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EUC Bodyguard for the Gotway Nikola!

The Fat Unicyclist

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4 hours ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:

Tell us what you think about the LED cut-outs - There are 100+ holes in the cover shown here. The challenge we have is finding the balance between showing off your LED and maintaining the integrity of what is a protective cover.

Although I don’t own a Nikola I can certainly appreciate the challenge you’re under.

The 100 precise holes you fabricated into the Bodyguard is amazing but I sense your concern that this may attenuate the cover during the application and removal process. 

When I instruct a patient how to properly donn a neoprene knee, elbow or wrist brace I have them pull on the material only in the reinforced areas. 

Does the Bodyguard have any reinforced regions that the customer can tug on during the application and removal process without the concern of ripping through any of the led holes? 

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10 minutes ago, ED209 said:

@The Fat Unicyclist this is magnificent! When will these become available for purchase? 

Thanks @ED209!

We will be adding it to our website shortly as a pre-order, with the first units expected to ship early in March.  

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Hi everyone,


These are good news here, here's my personal opinion :

I hope there will be an all black version (and enough pcs left when I will pre order it 😅)

About the amount of holes, if ever this is possible, having a transparent material instead would be great. I think I saw another BG from Turkey for the KS18(X)L which has it. If it's never possible, having as many holes as possible while it's still robust enough is great for me

About the zip section, is it possible to have more photos of the above section of the wheel ? When I read you, I understood that the neoprene part you can zip is not attached to the trolley, Am I right ? The zip is a solution, but Whenever there's a problem with it .. How about the use of Velcro and a larger part above the trolley so it can cover it all when folded. And a problem with a Velcro sound less problematic for me.


Just some thoughts coming up through my mind but you're the BG maker and I look forward to knowing more 😁

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YES oh man I'm so excited! 

  • Tell us what you think about the LED cut-outs - There are 100+ holes in the cover shown here. The challenge we have is finding the balance between showing off your LED and maintaining the integrity of what is a protective cover. We are thinking the cover would be a bit more robust if we were to reduce the number of holes a little - So would you all prefer a few less LED holes (possibly increasing the robustness) or leave it as it is (because you need to light up the world)?

            Answer: Preferably, I'd like to have the one without the cutout holes more, but if consumers want holes to show the lights, fewer holes but reinforced with                                          stitching for better integrity, I want it built like a tank, durability is #1 in my  book when looking for a bodyguard.

  • This Bodyguard has had a zipper added to facilitate the use of the scorpion trolley handle, but this does add a bit to the cost of the Bodyguard. Would riders be interested in having the choice of "with zip" (and trolley handle access) or "without zip" (meaning you can't use the trolley with the cover fitted)? This is to see if anyone out there doesn't use their trolley and would be happy to save a few dollars.

            Answer:  An option would be cool, but preferably having a zipper as a standard I think would be a best fit I tend to use the handle often.

            Follow Up Questions: -What type of zipper & size will be added? (e.g. #10 heavy duty,  ykk, plastic with size #8, Ziplon,  etc.)

                                                   -How much would be the additional cost? (temp quote would be cool if possible if not that's ok :) )

  • And what about the colours... is there a preference for the solid black side, or the multi-colour version? Or would people prefer a reversed colour-scheme (like the 16X) either with a solid or multi-colour side?

             Answer: Solid Black for sure is my choice, I love the solid black option! 

                             If there is a multi-color version, I would advise to reverse the color scheme, the middle portion would look better as the highlight color.

Summary /TL;DR : what would make me purchase one?: Solid black, No holes, durable zipper for the handle.

Hope the Feedback Helps!

Edited by chobot
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8 hours ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:


Nikola Prototype


Hmm. Gamechanger for me.:cry2:

Now is more hard decide.......:o

KS16X vs Nikola Plus 100V  :confused1:

...One of my excuses against Nikola Plus 100V  was that he had no protective cover.. :confused1::furious:

Now my brain need rethink all :efee96588e: heeelp :pooping:

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3 hours ago, Alexander Ronquillo Utlang said:

Is it possible for a transparent material around the LED instead of holes?

See below...

1 hour ago, fred8569 said:

About the amount of holes, if ever this is possible, having a transparent material instead would be great. I think I saw another BG from Turkey for the KS18(X)L which has it. If it's never possible, having as many holes as possible while it's still robust enough is great for me

We have not been able to find a suitable transparent material that can be bonded to the neoprene.

The Turkish cover you refer to is a fabric cover with transparent pieces stitched in place. We are unsure of how durable that solution would be, and haven't seen anything more of it since those original photos.

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2 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Don't have a Nikola but the cover in black looks very nice. Not sure about the issue with the handle though - is there a way of keeping the handle outside the cover but strapping it down with a Velcro strap which would allow quick release for those that need it? 

We did look at having the cover fit under the handle, but as the Bodyguard is a tight fit, that prevents the handle from locking down fully. Even if it were fastened, as it would be slightly open it would put the handle at risk of breaking in an accident.

1 hour ago, fred8569 said:

About the zip section, is it possible to have more photos of the above section of the wheel ? When I read you, I understood that the neoprene part you can zip is not attached to the trolley, Am I right ? The zip is a solution, but Whenever there's a problem with it .. How about the use of Velcro and a larger part above the trolley so it can cover it all when folded. And a problem with a Velcro sound less problematic for me.

You are correct, the zip only holds the two sides of the Bodyguard together. When unzipped (toward the back of the wheel - where the handle is) the handle can then be lifted and used as normal (with or without re-closing the zip). We did consider using Velcro instead, but remember that it needs to be full length (to hold the Bodyguard securely and protect the wheel). And opening (and closing) a ½ meter long strip of Velcro would be a lot more difficult than using a zipper.

1 hour ago, chobot said:

Follow Up Questions: -What type of zipper & size will be added? (e.g. #10 heavy duty,  ykk, plastic with size #8, Ziplon,  etc.)

We are still finalising the choice for the zip... But it will be plastic, heavy duty and high quality.   :D

Edited by The Fat Unicyclist
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1 hour ago, fred8569 said:

I hope there will be an all black version


1 hour ago, chobot said:

 Answer: Solid Black for sure is my choice, I love the solid black option!

Oh, okay. Yes, we will have a solid black version!

1 hour ago, chobot said:

Answer: Preferably, I'd like to have the one without the cutout holes more,

Ahh... The "Stealth Edition". Yes, that will be an option too - But a secret one that you need to ask us for!

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1 hour ago, DjPanJan said:

Hmm. Gamechanger for me.:cry2:

Now is more hard decide.......:o

KS16X vs Nikola Plus 100V  :confused1:

...One of my excuses against Nikola Plus 100V  was that he had no protective cover.. :confused1::furious:

Now my brain need rethink all :efee96588e: heeelp :pooping:

You know that there is one really easy answer to this dilemma...

Buy both! With Bodyguards too, of course.

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This is awesome!  I've been thinking about adding a Nikola Plus to the stable and this was one of the biggest things missing for me.  The nature of the clear plastic and how easy it seems to be able to scratch has always worried me.  I had considered maybe doing an xpel type skin to the body, but I think this is a better solution.

As for my thoughts, I like the lights, but I can see how adding so many holes can make it weaker.  It seems the concern is the thin amount of skin between holes would compromise how well it would hold up if the material got pulled.  For me, I would say maybe every other hole?  You'll lose some lights but I think the material between holes would be a lot thicker and more stable.  Maybe every 1/3? I'm not sure how close the LED are to one another, so I can't say for sure.

Trolley handle for me would be a must.  Zipper works.  I'd love YKK but I don't know what the difference in cost would be to us in the end, vs another one.

Color: I like the 2nd design as it gives it a little more than just a mass black circle, but I could go either way.  My current 16x one is just a mass black blog, but I like the shape of the 16x better.

Glad to see it's coming.  Now you're making me think about a Nikola Plus :(


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4 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

My first impression: the multi colored version looks like a wifebeater (undershirt):D

But it looks great and I'm impressed by the effort gone into showing the LEDs:thumbup:

Thanks Meep!

When we are prototyping Chrissi plays around with colours (partly to use up scraps and partly to help to see what going on). For the final version, I'm thinking we might offer colour either on the edge or in the centre "wifebeater" panel... With other custom configurations, of course, for those really keen.

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3 hours ago, EvoKnvl said:

As for my thoughts, I like the lights, but I can see how adding so many holes can make it weaker.  It seems the concern is the thin amount of skin between holes would compromise how well it would hold up if the material got pulled.  For me, I would say maybe every other hole?  You'll lose some lights but I think the material between holes would be a lot thicker and more stable.  Maybe every 1/3? I'm not sure how close the LED are to one another, so I can't say for sure.

We have chosen pretty tough neoprene, so weakness shouldn't be an issue. Our next prototype will have a few less holes, but we do want to expose the LED for those of us who like exposing themselves.   :shock2:

And yes, we are definitely focussed on finding the best quality zip for this Bodyguard. 

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