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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. So to reduce the confusion, you don't have to do this, of course. But if you ever find that braking downhill could be better, move the feet forward so you can put all the weight on the back edge of the pedals (however you must reposition your feet to do that, probably a bit back). And likewise, if you think going up a long steep hill makes the wheel slow down too much and is uncomfortable to keep the speed, move the feet back so you can put all your weight on the front edge of the pedals (however you must reposition your feet to do that, probably a bit forwards). It simply allows you to easier force (tilt) the wheel to brake or accelerate. It's a notably different stance from just normal riding in moderate flat areas.
  2. No. This is just to help you put more force on the pedals so the wheel behaves like you want. That isn't needed for short ramps etc. (unless you stop and start on one). But most people will have an asymmetric stance (one foot more forward, one more backward) for the same effect during normal riding. Just better acceleration and braking possible. Hills aren't really so special, you just need practice, and don't be afraid of them.
  3. Hi! If you go down a hill, it helps to put the feet more forward backward on the pedals than usual. So you can push all your weight directly into the end of the pedals. This allows you to "dig the heels in" and to put maximum pressure on the pedals for braking and gives you a safer feeling because you can control (brake) the wheel better (more easily). Likewise, if you go up a hill, it helps to put the feet further back forward on the pedals than usual. This allows you to put all the weight on your toes/front of the feet and put good pressure on the front of the pedals, so the wheel tilts forward and accelerates up the hill, and you have better control for this. If you start on a hill (down or up), these changed foot positions also make it easier to start because the wheel doesn't try to run away from you (downhill) or refuse to accelerate like normal (uphill). In addition, if the hill is very steep, start sideways and then turn into the direction you want to go.
  4. I don't believe so. If anything, it would even help against overextending the wrist. But if it's loose like that, it will do nothing.
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  6. You're not the only one! They have all the components to print money if they just decide to do it. Baffling this hasn't happened yet. Oh well, one has to be immune to incomprehensible Chinese EUC manufacturer decisions unless you want to go crazy
  7. Nice and sturdy. I would cover the top with something soft so it won't scratch the wheel over time.
  8. It's just in the Wheellog options. Swipe from the left border of the screen to open the Wheellog options menu, and the amp alarm can be set somewhere in there. Careful, everytime I open the Wheellog options, my wheel beeps twice like a setting has been changed but I don't know what it is. I reset my setting using the Gotway app after this each time so I don't disable my speed beeps or accidentally get an unexpected tiltback. And don't be worried about some number displayed by the app. See it as a mathematical articfact, the mten3 battery certainly cannot do 150 amps (more like 50 in a real spike, so I guess the 90 amp alarm doesn't make too much sense either). And your wheel won't be damaged by these (fake) spikes anyways, even if they were real (they're not). It's just a normal part of riding that these spikes (real or not) appear when you change direction or otherwise put a quick power spike on the wheel. In short, there's nothing to worry about, and looks like you don't even need a 90 amp warning
  9. It was just the bad motor connector time. I don't know if there were ever problems with those on the 67.2V wheels, but if there were, maybe best to just solder the wires together.
  10. 2016 means 67.2V? Just be careful with hills, it might have the oooold shitty motor connectors.
  11. I can't recall the ms3 ever having axle problems. And 90kg is't that much.
  12. Inmotion uses 3200mAh cells as their max capacity. They could easily use 3500mAh cells and get a 1036Wh battery like any other 80-cell wheel (Tesla, 18L, ...). That's what @Rywokast meant with "higher capacity cells". They could instantly do that with all their wheels: V8+ with 510Wh (instead of 480), V10F+ with 1036Wh (instead of 950Wh). It's a 10% difference.
  13. What would you even google for? Every other vehicle (car, scooter, ...) moves and drags your body with it. A self-balancing vehicle (EUC, Onewheel, ...) instead follows your body (specifically your weight shifts) and if it didn't, you would immediately lose balance and crash. That's what "self-balancing" entails. So if you lean, the wheel has no option but to comply until it can comply no more (well, it could just prematurely crash you right then, but that doesn't make things better). Tiltback and beeps are just enticements to slow down the rider, but if the rider ignores them, nothing the wheel can do. The vehicle following your body (instead of the other way round) is what makes EUCs so intuitive and fun. But you get what you paid for - only the rider is in control at all times, for better or worse.
  14. If that is true, that totally disqualifies the 21700s for EUC usage. They can get that hot just from the wheel standing in the sun or something, let alone any real usage! I sincerely hope that's false and Gotway isn't developing right towards a firestorm with their 21700 initiative.
  15. Sweet Lord. How in the world did this company get funding? I wonder if it's so loud because the motor is geared... Anyways, lol.
  16. Aren't that just the muscles used for walking and standing around? I was a bit surprised that a lot of people here mention their muscles and building them up from riding, as that was never a thing for me in the slightest. Maybe it's because I'm still below the average age here *brag*
  17. Less voltage drop on typical usage, that's important. Hadn't thought of that when I heard about the high currents possible! Nice.
  18. Charging: 5A is the max of the GX-16 charge port. 4A is on the healthy side. When riding: depends on how long the amperage appears. @Marty Backe uses Wheellog with a custom 90A alarm and stops if it is triggered for longer than a short moment.
  19. @Brysoncarr That is a really good point. You might just give up or lose interest quickly unless you have a thousand dollar plus motivation not to. But that would only apply if you get loaned a wheel and do everything alone. If you ride with someone with two wheels and you go on a hand-holding journey as soon as you can simply stand on the thing holding on to a wall/poll as support, you'll learn really quickly. So: riding along with someone as your mobile support = good. But don't go in alone with reduced motivation or you might miss out on the best thing since sliced bread.
  20. I sure hope it was that and not the wheel. You weren't that fast and you certainly aren't that heavy at 67kg!!
  21. The knee pad discussion resulting from the new firmware testing considerations has been split into its own thread
  22. You can edit your posts now. To edit the title, edit the first post, or see what happens when you move the mouse over the title.
  23. You're quite good already. You avoided the mistake many beginners make: going too slow. Also, wrist guards Other gear is optional depending on you and the situation, but I recommend wrist guards for every second on the wheel.
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