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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. That's about 2 bar. Try 3 bar or whatever is the stated max on the tire. Maybe it's simply not enough and you pinch your inner tubes? Or is there some strech of your typical routes that punctures your tires somehow?
  2. You can also see the route at 27:15 in the video (timecoded): Funnily enough they also started in a town named "Corona".
  3. The battery decides how much power a wheel can provide and how big your safety margin is. The MSP and the RS both have the same battery, so I don't believe the safety margin will change in any notable way. And if you change to the new RS board, you should probably also change to the new RS motor, since the firmware seems to be adjusted to the motor. (But maybe the new motor is the exact same construction, just with the hollow core, then you could change just the board. We don't know yet the motor details.) I don't believe it would make much sense to upgrade an MSP with RS components because you'd (probably) replace almost everything except the battery (board, if motor then also pedal hangers and shell). If the RS really turns out much different (better?) to the MSP, just sell your MSP and get a new RS if you want to upgrade.
  4. Wow the HT must be a mountain monster!! Can't wait for real life experiences with that thing.
  5. I wonder how they (motor manufacturer?) even determine motor wattage, and if these numbers mean anything anymore.
  6. If you didn't use it because you were rationing it, you didn't have enough water If you merely didn't think of drinking it, well then I guess more water won't help These three small bottles don't look much for this kind of heat to me as well. Seems like the minimum should be one of these huge cola bottles (1/2 gal or what that is in non-liters). I wondered too as it seemed obvious, but figured you knew you had enough range even after the detour to not worry about switching wheels. Maybe it was too hot to think clearly, that happens quickly as I've learned. - Anyways, the point is not to bash on you Marty Keep adventuring! But I think for this kind of ride in remote places, you should have enough stores to walk out (on foot) at any point, and maybe spend a thought on "I crash and break my leg, what then?" just to be sure. And focus on your legs in the gym That seems to be the weak point of your endurance (Cogswell was similar, wasn't it? Maybe I remember wrong.). It's not an adventure if you're always 100% in your comfort zone
  7. Hmm I think a proper backpack with real food and much more water (and maybe some collapsible sunshade for breaks) is in order for these kind of rides. You seemed a bit underprepared/underequipped.
  8. People seem to really like the knobby tire (grip, cushioning) but it's loud. Hard choice.
  9. Was a crane involved? Looking forward to the video.
  10. Moderator notice: Everyone please keep this mega topic on point (about the S18) and avoid unnecessary/unrelated stuff as well as things that can be put in their own topic. It's bad enough as it is. Thanks
  11. Wow thanks for all the detailed info! Three new motors! This doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't 1800Wh 4p be plenty enough to drive their motors? What does the voltage drop have to do with motor construction? And isn't the lift speed due to outer diameter differences (same max rpm gives different top speeds)?
  12. Thanks! Maybe one of the HS/HT motors will be smaller than the other. I'd expect the HS motor to go into the EX (if it's the same) though, so maybe the HT might be smaller?
  13. The new wheels no longer have the GW logo, but a W logo (because clearly W stands for Begode). What is going on there?
  14. Some nice pictures of the Monster Pro can be seen on the website: http://www.begode.com/productinfo/515827.html For example here's a detail of the charge ports and buttons.
  15. Sorry if this has been answered before, I'm getting confused by what Gotway is doing and why.
  16. Here's a nice size overview of all the current Gotway wheels with the RS and EX in the middle. And here you see them up closer: Two questions that are confusing me: Tire: RS is listed as 19'', EX is listed as 20''. Does the EX just have a knobbier tire that makes it count as 20 instead of 19? Is the rim size the same? Motor: You can clearly see they have different motors. The RS has a smaller motor plus the outer ring with the holes in it, the EX motor goes right to the outside of the rim. The RS is advertised as having the new "hollow motor". So obviously these aren't the same motors? The EX has a bigger motor (presumably hollow and the same used on the Monster Pro). Why would they not use the same motors for the same size of wheels (EX and RS)? Are there three new Gotway motors (RS torque, RS speed, EX/MonsterPro)?
  17. Shockingly, the Gotway website is up to date (what a strange feeling) and has pictures on the EX! More in the link: http://www.begode.com/productinfo/515824.html
  18. Congratulations on the shiny new expensive wheel You can't beat the Sherman if you want range, and range certainly makes sense for you. And you're totally right that the 16X will be the offroad wheel - that Sherman is crazy heavy. I think the Gotway RS HT will be the new offroad king soon (or maybe the EX with 50% more battery if the suspension doesn't easily get bent or it's plain too heavy).
  19. Wenn das noch geht, ideal, mach das einen Tag nachdem die 4 Wochen abgelaufen sind. Dann können sie sich um den Rest kümmern und du hast keinen Ärger und kannst von einem vernünftigen Händler kaufen.
  20. The active manufacturers are all in China in the same huge city-agglomeration (Pearl River delta). Gotway (Begode): Dongguan - address at the bottom here: http://www.begode.com/ King Song: Shenzhen - address at the bottom here: https://www.kingsong.com/ Veteran (Leaperkim): Guangzhou - address at the bottom here: https://www.leaperkim.com/ Inmotion: Shenzen - couldn't find an address though, they just say Shenzhen here: https://www.inmotionworld.com/company/who-we-are - Ninebot (as far as they still count): Not sure where the factory is, but their headquarters is the outlier here, in Beijing. Still China though. No idea if Rockwheel is still doing anything. The rights were apparently bought by a Korean company.
  21. http://www.begode.com/ It's the same as the old kebye.com website, but that no longer seems to exist. The company name also went from Kebye to Begode.
  22. Jemand der nicht speziell EUCs verkauft hat keine Ahnung wie man eines richtig repariert. Die wissen wahrscheinlich nicht mal wo sie Ersatzteile (board) kriegen würden. Was ich damit sagen will: geh nicht davon aus, dass die das überhaupt reparieren können, und verhalte dich entsprechend. Vielleicht wissen die eine vernünftige "Servicestelle" die das kompetent reparieren kann. Das ist das Beste was man erwarten kann. Nicht mal davon würde ich ausgehen. Also lass dich nicht vertrösten und hol dir schnellstens dein Geld zurück (idealerweise) oder wenigstens ein komplett neues V10F. Das mit Frist setzen usw. ist eine gute Idee. Wenn sie schon irgendwelche Fristen reissen, dann warte nicht länger wenn da vermutlich eh nix dabei rauskommen kann. Alternativ wartest du bestenfalls bis nächstes Jahr oder so bis die das tatsächlich reparieren lassen. Was soll denn sonst dabei herauskommen? Kann mir nicht vorstellen wie es bei so einem Laden besser laufen soll. Meine Meinung, ich habe da keine Erfahrung. Ich sehe nur nicht wie Geduld da irgendwas bringen soll.
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