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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. The worst part is, they are not supposed to merely test their stuff (even if they did... or the riders do, eventually). They are supposed to design their stuff so they know what can be done with it and what cannot. Building electronics is not some inscrutable mystery. I can understand why you must be immensely frustrated. This is the worst fuck-up seen so far. People waiting over half a year for a fix for the one absolute worst-case problem a EUC can have (and never should have), and then that fix might not even be a fix, who can tell? Sorry, but that's such a dumb comment. Blaming the buyer for expecting a working and safe 2500€ product? Did I forget about the part where we put a gun to Inmotions head, forcing them to make bad hardware and release the wheel then?
  2. EcoDrift shows the final prododuction version of the S22. Only some tiny changes. Original: https://ecodrift.ru/2022/05/28/kingsong-s22-na-sklade/ Google Translate: https://ecodrift-ru.translate.goog/2022/05/28/kingsong-s22-na-sklade/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en
  3. Yea but what if you really want a V12!
  4. What the hell is going on with Inmotion lately? Who in their right mind thinks this is ok? A delicate board, the only thing that keeps you from crashing, doesn't even get a cardboard box?!
  5. The plot thickens. I'm still not entirely clear how ergonomic this wheel will be with that top metal bar, but if the waterproofing is nice, it will be a really nicely built better RS alternative. Looks very robust everywhere. The pedals say "Commander" Video by Denis Hagov.
  6. The max voltage is 84V, not 84.4V (ewheels constantly and wrongly has that false 84.4V number on their website). 83.54V (4.177V of 4.20V per cell) might very well just be inside the voltage measurement inaccuracy. This is a great tip. Just ask if charging to "only" 83.54V indicates a problem. Then you have proof towards the dealer, and maybe they have something to say about it. Likely this is nothing.
  7. Another one of these wheels (like the Master) where half of it is an absolute dream and I want it so bad, and the other (smaller) half is "uuhh mmmh not like this". Can't wait for the EX30 with 134V and 3600Wh and every issue with the EX20S/Master fixed and improved... that is what will happen, right? Right?
  8. The 35kph alarm is the "2nd alarm". You need to disable that. Some apps can be a bit tricky and enable/disable alarms without you noticing.
  9. Maybe if they send the battery packs separately? 66lbs is plenty for a battery-less wheel. Might work for all models.
  10. Yep that is just a high (normal) tire pressure. I guess your tire was really low pressure before. You will get used to it quickly.
  11. With electric unicycles (EUCs, wheels) getting increasingly popular, unfortunately scammers have appeared in our world, trying to steal people's money with offers of non-existing EUCs. You pay and then you get nothing and they run with your money. First Facebook and Craigslist, now they appeared on this forum, too. The most important assurance against scammers: Avoid unprotected payment methods that cannot be reversed! For example, Paypal's "Friends and Family" won't allow disputes via Paypal. Dito for the wealth of apps (Venmo etc.) allowing transfer of funds. Guess which kind of payment method scammers are trying to get you to use! Don't let anyone trick or bully you into something sketchy. A honest seller will have no problem making sure that the transaction is safe for both parties. Why would they? We are talking about big sums of money here. And they don't want to be cheated either. Scammers can't cheat you if you can just get your money back if they try. - As for identifying scammers in general, the usual applies. Do they offer a lot of consistent information, or are they stingy with info and cannot get their story straight? Is their listing credible, or are there photos of clearly different wheels in it? And so on. Ask questions, ask for details. No honest seller will have a problem with that. Trust your intuition if something seems off. A great way to rule out scams is to provide or ask for a handwritten note with the seller's forum username in one of the photos of the electric unicycle. - For a more general guide on buying a second hand electric unicycle, see here:
  12. Wow that Begode response. "No no no we totally didn't lie to you all. No no no we totally had an agreement an LiTech, they're just too bu-sey, what can a honest manufacturer do then? No no no we totally didn't try to scam all other dealers and riders with pretend LiTech packs. And what if we did, nobody ever wanted these LiTech packs anyways!" Didn't expect Begode to go so low business-wise. And what was even the point? It's not like this could have worked. Did they expect people to pay 600 extra for "better" battery packs and never find out the packs aren't what was sold to them? Was this just to get more orders in? (Only explanation I can come up with besides being intrinsically scammy.) Anyways, many thanks to @supercurioand ray and the others for their journalistic detective work! (Boy, when I saw the [SOLVED] edited into the title, I sure hoped for "Problem solved!", not "Mystery solved: it is as bad as it looked.". At least it's over now and there are no fake LiTech packs listed any longer.)
  13. Passive cooling is so important! Nobody wants to hear a noisy fan as soon as you stop (or even during riding). And it's not hard to do passive cooling, even Begode can do it We must always remember: half of the reason why any EUC electronics get hot is because they are undersized to begin with. Electronic parts are not supposed to get hot in the first place. Passive cooling should be the goal for any future wheel by any manufacturer. Rant over. For the things that Begode do wrong with the EX20S (still not over the weight, everybody seems to think it's just too damn heavy), they do some things very right.
  14. Well then the case is clear. How can ewheels sell something like this? They should know better. - Maxbe an extra stock charger would be better then? The 16X has two charge ports.
  15. Do you have any reason/intuition for that? Because the charger doesn't balance anything. The battery pack does it. And the end of the charging process is the same for any charger, as the current goes towards zero then. Right?
  16. Cool idea! Not sure how long the phone's battery will last if the screen is on the entire time (though you can choose when it is on), but this is a really cool idea. I would use some velcro to mount the camera on the back of the helmet. Higher = better visibility, and you can easily adjust the field of view by choosing your preferred spot on the helmet. All you need is to glue two velcro pieces to the camera and helmet. No idea which camera to use though.
  17. That makes sense. How do you like the 16X compared to them? Not many riders had all three I think. As for the V12, this is you chance to eye the V12 HT
  18. Plenty of potential doom lurking if you so desire But yea, Inmotion has a fantastic lineup of nice and powerful wheels with the V11 and V12... if only the "speed bumps" weren't there.
  19. Your profile says you already have a Nik AR+ and a V12 (both "16" inchers like the 16X), is that accurate? I, too, like to ride around with my solid Gold body armor
  20. Yea, name and shame pls. Blaming the rider for braking hard (in effect) is in no way justified. Looks like the V11 board is borderline weak, and some batch is even worse and fails often. They should replace the board with the new V12 board now that they have it.
  21. Half of this wheel makes me want to buy it RIGHT NOW, and half of this wheel makes me think I'm not paying 3000 for that crap. The buzzer inside the battery packs that warns of overheating and errors is pretty cool!!
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