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About Fuerte

  • Birthday 12/09/1972

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    Yuba City, California
  • EUC
    Gotway M Super X 100V, Updated Veteran Abrams

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  1. You guys see that they now have a 6.5 protection that is even better than 5.5? I don't wear it, but I saw that it is out and since you are discussing it... https://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/riding-gear/leatt-6.5-body-protector-p
  2. They said, new motor, new tire and updated firmware. I would pull the trigger, it rides nice.
  3. I did and I love it. Haven’t ridden to much yet, but very large and stable.
  4. I just picked up a very discounted Abrams from EEVEE's and it is awesome with a new motor and updated firmware. I would take a look at EEVEE's and their sales right now.
  5. I haven't gotten that fast yet. I have only put about 20 miles on it, and I am not comfortable with it yet. I tried building a seat, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to make it work. In order to balance, I have to sit on the VERY front of the seat, what am I doing wrong?
  6. Rode my new Abrams today, that sucker is huge! I am a big guy and it fits me well, just not used to it yet. Going to try a 20 mile ride tomorrow and see if I can get more used to it. It rides super smooth and it feels very well built. I made a seat, and will try to learn to sit also tomorrow.
  7. Thanks, I reached out to them on Facebook, has anyone actually ordered from him?
  8. FBHB, I am having a hard time understanding the EUC stuff, do they have a website where they sell or ?
  9. Good information Silver, could you share if this was recently or when it first came out? Also, was it with the new firmware or original? I don't know if the body is the same or not, but the EEVEE's Abrams have a new motor, so I don't know if anything else was changed.
  10. I am going to be building a seat on the roll cage so it should be just peachy!
  11. Should be fine for me, 6'3" and 250 lbs. I am excited to be able to sit on a wheel. I am going to build my seat when it arrives today.
  12. Those that have the Abrams, what siliconing do I need to do. In the reviews it looks like I need to plug the holes by the tail light, but anything else? I don't ride in bad weather so I am not too concerned, but I would like this to last. I have had my MSX 100V for 4 years and it is still going strong. Anything I need to do to make it better? I don't know if anyone has a recommendation on pedals or if the stocks are okay.
  13. Well...after going back and forth for a long time and still having no definitive update on the V13, I pull the trigger on an Abrams from EEVEE's. They have them seriously discounted with new tire, rim, motor and firmware. I still want a V13 in the future, but from what I understand this should solve any unwarranted cutouts. I will update if I notice anything.
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