc have to fight with all of your weight at once. while with the other approach you are tilting the pedals to achieve the same but without all your weight to catch. i get your point that doing powerfull ankle flicks while using the knees to almost push it down, that is bad. but that's not what i am doing. and from the video on the thread. it does not look like he is either.

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8 hours ago, Matthieu Thegrey said:

That's a video of braking tests with different wheels that I made with friends ( MCM5, RW GT16, GW MSX). Need to lower center of mass to be effective enough.



What a great vid! Awesome job guys. 

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Wow a lot of energy spent on riding technique.  From my perspective, know the limits of your wheel and be safe.  Asides from that I say ride however you want :) 


I got love for all riding styles, techniques, and riders.    


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1 minute ago, photorph said:

Wow a lot of energy spent on riding technique.  From my perspective, know the limits of your wheel and be safe.  Asides from that I say ride however you want :) 

I got love for all riding styles, techniques, and riders.    

Same for me--I watch on YouTube a wide assortment of riders, because I enjoy seeing what everyone has done with their potential, from beginner to advanced. I'm surprised though by the disconnect between the forum and having any videos on YouTube. I see forum contributors with hundreds, even thousands of posts, but not a single video anywhere. I was expecting people here to have videos as a given. Instead, having any videos appears to be the exception.

I'm impressed by the variety of riding styles I discover. For instance, I learned recently there is apparently a whole segment of riders who value studying their performance statistics on an app and comparing results. Not something I plan to do, but interesting to know about.

And I agree--anything goes, as long as you can stay safe and know the limits of your wheel. Not just the limits of the wheel though, but a rider needs to know their own limits as well.

A man's got to know his limitations.

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6 hours ago, 3euc said:

So, you're yet another phantom riding master without one single video to show? Have you not ever videoed anything once that you've shared?

What's this obsession about? I have shown you mine, now you show me yours? How old are you?

4 hours ago, 3euc said:

I was expecting people here to have videos as a given.

It seems you were wrong. That happens. Not everybody is keen to show off what a supreme and flawless rider they think they are. I don't find that surprising. There are quite likely many extremely skillful riders in and outside of this forum without any video online. Or they may have videos on their Facebook/Instagram/whatever account and you may never get to know about them.

I, for example, have shared only very few videos and have spent my time rather like this:

How to lean:

For showing off:

      00~    00~    00~    00~    00~    
        \     |      |     _|     _/     
        /\   /|     /|      /     /    
          \    \     /     /     /    
           \    \    \    |     /    
           O    O    O    O    O       

For playing it safe: 

              00~   00~   00~        
        00~    |     |    _|    00~
         |    /|    /|     |    _| 
        /|     /     /    //   __| 
         /_    \\    \    \    \   
           O    O    O    O    O   

or this:


Edited by Mono
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11 hours ago, Mono said:

I would be interested to be pointed to your basic skill videos then, like showing how to

  • brake hard,
  • go curbs up and down and over speed bumps,
  • change foot positioning while riding,
  • turn shoulders and hips while riding straight,
  • ride tight 360 turns,
  • ride on one leg,
  • ride backwards,

to name a few.

Sorry dude, we're dealing with a professional. These are only available behind a pay wall.

No coach serious about his game is going to train someone for free now is he?


I wonder what the definition of "professional" is in this case. If it means asking money to teach someone something, as in "it's a profession", yeah, then I understand it, but that doesn't mean anything TBH. Gyms are full of "professional" trainers like that. As far as I know there are no certifications to become a "professional" euc instructor, so ...

Also, for being a "pro", there are a lot of "amateurs" on this forum that have much more impressive euc footage to show off their skills. Riding down the pavement at those speeds isn't really something that takes great skill now, is it? Nor will it make anyone with "the wrong technique" contact you so you can teach them "the right technique".

It's been quite an interesting read so far I must say :popcorn:

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