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New IPS i5 announcement - some interesting innovations


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Dears, S5 is on the research and development now, we need time to bring the good product to our customers. We cost 2 years to make I5, and we make many tests to make sure it is really good enough for customers( of course we can not do the best, but we will do better.) 

We do believe I5 is the good one, I will release more test videos or pics in the future, and also we hope more customers give us advice and feedback too, to prove it is a good wheel.

Here I will show the climbing and waterproof test, please read it


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3 hours ago, 王月月 said:

haha, Roomba? 

Yes, a Roomba... Those robot vacuum cleaners that look just like a Ninebot on its side...


Though I'm sure the Ninebot was a copy of the Roomba, not the other way around! 

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I am alomost certain this is the same test ramp as KINGSONG factory!

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F1593003297614828%2Fvideos%2F1877066685875153%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

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Lol I'm waiting for some videos and other people to get this wheel. No way do I want to be the first adopter.

Comon Marty, you've got wheel sickness and disposable income.

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On 2017-5-19 at 1:09 AM, Trey Lewis said:

Sure like you said someone may get injured due to their own lack of concern, but that is the same with nearly anything. Anyone that rides knows there is that risk. You deeply overstate that risk though.

The main safety concern though is not the riders who indeed should know their risk, but everybody else who may not know the risk and should not need to care. Protecting our fellow citizens should be our main safety concern, always, not protecting ourselves. Of course, if you only meet one of them twice a day, this concern doesn't need to be that big.

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3 hours ago, 王月月 said:

Hi, there are some guys want to test I5, and they want to know if I5 is really good enough, thanks 

I'd love to test an i5... let me know if you need delivery details. 

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40 minutes ago, Slaughthammer said:

Oh, nice one. That's Horstwalde, and the ramps offer different inclines, from 15 to 65%. electro-sport.de did a Rockwheel test there: https://youtu.be/4rVIwLj6aiw

Yep, have to credit Ferenc (www.electro-sport.de) for learning about this place. Unfortunately, it's pretty central in the middle of nowhere :P.


Found another interesting video demonstrating the IPS I5 with @Hirsute style elegance: https://www.facebook.com/1593003297614828/videos/1879820735599748/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED


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12 hours ago, Tilmann said:

Dear @王月月, yes, Yes, YESSSS! We also prepared a nice test ramp for it :thumbup:Window.thumb.png.f7f1b1c361a318407d28c57442f06173.png


Now that's an EUC testing facility!  

WTF?  How did they get the grades like that?  Holy crap, now that is some engineering!

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I love the idea of magnesium-alloy shell. It will be interesting to see if more wheels begin to use this for shells instead of plastic.

I'm not sure about the 350 watt motor though. I understand with the extremely compact form factor, probably this limits how powerful a motor can fit inside. But I know for me, when riding 14 inch wheels, my 800-watt Gotway is much more enjoyable to ride than my 350-watt TG. The TG is definitely usable, but I really appreciate the additional power reserve in my Gotway. It makes the wheel more relaxing to ride. So I'm curious to see what customers think of the 350-watt motor in the i5.

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19 hours ago, Slaughthammer said:

That's Horstwalde, and the ramps offer different inclines, from 15 to 65%.

That is a perfect facility for EUC testing!

Why was this facility built? I tried to find out by searching Google, but I did not find an explanation.

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38 minutes ago, MaxLinux said:

That is a perfect facility for EUC testing!

Why was this facility built? I tried to find out by searching Google, but I did not find an explanation.

General purpose testing area, looks like it was mainly used for testing of motor vehicles (since 1926), military vehicles by GDR army, etc.

These hills are obviously for incline tests. The "Verwindungsbahn" (twisting lane) you can see at the end tests how the axles deals with uneven ground.

"Verkehrs-Versuchsanlage Horstwalde"


https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fkvv.de%2F&edit-text= (Google translate of the above)


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The area is located some 75km south of Berlin:  https://www.google.de/maps/dir//Unnamed+Road,+15837+Baruth%2FMark/@52.0929361,13.4078222,1416m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47a872bd999e53ab:0x7a586525fcf50d60!2m2!1d13.4138308!2d52.0947334


It is operated by a historical society to preserve the facility. It is offered to commercial customers for testing and promotional activities, but there are no regular industrial or military operations. While they don't invite private users to test their 4 x 4's for environmental reasons, I would not expect objections to torture some EUCs on the incline test tracks.

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17 hours ago, RooMiniPro said:

From what IPS said they have apparently begun shipping to European customers. Does anyone have one yet?

First batch shipping is underway I do believe. We should have a unit for tests soon-ish. Will be doing a full video and review to determine whether we pick them up for sure. The wheels after much discussion with IPS seems promising, and we think it could be a really neat wheel for those who want the lighter form facor.

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1 hour ago, MaxLinux said:

I love the idea of magnesium-alloy shell. It will be interesting to see if more wheels begin to use this for shells instead of plastic.

I'm not sure about the 350 watt motor though. I understand with the extremely compact form factor, probably this limits how powerful a motor can fit inside. But I know for me, when riding 14 inch wheels, my 800-watt Gotway is much more enjoyable to ride than my 350-watt TG. The TG is definitely usable, but I really appreciate the additional power reserve in my Gotway. It makes the wheel more relaxing to ride. So I'm curious to see what customers think of the 350-watt motor in the i5.

I have pressed extensively on the motor issue. It sounds like torque will be much higher than other 350-watt motors. I was told that the a one to one comparison isn't accurate because of the complete redesign. I was assured the torque would be much higher than the Lhotz models, which is about when I decided this wheel could be very promising if true.

If you have any concerns about the wheel I would love to know and we will personally test it. We have a list, but I am sure there are some other things users may be curious about the hasn't crossed our minds yet.

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