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Carlos E Rodriguez

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Carlos E Rodriguez last won the day on April 26 2017

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    Waukesha, Wisconsin. USA

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  1. The breakers for most typical house and for let's say a bedroom outlet usually are 15 amps. Is your AC a window AC? Try to see the rating place. Maybe the AC is too large for the circuit. And the extra 4 amps trips it. What other things are connected to the tripping circuit?
  2. I saw the video where they are siting at the sunken battle ship location. I am so sorry for him. Whith luck, disassemble everything and open one side of the motor to dry. The motor will not be damaged. The control board might be ok also but 50-50 chance. The batteries most likely scrap. If it was my wheel, i would have jumped and try to catch before it sank. I know the water is cold but you cold get out.
  3. It looks like @Jason McNeil rode the entire trip with his arms crossed! Lol.
  4. From what I saw, they ride them extremely conservative. I even saw them walking the wheel on small but pronounced inclines.
  5. O hold @Hunka Hunka Burning Love Hand.
  6. The burnt smell is tell tell sign that a mosfet burned. If only one phase poped it would explain the choppy behavior. Put good pictures of the board with good lighting so we can see. Another issue that might be secondary is the after the violent tumble the cable with the hall sensors came loose. Most likely one of the crimped hall sensors is defective and came loose. It is the connector with the 5 wires going from the motor to the board.
  7. Lol. That is ridiculous. And most like fracture the male pin. They are not designed to be repositioned. The metal used is very stiff so the pins don't lose pressure over time. If you fan then out you will posibly introduce a fracture. The pins are stiff by design so they retain the pressure.
  8. If the board came mounted don't remove it unless you know what you are doing. The MOSFET needs to stay insulated from the heat sink with the thermal pad and no silcer paste. Understand what you are doing or you will be ordering another board.
  9. I have an MCM4 HS. I like the fact that is faster than the inmotion 20mph, 32kph. Has range of close to 40miles. It only cost below 800.00 US dollars. It weight less than 14 kg. With high capacity battery. I think you limiting factor is money. I think the V8 is a great choice. Because of 16 inch and trolley. I think Gotway MCM4 is fantastic bargain. A new MCM4 pro is also out in limited markets with 84 volts.
  10. Grass puts a lot of demand on the wheel. As much as going up hill. Put regardless it should not blow. Just possibly poor workmanship or inferior black market components. The MOSFET ARE RATED for 120 amps but that is just a perfect design. So say 50 amps for sustained should never blow. I push 30 amps on uphill which I consider stremely steep. Hope you get it fixed.
  11. Well yes. Protection allows you to go faster and avoid an injury but I don't thing that is the cause. I wear the protection so I can go faster and not break myself. It does give a sense of security but you still need to make judgements. Conocer would be to ride naked will make you go slow and safe! A fall with no wrist guard plates would prevent abrasion but you will have damaged wrists.
  12. Severe abrasion of chin and right fore arm. Did superman at 20mph due to exceeding last alarm. Was westing wrist guards which saved my hands. One wrist guard broke from the impact. Also knee guards which saved my knees. Knee guard scraped. Right forearm lost lots of skin. Too three month to completely heal. Chin severe abrasion. Nose minor abrasion. Bicycle healmet saved my face. It too the hit for my forehead. I was sore on my whole body for two weeks. Lower back sour but not damaged. Both shoulders hurt for a while but all good. protection is saved me from severe injury. Specially the knee guards, wrist guards and healmet. I wear all the time if I plan to go above 10mph. I added full motorcycle healmet and full body armored vest
  13. @WaveCut if you can forward, tell gotway to figure out how to identify good and bad firmware. And then gotway somehow should be able to notify all the registered wheels via their app.
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