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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Maybe it will be a super-cool running mountain monster. And it's better built. Unlikely it will beat the Nikola for me, but who knows, miracles might happen...
  2. You can ride a EUC, but you'll need one of the strongest ones. 18XL, MSX, 16X, or Nikola. You will still have to be careful because you're like 75% heavier than the standard Western rider and that means the wheel needs 75% more power to do the same thing - accelerate, pothole compensation, etc. And wheels are built by the lighter Chinese in the first place. So you could overlean (overpower) such a wheel, while a lighter rider might not be able to. So no strong accelerations or sporty riding. But if you ride moderately, it should still work. I wouldn't take it over 40kph/25mph to have enough margin even with those strong wheels. As far as mechanical failure, if you don't jump down curbs, the axle should be fine. Not sure how strong the current pedals are, though. 150kg plus a sudden hit due to a pothole is a lot In addition, I'd be worried what happens in a crash. Your hands will have to catch your weight, which isn't going to be pretty. So the injury danger might very well be higher for higher rider weights. And your range will be crappy in comparison to lighter riders. Wind resistance is a *****. It's hard to give a recommendation. On the one hand, it should work if you ride a strong wheel at moderate speeds. Can't blame anyone for wanting to ride a EUC On the other hand, maybe you'd be better off with an escooter in the long run? If an escooter is overwhelmed, it just won't go faster. If a self-balancing vehicle like a EUC is overwhelmed (even for just a moment), you necessarily crash. If you just need to ride a EUC, get one and report how it goes. Only one way to know for sure. Wear protection, especially wrist guards. If you're looking for a small electric ridable in general, I think something else (scooter, ebike) is better.
  3. I know. Still waiting to see whether the 84V will get the Plus treatment with the nicer charger and look. And whether the 16X is a torque revelation. And whether I find the money for the overpriced 100V or 2100Wh.
  4. Wow that thing is bulky! I believe "illegal equipment" is when the wheel "forgot" its serial number, if I'm not mistaken. There's a special app you can get from Jason or Kingsong to fix that.
  5. @Seba We had the same discussion in the Wheellog thread before. I like that your approach is more friendly to newbies. But personally, I 100% want the old style (direct voltage conversion). I know my wheel starts beeping at 15% voltage. Everything the wheel does depends on the voltage so I want to know exactly where I stand. Range left is less important with all the experience one already has. Could you maybe have an option to toggle? Your "Intelligent Battery Meter (real battery percentage)" or the old "Direct Voltage Conversion"? Then everyone is happy
  6. @zenleetech Cool use of a wheel! Looks like you enjoyed it. Though the pay seems to be bad for the time you have to put into it There's some other guys doing deliveries on EUCs: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=electric+unicycle+delivery
  7. @Marty Backe Nevermind, it is the changed Wheellog algorithm that is responsible. I was looking for some interesting battery development. Looks like the Nikola, despite the higher current draw (?), might be just as efficient as the wheels before it.
  8. Be careful, EUC batteries need a BMS that does NOT switch off when the load gets too high. Standard battery pack BMSes might do that and crash you then! You need EUC-suitable battery packs. @esaj
  9. All that's needed is one combination of voltage and battery percentage (as low as possible, but anything under 75% should be good enough) as given by Wheellog. So just make a screenshot once your battery has been used a bit (maybe after your next ride). Then we can figure out what the likely 0% voltage is and have an answer.
  10. Great video Marty! Great summary, great explanation, great ride. Your area is somehow a wonderful place to explore and a bleak, sun-scorched concretescape at the same time. But you definitely have some nice routes there! The battery percentage is just linearly interpolated from the voltage compared to the (manufacturer-chosen) 100% and 0% voltages. Maybe Gotway reduced their 0% voltage just like KS did? What voltage does Wheellog report when you're at low battery? What percentage does the Gotway app show, same as Wheellog? If that's true, the Nikola might be less efficient (the higher currents you saw) but they compensated for that by allowing for more battery depletion. What range did you get on the 18XL again? - Looking forward to your new overheat hill test. And the 100V!
  11. @maltocs Wow that's very nice of you. Or very smart to let Marty be your guinea pig. Either way, thanks for giving us another video this way!
  12. Ahem.... enjoy your next two to three weeks https://www.google.com/search?q=ais+ship+tracker
  13. 130Wh seem to be 2200mAh cells. Gotway usually doesn't use these. Not sure what exactly is going on there. The 420Wh is essentially a better 14D so not bad at all!
  14. Oh really? I wonder what motors those are. Maybe MCM4? Found another thread about it: There's also small sizes in 84V. See under "battery". Picture from here, where there's also discussion about the MCM5 versions:
  15. The MCM5 has always existed in 67.2V and 84V with multiple battery sizes each (same for the mten3 btw). In the West, merely the highest-end 84V 800Wh or 650Wh (max number of cells) versions are typically sold. In principle, this is nothing new. The other variants are just appearing here more. Some can be quite good lower-cost options! I don't know, but I guess the differences are minimal. Different firmware and... maybe that's already it.
  16. Gotway batteries have always been flawless. I can't remember a single reported problem or issue with them. So it would be safe. As safe as transporting properly packaged explosives. Nothing wrong with it in general, you don't need to have a bad conscience or anything. But you should definitely inform the people so they can decide what they think is right. They are responsible for the plane after all. On normal passenger flights, such batteries would not be allowed according to international IATA rules. No ADA or anything will change that. But the military has their own rules so maybe they'll allow bigger batteries. Keep us informed
  17. This is great news, it's more than just a seat! Kingsong doing such stuff is how one gets Gotway off their asses and actually care about new features. We might get nice Gotway seats and all kinds of new stuff now. And Gotway constantly one-upping them is how you finally, finally get KS off their asses (just like with this, or with 1600Wh batteries).
  18. All current Kingsong wheels - 16S v2, 18(X)L, 16X - have a mechanical solution that should be fail-proof. Video by @EcoDrift of their system on the 16S. Lifting the handle moves it out of the wheel a bit, which presses a small internal button.
  19. That quote referred to the 18(X)L. But maybe the first batch 16X buyers get shafted with a weaker, crack-prone black shell. Or not! Let's wait before the 16X releases before complaining about something that might not even be the case
  20. Great article with a lot of good quotes!
  21. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fecodrift.ru%2F2019%2F07%2F22%2Fkingsong-ks-18l-spisok-izmeneniy%2F @EcoDrift has an article about the cumulative 18(X)L improvements which include a white, stronger shell and this tidbit. Could be the same for the 16X.
  22. This is the first time that something literally burned. I wonder what that physically was A mosfet did create all that grime? Curious what the autopsy will show (smoke from the other side?).
  23. @zenleetech Quite the story Glad you enjoy the wheel. And I see nothing wrong with being a dick to people who started it. I'd rather have EUCers seen as badass than as pushovers and easy victims. First impressions matter! Contact Jason at ewheels for the affiliate stuff. Why not! There's lots of people who do that.
  24. The beeps might be new/different on the Nikola? Can anybody confirm or deny that? You're right about the speeds, though. 30kph and 35kph is what the wheel says, but it's more like 28 and 33 in reality.
  25. Why did a nuclear war happen inside your wheel? At least that's what it looks like Is that dirt or a combustion product? What happened?
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