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Dingfelder last won the day on November 9 2018

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  1. I loved life a lot more after seeing this video. You are living the dream for sure.
  2. Well I'm sure happy to cheer you on! Very happy! Super niche sport/hobby/? for now, but with the help of you and people like you, one day it might not be as rare or thought of negatively at all. Keep on going, great for you! At this point every single EUC rider is an ambassador, for good or evil, remember that.
  3. People are so terrible that I fully expect to be pepper-sprayed for no reason one day.
  4. Been really loving the Orville still. Saw Love & robots for a few episodes; dunno if I find it compelling enough to continue. Liking Dororo, on Amazon, a lot. Finally got into The Expanse and am on the second season now. Was watching The Black Butler anime, but quit kinda randomly, not because I didn't like it but because it began to seem just average to me. Perhaps because I have no emotional investment in the main characters. They do things, and sometimes those things are quite cool -- but it feels like it could be anyone else doing those things.I find it hard to continue with characters I don't care about. Saw all bur the last few episodes of Lillyhammer. Thought it would be junk but I really liked it. I have put off seeing the last few because when I do, it will be over. Bought the first season of The Strain and couldn't finish it. It just got more unlikely and self-contradictory until I couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't get much into Castlevania either, because they made him the vampire Captain Marvel, giving him ALL the powers. It was ridiculous. Enjoyed The Ozarks and will watch season 3, but I liked Bill Burr's comment that there was no way in hell a teenage girl is outsmarting a bright 50 year old guy that easily. And unfortunately, they did seem to turn the wife into a Mary Sue at the end of season 2. Just TOO good, too easy. I'll go back to Bojack Horseman soon. Loved the first seasons, and it has one of the best opening credits I've seen in years.
  5. Black Mirror is fantastic. (The show, haven't bothered with the movie yet.) One Punch Man can take a bit to get your head around, but it's pretty good also. A favorite from way back is Mushi-Shi, probably my favorite anime series ever. Did Disenchantment start picking up as it went along? It started so slow and bereft of surprises for me that I quite after two or three episodes. I watch a lot of cooking shows, too. Not competitions, though. Can't stand those.
  6. When I was a teenager I took a header over my bike's handlebars and landed on my shoulder. Was going very fast downhill, and wow did that hurt. Had my arm in a sling for a few weeks. Anyway I can testify that there certainly is a place for shoulder protection! Nobody wore any protection back in those days ... Rehab1, I'm surprised that you got hurt there too. The fall looked pretty benign. Then again, Natasha Richardson died from falling down in the snow, and Gary Busey got bad head injuries from being on his bike while it was parked. We humans are fragile. We also get more fragile with age, unfortunately. We have to compensate by being extra careful. Good luck with the doctor visit!
  7. I have had frozen shoulder before. A fair number of people can get it simply from office work done with bad ergonomics. Took me quite a long time to get over it too. Probably something like the year and a half your doctor spoke of. Watch out with those cortisone shots. Supposedly they are not very good for the body. Some doctors refuse to give them after a certain number, because of that. My mother got through her frozen shoulder with rehab-recommended flexibility exercises like putting her fingertips on the wall and then using her fingers to slowly walk, so to speak, her hand up the wall, a couple of times a day. She had been in a lot of pain, but said it rapidly helped her healing. You might want to try that if you haven't already. It's not completely pain-free, but then rehab rarely is.
  8. The Orville, helmed by Seth McFarlane, is fantastic. Often very funny, and, on the serious side, a true tribute to Star Trek. Also unafraid to take on SJW-sensitive matters in a way we can't expect from current media otherwise. Dororo, on Amazon, is also a good one, though too new for a true binge watch yet. I've also enjoyed the first season of Cheo Yong on Netflix, about a detective who solves cases by dealing with the ghosts of the murdered. And Lilyhammer, with Steve Van Zandt, the bar manager in The Sopranos and also Bruce Springsteen's long-time guitar player, is really fun. I thought it would be just a dumb retread along Soprano lines, but it is a fish out of water story, mobster style, that takes place in a smallish town in Norway. The contrast makes it fun, and there are some good characters. Some decent horror on Netflix lately too. And on Amazon, I just saw Hereditary, which was amazing but a grueling watch in some ways. The family dynamics are pretty grim. But it's authentic traditional horror, which I like much better than the usual slasher or torture porn stuff that passes for horror these days. Yes, I already know people can be psychotically bad. Everyone knows that. But I don't want to revel in it. For horror, gimme real supernatural monsters, not aspiring human ones.
  9. It's not that one kind or another kind of person is the way to be. Everyone is different, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. The rule that your right to swing your fist ends where another person's nose begins still holds true, though. There's never such a thing as total freedom, and it would be pretty bloody if there were. We do live in a community, which means everyone's needs and preferences have to be reasonably accounted for. In big city life, quiet is a huge luxury, usually only afforded the well-to-do. There is a good reason for noise ordinances and community rules. No one should be able to impose total silence on anyone and impinge normal activities, but it's up to people to make sure their normal activities aren't a huge pain in the ass to everyone else, too.
  10. At that low speed, with two lanes to drive in, the hit was completely on purpose.
  11. Good points, Rocky. Many young gangsters live incredibly violent lives in large urban communities ruled over or even devoted to gangs. They do not reflect the level of violence in society as a whole, but throw a monkey wrench into the statistics that is easily and commonly exploited.
  12. There's a german guy who is really good too, forget his name though ..
  13. Without big gambles, there aren't big pay-offs to pay the politicians with or big promises to pay the citizens with. Perhaps not many segments of our society are in it for the long-term anymore.
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