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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Interesting to see that even the old board from April already has the Laptop-type radial fan instead of the small case-type axial fan.
  2. Probably 1300Wh. Which is the same battery as 1600Wh but with smaller capacity cells. Gotway also offers 650Wh and 800Wh where the wheel has just one of the respective battery packs on one side instead of two (one on each side) for 1300/1600. But the Western sellers seem to skip those, as well as 1300Wh.
  3. Well, technically it didn't blow a mosfet Just the good old motor wiring melting, as seen in the car push test. Everthing else is just a consequence of that. I'm surprised it happened so quick. How can you push a car for 6 minutes but a minute on a hill kills it? The way down will already have heated the wires heavily, but even that included it was only a short time, wasn't it?
  4. Side note: EUCs cannot be taken on passenger planes at all, due to the batteries (only very tiny Lithium Ion batteries like in Laptops are allowed). So you'd have to ship the wheels. Just in case you didn't know
  5. That looks like just an extra 20 cell pack added, to go from 20s6p to 20s7p. 20*3.7V*3500mAh = 259Wh extra. If it's really 84V, nothing wrong with it. - Are you sure it is 84V? Because there's a 100V 1845Wh (or a number in that area) MSX floating around. And the battery config there is a hackjob where they use a normal 84V wheel with two 800Wh batteries and then put a 16.8V pack (presumably even without any BMS) in series to get 100.8V. See here: That's not how you should build battery packs. Personally I wouldn't buy a wheel like this without a proper battery configuration. For comparison, the 1845Wh Nikola just has 3 100V packs in parallel, everything fine there. So be sure it's not that, but really a 84V mod.
  6. The Nikola Plus has a nice fan that blows air where it should go (over the heatsink and between board and heatsink). I still wonder if this is 100V only or if all 84V Nikolas will be "Plus" in the future. Someone tell plz Also the side-mounted board has a much smaller heatsink now. I guess the big mosfets allow for this. (OriginalPicture credit: EcoDrift)
  7. Gotway Glue and Silicone Compulsion (GGSC). It's a recognized disorder, affecting certain workes and their instruction givers in China In earnest, I also don't understand it. It makes no sense. The axle nut doesn't need protection. I file it under "Don't try to understand this, like many other manufacturer decisions, or you'll eventually go mad".
  8. Thank you for the pictures! Nice to see it has three standard 100V batteries and no strange layout. Can't wait to see the 2100Wh 84V version! They can't use three standard 84V batteries (they're longer), but maybe the third battery on top is simply the Tesla battery. It also look like there is enough space up there so you could build a 2400Wh custom Nikola!
  9. I've been told the motor will turn and balance fine at higher speeds and does not need the hall sensors for that. At low speeds, their precise info is needed. Maybe that's not true, but it is what I've been told. Anyways, according to @US69 the problem isn't the hall sensors, but the board.
  10. What happened to the MSX? Anyways, both wheels are great! Happy to see you here Where did you buy your wheel from? The first batch Nikolas have a pretty gnarly assembly problem that needs to be fixed unless you wan to crash sooner or later. So either you chose a good dealer or it is best to double-check for yourself.
  11. I'm no Kingsong or EUC expert, but that sounds like hall sensor failure (they are only used at low speeds). So you'd need a new motor. But you're in good hands with Jason and he will know exactly what the problem is.
  12. That sounds... hmm. Is it good if all that current goes through the extra pack? I wouldn't buy that. Rather do it the right way oneself.
  13. Try the medium mode, it allows you to get a bit more lean in before the wheel reacts. Or just try which one feels best - EUCs are quite personal devices and a lot is objectively subjective. Also only use the official Gotway app (instead of third party apps) for now to prevent complicating things. Tell me about it!
  14. edit: not true, see below I'm just speculating, but to me it looks like this: So there's no extra BMS. It explains the size of the battery packs in the normal space (full size 60 cell like the 84V) and it explains why there is a cable going to the other side from the extra battery pack.
  15. People ask me all the time whether I self-built the thing! Maybe because the old ACM looks so scruffy and scrappy with my professional duct tape.
  16. Why is he sending out wheels with boards that need replacement??? Did his evil clone take over or something? This is a $2000 wheel and he just let's the customers do the repair? Not sure what is best now. Wait or hope fot the best... You could have a look at the board. Maybe you already got a new one (big mosfets) and that was just a generic email?
  17. @zenleetech That was cool, thanks! I'm going to watch the start, only saw the last bit. Pad up the wheel everywhere it might hit. Including the top sides, undersides of pedals, and even the undersides of the pedal hangers. And wear at least wrist guards while riding. Two things you might otherwise regret not doing
  18. You need to pump up your tire! Minimum tire pressure won't work and might give you a flat.
  19. Check Ali etc. for parts, maybe? Or ask Inmotion customer service.
  20. The hall sensors are in the motor (they count the magnets going by to get the detailed rotation/speed info). The thin wires coming from the motor on one side are for them and they might be damaged (or the hall sensors themselves, but that is quite unlikely). Maybe it's also a board issue. I'm not familiar with Kingsongs so I'll let someone else guess what is going on But you could check if there is some obvious damage to the cabling (it might be pinched or something) coming out of the motor axle and into the board. As always, your seller should know such stuff best. Nice color btw
  21. Is the board loose? Might be a problem with the hall sensor (or its wire). @US69
  22. WTF that came from ewheels? Not cool! Why didn't he send you a Nikola with good board right away? I wouldn't ride it with the old board. We had a case here where it glue-died despite the lack of any high stresses. Ticking time bomb. Either the board has no glue, or is bad!
  23. Shocking news! Hold the presses! Sorry, I'm not making fun of you. Just of Gotway We could ask @EcoDrift when they visited the factory. These boards might already be old news.
  24. We just need wheels that don't have software crashes like this. Other wheels don't do this.
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