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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. The 18XL depletes the batteries further than the 16X (3.0V per cell instead of 3.15V) and the Gotways don't deplete the batteries as far as the 16X (3.3V instead of 3.15V). So, assuming the 18XL and 16X have similar firmware, you can expect a bit more range from the 18XL. I don't think anybody here has tested that yet so this is just a prediction.
  2. The 16X should have a range between the 18XL (higher range than the 16X) and the 1600Wh Gotways (lower range) from how they set the 0% voltage. No idea if it is also more efficient, I would guess probably not (notably if at all). Looking forward to see some range test results.
  3. @Flyboy10 Haha loving your commentary. You have the perfect EUC attitude!
  4. Servus! Ein EUC bewegt sich immer in die Richtung, in die man es neigt. Und das kommt von einer ungleichmäßigen Gewichtsverteilung (wenn dein Schwerpunkt nicht über dem EUC ist, sondern etwas weiter vorne oder hinten). Das beim Aufsteigen oder Ein-Fuß-Schubsen beachten: wenn dein Schwerpunkt zu weit vorne oder hinten ist, bewegt es sich sofort wenn du Gewicht aufs Pedal gibst (und rotiert normalerweise seitlich weg). Also drauf achten dass, wenn du "neutral" aufsteigst, Schwerpunkt in der Mitte. Der zweite Fuß (der erstmal am Boden bleibt) steht beim Aufsteigen neben dem wheel, nicht dahinter oder davor, usw. Das Knie von dem Fuß, mit dem du zuerst aufsteigst, richtig nach innen drehen. Nicht nur mit dem Schienbein gegen das wheel drücken, sondern richtig den Fuß um 90° nach innen drehen und Druck ausüben. Das macht es viel leichter das Gleichgewicht auf dem Bein zu halten. Das wheel natürlich auf die Seite lehnen, wo der Boden-Fuß ist, bevor du aufsteigst. Im Prinzip ist Aufsteigen (und genauso Ein-Fuß-Schubsen) schwerer als einfach fahren. Die ersten 100-200km mit Hilfe von ner Wand aufsteigen ist nichts Ungewöhnliches. Also stress dich nicht zu viel und übe ganz locker weiter. Der Rest kommt von alleine.
  5. This thread is for the Kingsong KS-16X discussion. Please no fighting and personal attacks. Stay on topic.
  6. "Nikola Plus" seems to mean all new Nikolas (all black, carbon look, new board, etc). Not just the 100V.
  7. The firmware update will fix the oscillation either way, whether you have it or not. Also, it appears the "slow oscilation" issue (second bullet point in the OP) will be fixed with a firmware update. No board/hardware change needed. Source @prasket
  8. The 16X has 7 speakers. 6 normal ones and a sub. No idea what wattage they have. See here: https://ecodrift.ru/2019/06/24/kingsong-ks-16x-disassembling/
  9. If true, this would be the second time that Kingsong has been surprised by unexpected electromagnetism
  10. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one wanting a wheel with reasonably big diameter yet insane starting and low-speed torque. But that's just unrealistic to expect at this stage of EUC development. You'd need stronger hardware for that, and the battery usage would increase brutally - you're fighting physics after all. Yet, the real limitation is not the 16X (or any other wheel) but the ergonomy of how easily you can tilt it. Grab the 16X with your legs and see what it can do. Just be careful so you don't blow a fuse and faceplant.
  11. The MSX is the MTB trail king both for the wide tire, high pedals, and the steep pedal angle allowing you to grab and control the wheel like no other. The MCM5 pedals are pretty low if you look at them.
  12. If the gyro effect is the tire, and the Nikola and preproduction 16X didn't have it with their tires... I guess the question is, is the gyro effect 100% the tire? That's how I understood it.
  13. @Patton250 There's also the modified Wheellog from https://euc.world/ with a lot of features. Check it out if you're interested.
  14. Thread has been pinned if that's ok with you.
  15. Very good idea! Thank you. Things I can remember. I hope everything is correct. Firmware 1.03 fixes the high speed/stress oscillation problem and will be out in a few days. Recommended everyone update to this firmware as soon as possible as a safety precaution. Source There is another problem where the pedals will not stay level and regularly show a very slow oscillation in some cases which makes the wheel unridable. This might be a hardware problem. Kingsong may or may not have stopped 16X production temporarily to fix this (board modification I guess). Not entirely clear what is going on, here's the source: click I would expect any good dealer to be informed about this and only ship out wheels with the fix from now on. That is conjecture. The 16X has a notable "gyro effect" where it becomes hard to turn the wheel above a certain speed, it will try to keep going straight. Like the Z10. This is due to the standard tire that comes with it (the one with a colored stripe on one side). Replacing the tire with a different one, like the CST tire the Nikola has or the Chao Yang tire the 16X prototype had, removes the gyro effect almost entirely. This is only due to the standard tire that comes with the 16X, nothing is wrong with the 16X itself. I guess the app sucks, there's an update coming for that too. I forgot the details.
  16. @Graniteone A rough estimate is 20Wh/km or 35Wh/mile (18XL and 16X are exceptions) to predict how far a battery will get you if you know the battery size in Wh. For a fast wheel like the Nikola, that's on the optimistic side. Isn't it the same price as the 100V 1845Wh? That's how Gotway always does it. Ali seems to confirm it.
  17. Only the sideways (left/right) tilt matters to get a good calibration without dipping. Try to minimize the sideways tilt. For me it worked with just the wheel upright against a wall, but some blocks can't hurt. Good luck!
  18. TWO THOUSAND AND ONE HUNDRED WATTHOURS in the 84V 2100Wh! The 100V feels more powerful as well? I thought you said they ride the same?
  19. Great! Will be watching (with envy).
  20. You can't buy from ewheels in Europe. Try eunicycles.eu for example.
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