The Orville, helmed by Seth McFarlane, is fantastic. Often very funny, and, on the serious side, a true tribute to Star Trek. Also unafraid to take on SJW-sensitive matters in a way we can't expect from current media otherwise.
Dororo, on Amazon, is also a good one, though too new for a true binge watch yet. I've also enjoyed the first season of Cheo Yong on Netflix, about a detective who solves cases by dealing with the ghosts of the murdered.
And Lilyhammer, with Steve Van Zandt, the bar manager in The Sopranos and also Bruce Springsteen's long-time guitar player, is really fun. I thought it would be just a dumb retread along Soprano lines, but it is a fish out of water story, mobster style, that takes place in a smallish town in Norway. The contrast makes it fun, and there are some good characters.
Some decent horror on Netflix lately too. And on Amazon, I just saw Hereditary, which was amazing but a grueling watch in some ways. The family dynamics are pretty grim. But it's authentic traditional horror, which I like much better than the usual slasher or torture porn stuff that passes for horror these days. Yes, I already know people can be psychotically bad. Everyone knows that. But I don't want to revel in it. For horror, gimme real supernatural monsters, not aspiring human ones.