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Finally ready to try AVAS! 

I remember watching Seba's announcement video, and getting the impression that the sounds would be generated by the motor itself, and played through the wheel's... internal speaker or whatever-else-it-is-called.

I ride an Inmotion V8 that keeps producing its own sounds, and the nice Harley stuff is just... a wav file played by the App on my phone - yes, connected to the wheel current speed, but nothing more? 

This then requires a BT speaker? Like for playing music while riding? 

I was expecting something very much more science fiction... 

Don't misunderstand, EUC World is a fantastic app and webservice, I love Seba and you testing guys, but... 

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2 hours ago, Coco66 said:

I remember watching Seba's announcement video, and getting the impression that the sounds would be generated by the motor itself, and played through the wheel's... internal speaker or whatever-else-it-is-called.

This then requires a BT speaker? Like for playing music while riding? 

I was expecting something very much more science fiction... 

Yes, it requires a Bluetooth speaker. Internal speakers can't be relied on for anything but beeps (which aren't too audible at speed anyway) :efefa6edcf:

 But regardless of whether it's played through the wheel's speaker or a portable Bluetooth one, the sounds do respond to riding dynamics (speed, current, etc.), and the overall system is more realistic (and complex in its implementation) than you're painting it. There's an engine on sound, an idle sound, a speed-dependent sound that changes pitch to adapt to your speed, a current-dependent sound that responds to acceleration (simulating a turbo charger, for example), a temperature-dependent sound, an engine-off sound...

Check out this cool example of AVAS in action. 

My bad, wrong link. That was @Unventor's proposal for a sci-fi horn :efee612b4b:

Here's an example of an awesome user AVAS contribution by @redfoxdude:

You can find more in the AVAS thread


Edited by travsformation
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Good afternoon everyone. I'm relatively new here so im not sure if this post belongs here...


I am having a small issue with GPS logging not working. It used to work, but it stop working today. The last time I used it was about 3 days ago. Since then, nothing has changed. No updates to the KS/EUC World app or the wheel itself (KS-14s). I've checked the permissions and all permissions(storage and location) are allowed on the EUC World app. I've tried clearing the app data and uninstalling/reinstalling. When starting GPS logging (without map view, otherwise it will only show my last log) it tells me that its "waiting for GPS..." No other App (such as google map) have this issue. I using a Samsung S10+


Does anyone have any experience with this?


Thanks in advance!


 EDIT : I just notice the app was updated on May 1st. Not sure if that could be a key issue

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I applaud the idea of AVAS. I used to installed the Moto app with the sounds of motorcycles. I realized that the new extra is not enough, near the pedestrian boulevard they hear me from only a few meters which required to install a program that amplifies the sound further through Bluetooth 


I recommend it, the sound is very sturdy.

But I have a problem that doesn't come from the wheel. Almost all tours, in some/random/moment, are missing large parts of several kilometers. Usually the map come out as a long straight line diagonally, and it happens to be missing a whole neighborhood. I have no idea whether it is from the program, the GPS settings or the receiver itself on the phone is buggy. The phone is REDMI Note 8 Pro





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3 minutes ago, Nik Nik said:

But I have a problem that doesn't come from the wheel. Almost all tours, in some/random/moment, are missing large parts of several kilometers. Usually the map come out as a long straight line diagonally, and it happens to be missing a whole neighborhood. I have no idea whether it is from the program, the GPS settings or the receiver itself on the phone is buggy. The phone is REDMI Note 8 Pro




To me it looks like your phone is pausing EUC World when app is going to backround. It's essential to disable all battery optimizations for EUC World, allow it to run in background and allow it to use GPS when running in background. Your first tour looks OK, but last two shows that you not only lost GPS signal, but also lost Bluetooth connection with wheel. So this looks like blocking application by the system when not in foreground.

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28 minutes ago, 4043rr0r said:

When starting GPS logging (without map view, otherwise it will only show my last log) it tells me that its "waiting for GPS..." No other App (such as google map) have this issue. I using a Samsung S10+

It looks like a problem with your GPS settings. Maybe your Android system changed settings for EUC World, eg. after last update. As in @Nik Nik case, please review your phone settings and allow EUC World to run in backrgound and use GPS while in backround. Newer Samsung phones are known from heavy battery optimizations that may negatively impact some apps that needs to work in background.

 Other apps (including Goole Maps) doesn't have to use GPS for location, but EUC World is differen because it relies on precise location and speed data which are provided only by GPS.

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12 minutes ago, Seba said:

За мен изглежда, че телефонът ви спира пауза на EUC World, когато приложението става заден план. От съществено значение е да деактивирате всички оптимизации на батерията за EUC World, да му позволите да работи във фонов режим и да му позволите да използва GPS при работа във фонов режим. Първата ви обиколка изглежда добре, но последните две показват, че не само сте загубили GPS сигнал, но и сте загубили Bluetooth връзка с колело. Така че това изглежда като блокиране на приложение от системата, когато не е на преден план.

I'm going to check the settings, but if it's one of them, it should do it all round. And not for 10-20 minutes in a randomly chosen moment. Now the weather's getting better and the masks are dropping  :) And I'il have more time to track down what's going on

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Just a quick question>  Did a tour & my euc.world app said just over 16km.  It is set to upload in real time and starts logging when I push the button @ the top of app & stop then as well.  After I stopped the logging, I checked the website and it says 15.6 km & says "still on tour" even though it shows I arrived back at my house.  Any idea what I  might be doing wrong or what setting I may change into the app or my phone?

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3 minutes ago, /Dev/Null said:

Just a quick question>  Did a tour & my euc.world app said just over 16km.  It is set to upload in real time and starts logging when I push the button @ the top of app & stop then as well.  After I stopped the logging, I checked the website and it says 15.6 km & says "still on tour" even though it shows I arrived back at my house.  Any idea what I  might be doing wrong or what setting I may change into the app or my phone?

Because EUC World on main gauge shows EUC distance, while tour page shows GPS distance. There are always some small discrepancies, and you can always verify EUC and GPS parameters when on ride by just swiping main screen up and down. In regard to "still on tour" - sometimes it happens when there is temporary Internet connectivity problem. Don't worry. It will be automatically finished after some time or when you start another tour.

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4 minutes ago, Nik Nik said:

4. My wheel is a simple model and there are no extras that you have included in the program, it is actually a miracle that it correctly indicates at least an hour of parameters for which I am satisfied, but I have been tuning it with a handlebar and a seat. :)

Wow, this is interesting - you're using a wheel that isn't officially suported by or tested with EUC World! :) From what I see it is using King Song protocol, but there are some differences causing it to work only partially. Can you provide me some details about this wheel? Manufacturer, model, battery voltage etc.? It could help me to improve support, at least by providing correct battery level reading.

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I am currently using euc world app. :efee47c9c8:

It has more functions than weellog, so sometimes it's confusing, but I think it's good.:efefa6edcf:
There is a slight difference in the decimal point of the bolt (voltage control, bolt difference) but it is still in use with satisfaction.:thumbup:

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22 minutes ago, Lindsey said:



I am currently using euc world app. :efee47c9c8:

It has more functions than weellog, so sometimes it's confusing, but I think it's good.:efefa6edcf:
There is a slight difference in the decimal point of the bolt (voltage control, bolt difference) but it is still in use with satisfaction.:thumbup:

It's because LED display is a completely independent voltage meter, with it's own measurement error etc. There will be always difference between what is measured by wheel control board, what is displayed on this meter and what is displayed on charger meter (if you have one). And if you take a multimeter to measure battery voltage, it will also show different value :) So nothing to worry about :) 

EDIT: Oh, I forgot one thing - this meter won't show voltages higher than 99.9 V, while fully charged battery should be 100.8 V (in theory). So it would be no surprise to me if LED meter would be intentionally calibrated to show voltages slightly lower. This could prevent it from displaying meaningless value of -.--  when real voltage is above 99.9 V.

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5 hours ago, Seba said:

Леле, това е интересно -  използвате колело, което не е официално поддържано или тествано с EUC World! :) От това, което виждам, се използва протоколът King Song, но има някои различия, които го причиняват да работи само частично. Можете ли да ми предоставите някои подробности за това колело? Производител, модел, напрежение на батерията и т.н.? Може да ми помогне да подобря поддръжката, поне като осигуря правилно отчитане на нивото на батерията


Icewheel W2I 600W, 67V ... By Diabot.

Original Chinese. :) Intermediate model with engine like W3 and larger battery. App - "ICE Wheel"

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33 minutes ago, Seba said:

It's because LED display is a completely independent voltage meter, with it's own measurement error etc. There will be always difference between what is measured by wheel control board, what is displayed on this meter and what is displayed on charger meter (if you have one). And if you take a multimeter to measure battery voltage, it will also show different value :) So nothing to worry about :) 

EDIT: Oh, I forgot one thing - this meter won't show voltages higher than 99.9 V, while fully charged battery should be 100.8 V (in theory). So it would be no surprise to me if LED meter would be intentionally calibrated to show voltages slightly lower. This could prevent it from displaying meaningless value of -.--  when real voltage is above 99.9 V.

Thank you for your reply. :efee47c9c8:

As you said, the difference between bolts does not seem to occur much.I'm not worried. :thumbup:

And the electric wheel currently in use is MSUper pro 100v, the euc world is marked 100.8v when fully charged and the bolt metamark on the electric wheel is marked 00.8v. 

I think I need a four-digit Bolt Meta number.:facepalm:

The photo is not fully charged, but I checked it during the charging process.:crying:

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Hi Seba, I've just installed your brilliant app. The app connects with my wheel fine i signed up but never received the confirmation email, now i can't sign in. When i try the app says email /password is invalid, when i try to reset the password nothing happens.... heelp!

Edited by travsformation
Hid email address for privacy reasons
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14 hours ago, Katman said:

Hi Seba, I've just installed your brilliant app. The app connects with my wheel fine i signed up but never received the confirmation email, now i can't sign in. When i try the app says email /password is invalid, when i try to reset the password nothing happens.... heelp!

Did you input the email address correctly? Try signing up again with the same email address and a different username, just to see if you typed in the email address wrong the first time arouns

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Hey Seba, I remember this being asked already, but... would it be possible to implement a feature to manually load logs to euc.world?
I am working on a tool to properly merge log files (I got frustrated today when my longest tour in months got split in 4 because of different reasons...) but I don't have a use for that unless uploading becomes possible :-)

I can extend my "Premiumship" if needed... :-)

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Sometimes during Tour when I open my phone up I am getting a black map like this. I can't figure out how to have it update? 

Permissions: location and storage are both allowed. 

Screenshot_20200505-214039_EUC World.jpg

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20 hours ago, Coco66 said:

Hey Seba, I remember this being asked already, but... would it be possible to implement a feature to manually load logs to euc.world?
I am working on a tool to properly merge log files (I got frustrated today when my longest tour in months got split in 4 because of different reasons...) but I don't have a use for that unless uploading becomes possible :-)

I can extend my "Premiumship" if needed... :-)

THIS... in csv format perhaps? I could see it posing its own set of user related concern however...

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47 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

THIS... in csv format perhaps? I could see it posing its own set of user related concern however...

Yes yes, I am talking about the csv files that are created by the EUC World App and uploaded to euc.world automatically - and optionally used for generating tours retrospectively.

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On 5/5/2020 at 6:10 PM, Dubardo said:

I'm also having the Live map cutoff bug. I de-optimized EUC world as said. Will let you know if it happens again.

Did it again, https://euc.world/tour/586266210041201

I received a phone call around that place/time so I had to open my phone, unlock it, switch app. The previous disconnect happened also when I was alt-tabing around my phone: photos, messengers, etc.

Seems to disconnect somehow...

EDIT: Then again, even worse now, I started my Live Map and didn't touch my cell for the whole ride... https://euc.world/tour/586269935991344

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On 5/6/2020 at 12:10 AM, Dubardo said:

I'm also having the Live map cutoff bug. I de-optimized EUC world as said. Will let you know if it happens again.

20 hours ago, Vincent N said:

Sometimes during Tour when I open my phone up I am getting a black map like this. I can't figure out how to have it update? 

Permissions: location and storage are both allowed. 

Screenshot_20200505-214039_EUC World.jpg

@Seba I just got this for the first time yesterday too


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Is anyone else having issues with English text-to-speech in voice messages? I'm getting "speed twenty kay-em slash H""riding time ten em-I-en" and so forth, instead of getting unit readouts (km, km/h, hours, min., etc.). I've asked but no one in the beta-testing team has encountered this issue so I'm wondering if anyone else here has encountered it/can replicate it or it's just a wonky TTS/locale issue on my phone...

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