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25 minutes ago, Wraith Rider said:

But then again who cares, they don't buy it for safety or QC, GW/Begode buyers buy for pure performance period.  

That, I think, is true. I have thought long and hard about whether to continue with my pre-order of the Master, which is perhaps only a couple of weeks away from me, and I was given the most pause for thought I ever have been by the recent thread here about the RX / EXN etc battery recalls / replacements by ewheels that Gotway aren't paying for, which definitely damaged their reputation in my opinion by quite a bit.  I could cancel it and wait for the V13, and probably have time to save the extra money before any 13s would get here to the UK !

But, aforementioned worries aside, I do still think there is something special and amazing about the Master (in a good way), and I kind of wanna give them the benefit of the doubt, especially since my MS3 has been SO reliable over 6 years+ of riding it - I just hope my luck with them holds, but I DO really want that performance, and I bet that's why I don't end up cancelling that order ! I do realise this sets a bad example, and is quite selfish in that must show Gotway that they can continue being crap about safety, and some people will buy them regardless, but you only live once, and the time for living is now ! I will resign myself to getting a firesack, carrying a small fire extinguisher (or at least fire blanket) with me when out riding, and hope my luck holds.

Edited by Cerbera
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3 hours ago, mrelwood said:

And now you turn into a martyr. You presented a scale, we told you why it doesn't work. All cool. Maybe consider the points that were made against your scale instead of trying to turn it into a fight?

I hate to be blunt, but dude, grow up. I'm not interested in bidgering at this level.

I always consider the other side, and I still don't agree, but your side is apparently more correct than mine, my opinion should only align with your's and the royal "we".

So when am I getting my ban? :)

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40 minutes ago, Wraith Rider said:

Actually I have to disagree on the batteries.  GW/Begode have had a history of more fires than any other company by far.  Through out their history, every time they have had an issue with the wheel, albeit boards, mosfets, wires, connectors, screws, panels, batteries. bms etc etc, they have only after the fact fixed it just enough to work for that model.  Rinse wash repeat.  Why do you think its still talked about all these years later?  Its like saying its not justified to worry about QC on their wheels.  But then again who cares, they don't buy it for safety or QC, GW/Begode buyers buy for pure performance period.  

Yeah begode performance is great ,so much torque and speed but their components are fucking garbage .2 months after getting my wheel the dc converter board went they sent me a new one ..now at 4 months two capacitors blew and melted the leads to the boards and scorched the board …luckily no fire .just emailed ewheels and waiting to hear from them about getting a replacement board since it’s still under warranty 😟super bummed cuz when they blew my wheel just locked right up .thankfully I was braking and only around 10 mph when they blew or I could have been really hurt bad 

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2 minutes ago, squirrel said:

Really excited for this wheel. I wish Inmotion produced things with a little more urgency, it's painful watching Begode announcing and shipping several wheels since this announcement :/


9 hours ago, Dosingpsychedelics said:

Yeah begode performance is great ,so much torque and speed but their components are fucking garbage .2 months after getting my wheel the dc converter board went they sent me a new one ..now at 4 months two capacitors blew and melted the leads to the boards and scorched the board …luckily no fire .just emailed ewheels and waiting to hear from them about getting a replacement board since it’s still under warranty 😟super bummed cuz when they blew my wheel just locked right up .thankfully I was braking and only around 10 mph when they blew or I could have been really hurt bad 

Glad your ok.  It a little bit of luck on Eucs.  Its just the percentages of whether you get components that will last is really varied between the companies.

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4 minutes ago, Wraith Rider said:


Glad your ok.  It a little bit of luck on Eucs.  Its just the percentages of whether you get components that will last is really varied between the companies.

As usual ewheels is the king of customer service .they said they will pull a motherboard out of a new wheel and ship it out to me tomorrow.I will definitely be buying my next wheel from them come next spring . I want a long range wheel to add to the beginning collection ..tbd on manufacturer .I want to wait and watch the first batches of the v13 and master pro when they release to see if I want to go with such a heavy wheel with suspension or not .

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2 hours ago, Dosingpsychedelics said:

As usual ewheels is the king of customer service .they said they will pull a motherboard out of a new wheel and ship it out to me tomorrow.I will definitely be buying my next wheel from them come next spring . I want a long range wheel to add to the beginning collection ..tbd on manufacturer .I want to wait and watch the first batches of the v13 and master pro when they release to see if I want to go with such a heavy wheel with suspension or not .

Suspension, even with the small 50mm on the EX is seriously a game changer, especially for long rides. Add the 22” wheels and added weight stabilizing the ride, you’ll find it hard going back to non-suspension wheels. I just use my RST for off road riding and the EX is my road EUC of choice.

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On 8/22/2022 at 1:17 PM, Cerbera said:

 EXN etc battery recalls / replacements by ewheels that Gotway aren't paying for, 

Just wanted to say there hasn't been any recall for the EXN or newer Begode wheels. Just the RS, MSP and Nik+ those got them super messed up packs in them.

Which is messed up. Those wheels have been out for a while and no one had done anything until now. 

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8 minutes ago, brendan12345 said:


Not impressed. Looks like too big and heavy for him. Not great for off-road. They should really make videos on road and use a road tire as stock. Suspension did seem to work, though. 

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That guy looks tiny, waaaaay too big of a wheel for him. They need to bring some full sized American riders over to do the test rides. Also, the way the camera is held makes it look even bigger.

Edited by Fuerte
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That video does show one thing we haven't seen before.

When the rider falls, we hear the wheel say 'Be Careful'. So it does have some sort of speaker.

I'm curious to know if it'll be bluetooth capable or not, but at the very least I think it is safe to assume we would be able to upload custom sounds like we can do for the other inmotion wheels so we can have a custom horn sound or whatever.

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4 hours ago, UniVehje said:

Not impressed. Looks like too big and heavy for him. Not great for off-road. They should really make videos on road and use a road tire as stock. Suspension did seem to work, though. 

It's definitely a bbw (big black wheel).

Edited by RamonatheCat
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After falling, did anyone notice much suspension sag upon remounting? Also, the pedals look to be free to flop up and down too. 

The pedal height appears to be at a lower or the lowest setting.

The rider does appear to be out if his element on the V13 descending slowly down that particular trail. Making tight slow turns seems to throw him off the most.

However, if you set the playback speed to 0.25, and start playing the video at the very beginning, he looked at ease and in control riding on the hard surfaces.


In contrast, Begode are leaking out videos showing how playful the Master Pro can be. 

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5 minutes ago, techyiam said:

the pedals look to be free to flop up and down

Yeah that 'thunk' stood out to me as not very elegant; my v10f has a tension screw for the pedals so they take a bit of force to open, and that was the equivalent of no tension whatsoever.

There is the mention of the electronically opening pedals; I wonder if this is some side effect of that? (It also could just be a pre-production quirk where they haven't put effort into those finishing touches yet)

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5 minutes ago, rebeuc said:

It also could just be a pre-production quirk where they haven't put effort into those finishing touches yet)

This could certainly be a possibility.

On the V12, the bores in the pedal for which the pedal rod go through have a rubberized lining. The snug fit prevents corrosion and thus seizing, or premature wearing of the bores. The pedals can hold at any angular position. It gives the pedals a nice feel, even after a few thousand kilometers. A nice touch. 

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