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New Inmotion V10 / V10F


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6 minutes ago, novazeus said:

yeah i checked their website and they are taking orders for the next batch so i told them to mail me a return label and i’ll wait for inmotion china to make me another one.

lots easier for them than trying to find my wheel like i’d want it now.

glad ur deal went well.

 did u not like the v10f? mine, i repeat mine rip, was great in flat florida. no problems.

I did like the V10f a lot.  A very smooth and shock absorbing wheel considering it’s only 16”.  I needed to sell some off.  I had too many and wanted to free up some cash.  I currently have 4 main wheels that I’m happy with (Z10, MSuperX, MCM5, and Mten3). I was riding those more than the V10F.  I think I’ll stick with those for awhile.

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7 minutes ago, Sketch said:

I did like the V10f a lot.  A very smooth and shock absorbing wheel considering it’s only 16”.  I needed to sell some off.  I had too many and wanted to free up some cash.  I currently have 4 main wheels that I’m happy with (Z10, MSuperX, MCM5, and Mten3). I was riding those more than the V10F.  I think I’ll stick with those for awhile.

yeah the z10 is definitely entertaining.

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4 hours ago, Sketch said:

Mine has always required a longer press to start up the wheel.

Yes, same for me. Either two short presses, where the first one just results in some flickering, or one press that is juuust long enough.

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@novazeus hmm that is indeed disappointing, .. 

mistakes like these happen and I guess that's negligence of the people working at Inmotion but if you don't do anything you can't do anything wrong, having said that it's now up to Inmotion to solve the matter in a fair and swift way..



Edited by Cumulus Libre
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9 hours ago, novazeus said:

the outer shell of the wheel has small dimple defects. they all do. i noticed it because being a contractor my brain is wired to look for defects. i told jeffrey about it and i took tape and made a little arrow to point it out to them. so not knowing ...

ok ok ok, this is real time. since my wheel came back with my red arrows on the covers, i just knew this was my wheel. 

but since i’m psychic and figured inmotion would fuck this up, i took a picture of my serial number tag.

sure enough, no wonder this thing is an abortion, it’s not my wheel. i noticed and told them since they had it that chicken shit clip that holds the trolley handle down was loose(totally need a replacement new design for that clip) mine was fine.

yup @Sketch look at my photos. they put my shells on somebody elses wheel.

wtf, is the world trying to drive me crazy?

the wheel i sent inmotion which was great.


the pos i got back from inmotion.



I've got 8C, the one after that one..... so since these last numbers are in HEX, I have the 140th wheel of the first batch and running fine still with no bearing noise and no dings since I have NEVER unplanned dismounted it after 750 km. Still waiting to hear my DIY kit shipping notice....... Seems everyone who are sending their's in for repair are going to be completed those of us who wanted it done faster by doing it ourselves! WTF!

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3 hours ago, Harold Farrenkopf said:

I've got 8C, the one after that one..... so since these last numbers are in HEX, I have the 140th wheel of the first batch and running fine still with no bearing noise and no dings since I have NEVER unplanned dismounted it after 750 km. Still waiting to hear my DIY kit shipping notice....... Seems everyone who are sending their's in for repair are going to be completed those of us who wanted it done faster by doing it ourselves! WTF!

yeah that’s not right. 

so my wheel, the one i sent in ending in “55” what does that mean. i loved that wheel and now she’s lost probably wonders where her daddy is.

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3 minutes ago, Harold Farrenkopf said:

I'm wondering which numbers had the bad batch of bearings.....

yeah, idk. inmotion doesn’t seem to have a very scientific method of determining bad bearing problems.

”Jeff test rode your wheel and said that everything sounded like a normal V10 motor”

hardly cnclusive. 

most bearings have markings on them but who knows with china, they are probably buying generic bearings by the pound.

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damn, i do miss the v10f.

that was gonna be my go get my packages at the gate wheel. 

when ur deliveries are a third of a mile away, wheels are handy. 

i just hate to stress the tires on the little wheels and it’s too early in the day to tote the heavy ass z10 outside. i took the 16s instead.protective gear, flip flops and coveralls. avg speed about 8mph. i love going slow. on my driveway with the trees always dropping land mines and then concealing them with it’s shadows is always fun. when i had my z06 out here, i literally had to clean my road before leaving here in it with it’s 2” ground clearance. ridiculous car for anything other than racing.

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these companies have no idea how to do customer service.

i’m not gonna accept a return of my wheel after God knows who has been abusing it in the wild.

here’s inmotion’s inadequate response:

My name is Robert Keller and I work in Customer Service but also the tech department here at InMotion. I was the technician responsible for working on your wheel. I am super sorry to have caused you any negative feelings about any aspect of your InMotion experience. My technical background is working in fuel management systems installation, hazardous location electrical, and tech work in recording studios. This type of error has never happened and I am terribly embarrassed. We have spent a good part of the last two days trying to sort everything out. We were able to identify the series of events that led to this debacle.

As we have identified what has happened with your wheel, I have some answers for you. 

I switched the covers on the two wheels I was working on during final assembly.
Customer settings can greatly affect ride perception and that is why your wheel doesnt feel right.
We have located your wheel and is being shipped back to us and need the wheel you have as well.
Both wheels will undergo full testing and be returned.
We have generated your shipping label and it is being shipped today. Please send us a message once it arrives and we will schedule a pickup.

Once again, I am super sorry,

Customer Service, Technician

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here’s part of their initial response yesterday:

Before we sent your wheel back to you it was tested for all functionality including connecting to the app and no problems were found. Between the time that we received your wheel at our office and the time that we shipped it back to you there was an update to the app. So far, the only issue that has been reported to us regarding a bug in the app is that the V10/V10F are not showing the speed when riding and that issue has been reported to our app team. 

It sounds like the other issues you're having are app issues so we wouldn't have any immediate fixes for them. I will report all of the issues you listed to my app team. However, I don't really have any time frame on when those bugs will get fixed as our app team is in China. I'm not sure what could be causing any issues with connectivity regarding Bluetooth, but it's possible that could be an issue with the app as well. If the app is searching for your wheel and the name of it shows up on the screen, be sure to tap the name or the app won't connect. 

Regarding any other functionality for your wheel, I want to make sure that it is still operating properly, as it was when we shipped it back to you. If you're having any issues that aren't app related please let me know right away and we can address those. 

Customer Service Specialist

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this is before i figured out the numbskulls sent me back somebody else’s wheel. i mean really, returning the owners wheel to the owner sb the most important part. part of what i sent them:

yes, i want it fixed or replaced with a new unit that is factory built and not this repair. maybe the replacement won’t have the stupid valve stem with a shoulder at the bas of the too short threaded shaft.

not your problem but i’m pratically camping out here at the ranch and i have to go to fedex to print the shipping label and then go to ups to drop it off. i refuse to give ups $3 to print one page.
the wheel’s app is showing two different serial numbers. unfortunately for y’all, it didn’t do that before, so y’all get blamed.
you aren’t understanding yet. when i sent you the wheel, it showed different total travel distance(odometer) but it was only 50 miles maybe, now it shows 150 miles or 250 miles.
did you put my wheel on a treadmill and rag it out. i don’t want to sell it but if i did,
a fifty mile wheel would be better than a 250 mile wheel.
you know my wheel looks brand new. either fix mine or get a new one and send it to me.
it flashes red and blue and doesn’t turn on, the next press it does and continues to function normally until it sits for awhile. 
in apple, the speedometer doesn’t work. changing the light patterns doesn’t work. in android it reverts back to 14 mph and can’t be changed.
before i only used my ipad to change settings and set it up because android never worked, still doesn’t.
in apple it doesn’t register speed at all and it use to show like 25 mph now it shows 0 mph.
i’m talking to rehab on the forum and he doesn’t have these problems.
yeah, it’s frustrating. it’s frustrating i felt i had to send you an almost perfectly working wheel and i suppose you did the waterproofing but you sent it back with all these other problems.
i’m not equipped to wrench on your wheel so please send me a label, you can email it and i’ll ship this wheel back to you.
here’s the screenshot of the two serial numbers. the top one is mine btw. idk what the bottom one goes to. i only have one of your wheels.
seriously, with all these mysterious glitches going on, i don’t feel safe riding this wheel. i have 7 other wheels to keep me busy. 
the trolley handle clip is loose too. wasn’t like that.
Edited by novazeus
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Hey all

As you can see with what @novazeus has shared, we had a mix up with his wheel. As soon as we figured out what happened, we were able to research to determine how it happened. It was an isolated incident, and we are working with novazeus to sort this out. 

It's entirely understandable to be concerned, but we hope everyone can understand we are taking this project very seriously and have had to completely revamp our work space and team to make this happen. We are doing everything we can to minimize human error as much as possible, and we are learning from this mistake to make sure it won't happen again. 

Novazeus, we will continue to work this out with you - stay tuned. 

P.S. The response from us you posted from yesterday was before we knew about the mix up.  No deception intended, promise. :cheers:


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1 minute ago, Jeffrey Scott Will said:

Hey all

As you can see with what @novazeus has shared, we had a mix up with his wheel. As soon as we figured out what happened, we were able to research to determine how it happened. It was an isolated incident, and we are working with novazeus to sort this out. 

It's entirely understandable to be concerned, but we hope everyone can understand we are taking this project very seriously and have had to completely revamp our work space and team to make this happen. We are doing everything we can to minimize human error as much as possible, and we are learning from this mistake to make sure it won't happen again. 

Novazeus, we will continue to work this out with you - stay tuned. 

P.S. The response from us you posted from yesterday was before we knew about the mix up.  No deception intended, promise. :cheers:


sorry jeffrey, u ddn’t figure out what happened, i had to. ur tech kept giving me baloney about how y’all had to wait on china blah blah blah.

thankfully i took a picture of my serial number because i had a premonition u would send me back somebody else’s wheel. putting my covers on somebody else’s wheel with the two red arrows pointing out the defects in the shells that evidently is in the mold, confused me, read this thread.

i’ve been emailing and calling since yesterday, and nobody in your company will even give me the courtesy of a return phone call or take mine. 

u can’t rewrite history. the facts are in this thread as i was trying to figure out how on earth u screwed up my wheel so bad and ur response that i want my original wheel back after God knows who has been abusing it, no thanks. this wheel in my possesion now, has been tortured.

whoever this wheel belongs to, if he was smart he wouldn’t want it back either. he doesn’t know what its gone thru while in mine and Bob’s possession.

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13 minutes ago, novazeus said:



13 minutes ago, novazeus said:

sorry jeffrey, u ddn’t figure out what happened, i had to. ur tech kept giving me baloney about how y’all had to wait on china blah blah blah.

thankfully i took a picture of my serial number because i had a premonition u would send me back somebody else’s wheel. putting my covers on somebody else’s wheel with the two red arrows pointing out the defects in the shells that evidently is in the mold, confused me, read this thread.

i’ve been emailing and calling since yesterday, and nobody in your company will even give me the courtesy of a return phone call or take mine. 

u can’t rewrite history. the facts are in this thread as i was trying to figure out how on earth u screwed up my wheel so bad and ur response that i want my original wheel back after God knows who has been abusing it, no thanks. this wheel in my possesion now, has been tortured.

whoever this wheel belongs to, if he was smart he wouldn’t want it back either. he doesn’t know what its gone thru while in mine and Bob’s possession.

Hey, mistakes happen. They’ve apologized and are correcting the error. They are making things right for us. BUT where’s my DIY stuff?

Edited by Harold Farrenkopf
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@Jeffrey Scott Will since u want to communicate with this forum, there’s no working it out with me, either send me a sealed factory fresh wheel or refund my money. 

i will not ride a wheel that somebody else has ridden. i was ok that u were gonna ride it a little to check the bearings(which is a joke that u could ride it and discern a bearing problem) but to send it to some customer that has been overheating the wheel or who knows what, sorry, unacceptable. i don’t want it back.

being so careless as to send me back the wrong wheel, with the serial numbers right on top, doesn’t exactly make me trust ur workmanship.

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7 minutes ago, Harold Farrenkopf said:


Hey, mistakes happen. They’ve apologized and are correcting the error. They are making things right for us. BUT where’s my DIY stuff?

well, the apology is fine but their solution isn’t acceptable. 

hey, this wheel i have here supposedly has the fix on it with 250 or 150 miles on it depending on which screen u look at. do u want inmotion to have me ship u this wheel and just send urs back? u won’t have to wait on the kit.

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I have the iPhone app and it has always shown imperial "miles" on the "first" screen and metric "miles" on the "second" screen. The app just wrongly uses the terms "mi" and "mileage" instead of "km" and "kilometers". Everyone knows to multiple miles by .6 to convert kilometers to miles  (very close anyway). So 250 "miles" really is 150 "miles" on the iPhone App. :D

I know I should keep my mouth shut, but I just can't.     @novazeus, take a breath.   I'm sure your original V10F is just fine. I know what a pain in the ass it has to be for you and Bob but the issue really doesn't add up to a refund or new wheel.

I think @Jeffrey Scott Will and his team have been great dealing with this huge warranty/recall situation. It's not easy for a very small company like InMotionUSA to step up and perform like they have.

Edited by JerryR
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sorry jeffrey, u ddn’t figure out what happened, i had to. ur tech kept giving me baloney about how y’all had to wait on china blah blah blah.

The "waiting on China" part was in reference to the odd behavior you noticed in the app. We know there have been some new bugs introduced in the latest update, so at the time you were messaging us we were under the impression these new bugs were causing the inconsistencies you noticed. Now we know that app bugs weren't the cause - we were responding with the information we had at the time, and as the situation became more clear (partly from the information you gave us, yes) we realized exactly what happened. There is no deception or rewriting history going on here.


@Jeffrey Scott Will since u want to communicate with this forum, there’s no working it out with me, either send me a sealed factory fresh wheel or refund my money. 

You made the issue public, so we need to make sure to let everyone know we are dealing with it and to explain our side of the story. It's entirely possible we can get you new parts for any part of the wheel that you feel has been compromised, but you need to be patient and allow us time to deal with with your issue as well as take care of our other customers needs. I know it sucks to have to wait for these repairs and then to have another issue on top of it, but we are doing our very best with the situation when we have so much going on.


whoever this wheel belongs to, if he was smart he wouldn’t want it back either. he doesn’t know what its gone thru while in mine and Bob’s possession.

As I stated before, we already figured out exactly what happened and where the wheels ended up, and it's being dealt with. 


51 minutes ago, Harold Farrenkopf said:

They are making things right for us. BUT where’s my DIY stuff?

@Harold Farrenkopf These began shipping yesterday, and we continue to box and ship them today and tomorrow as well. Keep your eye out on your email for a tracking number if you didn't get one already. Also working on a video with more detailed walk-through. Should be up tomorrow at some point. :)

10 minutes ago, JerryR said:

I know I should keep my mouth shut, but I just can't.     @novazeus, take a breath.   I'm sure your original V10F is just fine. I know what a pain in the ass it has to be for you and Bob but the issue really doesn't add up to a refund or new wheel.

I think @Jeffrey Scott Will and his team have been great dealing with this huge warranty/recall situation. It's not easy for a very small company like InMotionUSA to step up and perform like they have.

Thanks @JerryR Honestly, I completely understand @novazeus frustration, but I'm glad you feel taken care of. :) Yes, we are small. Sometimes people forget that we are only the US team, not the factory. The weather-sealing should have been done in the factory, but we have had to deal with it ourselves. Our new team members that we added just for this project are extremely competent (and frankly, over-qualified) but mistakes can happen. We will deal with them and make it right for the customer if/when they happen. That's what we can promise.

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7 minutes ago, Jeffrey Scott Will said:

You made the issue public, so we need to make sure to let everyone know we are dealing with it and to explain our side of the story. It's entirely possible we can get you new parts for any part of the wheel that you feel has been compromised, but you need to be patient and allow us time to deal with with your issue as well as take care of our other customers needs. I know it sucks to have to wait for these repairs and then to have another issue on top of it, but we are doing our very best with the situation when we have so much going on.

i called and emailed inmotion usa several times yesterday and askd for a return phone call because u only have an answering service take ur calls.

i still want an owner to call me. not an employee. where’s Bob?

u need to get it in ur brain, i’m not gonna accept a wheel that has been ridden by somebody else. period. u don’t have the expertise or tools to thoroughly analyze what abuses the wheel may have endured.

why aren’t u calling me?

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