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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Yep it's both 8p (at 126V and 100V respectively). But Wh are Wh and give you the number of cells, regardless of the voltage. The voltage just tells you how those cells are arranged. 4440Wh would be 240 cells, and 3600Wh is 192 cells. 25% more cells, 25% more battery weight.
  2. 2022 is cursed as a year for new EUCs. Abrams, S22, V12. No wonder people are cautious. What voltage do you guys expect? 126V? 134V? More? Those 140kph free spin must come from somewhere...
  3. That would be crazy soon! Means they switched to a "say nothing until the wheel is done" publicity strategy. Given by how fast Begode adapts, that makes sense.
  4. That is pure speculation. Just what we reasonably can expect - 134V like the Master, but with more battery. 3600Wh is natural and a size found on 100V wheels already, so it seems logical. Everyone wants more from the next generation. They (the manufacturers) should know, but they just don't. In many respects they are genuinely clueless. Like I said, don't frustrate yourself too much thinking about this, it is how it is. But if you plan a lot of DIY mods, that is already the right direction to get what you want. You don't have to modify, just when you don't want to waste the existing packs you paid for. I doubt that the board sees anything but the voltage coming from the battery side. Which is 134.4V from four 33.6V (8s4p) packs in series (so far). So you can't just easily add another pack, as in principle you can with any other wheel where the packs are full voltage and in parallel like God intended Now how you add battery capacity is up to you, this is just the state you begin with. The custom battery thing is new, ewheels started it. People would surely buy alternative battery packs for more capacity and per-cell monitoring and whatnot. One cannot currently buy wheels without their batteries, though, which might be an impediment. The batteries are probably the bigger part of the overall price, so custom batteries should replace the stock ones, not have to be bought extra. The best way to get what we want here is pestering influential dealers (ewheels), who have the ear and clout with the manufacturers. The Master's packs are foil packs, cushioned with foam, inside their plastic boxes. They should be robust enough. One issue to keep in mind with detachable battery packs is that people might connect them back when they are at different voltages. That's a big reason you cannot just easily have swappable battery packs and only expect sunshine and fluffy bunnies, it needs some more thought on how you would do it precisely without disaster. But since you are going for the DIY mod route, your imagination (and budget, I guess) is the limit for what you can do. Begode wheels are simple and the most easily modifiable.
  5. Do we know when there will be more official information about the V13 (official name)? How far in development it is?
  6. No, you are completely right and reasonable. Never ask why manufacturers do not do some obvious thing. You will just slowly go mad. Because there are no good answers, that's just how they are. Well, there is an answer, same as here, but it doesn't help anybody, that's why you quietly roll your eyes when they do their latest "but why not just ...?!" thing and try not to be bothered too much As for the general idea, a Master/EX20S successor which might essentially be a Master with bigger battery is what a lot of people are looking forward. I am at least. In principle, you could replace each of the Master's four 8s4p packs with an 8s6p (or even just 8s5p) pack and the wheel wouldn't be any wiser. The unique and strange battery config of the Master (again, don't ask why lol), with the packs in series, means you cannot just add extra 134V packs, but have to do it this way by modifying each existing pack. I would get your wheel first (it's a great wheel by all accounts), learn to ride, and then you will know what you want to modify.
  7. It appears the situation has cleared up a bit (this is my personal impression, please don't rely too much only on this). Here's how I see the situation: If you have a V12 HS with the original board, replace it before it tries to kill you!! If you have a V12 HS with the replacement board, make very sure the board is ok. They seem to work in general, but there were truly bad manufacturing/quality problems, and Inmotion blamed their customers, which sucks. More info here: EcoDrift article (Google Translate) If you have a V12 HT with its "new" board (TO-247 sized mosfets), you are good, I think. Make sure you have the latest firmware. Here's a disassembly of the V12 HT: EcoDrift V12 HT disassembly (Google Translate) I'm not sure if the V12 HS from now on will also get the "new" TO-247 board of the V12 HT. If it did, that would be great. I thought it would, but I can't find any actual source, so did I only imagine/wish this? If you have a source (one way or the other), please post in the V12 cutout tracking topic (or somewhere else). So far, only the "replacement board" is confirmed to exist. Here's a quite glowing review of the V12. It's a great wheel if the board is fine and safe, just be sure of that:
  8. It's not social media. Looks like Inmotion have the same problem the other manufacturers have: they don't really use/ride their own wheels. They're not building wheels for themselves. This is why manufacturers make so many baffling decisions that any rider immediately (and rightly) complains about - they just don't understand some things that are obvious to any rider! I think the V11 is secretly (or not so secretly) Inmotions best wheel. Such a goddamn nice commuter!! And the price is quite ok. Why oh why did they never quickly update it? 100V (V12 board already exists), automatically giving it a bit more battery (1500Wh -> 1800Wh) and speed - that would be such an easy, no-brainer upgrade. Oh well, same reason the V10F has languished and never been updated. They can do it, as the V8 line shows... Maybe after the V13, some of its innovations will trickle down to revisions of their existing wheels?
  9. So if 70% of free-spin speed is a good rule-of-thumb for the sustainable top speed... 70% of 140 is 100 You're right, the limit might no longer be how crazy the rider is (well that is never going to go away), but plain wind resistance and physics. That's a step forward for EUCs.
  10. Wind resistance will always be there. You'll always get a huge range drop when going fast vs. going slow. Nothing the manufacturers can do against that. Whatever Wh/km (at speed x) we get from the current wheels we can expect from this V13. Or did you mean something else? The Sherman offered unprecedented performance, range, and speed at safety for that long range (due to the low voltage drop from the big battery) in a maximally compact, stable, tanky, popular "18" (aka 20) inch tire size package. Plus that new and cool, robust looking roll bar. That's why I don't think it's directly comparable to these huge monster wheels like the V13 (presumably), Monster Pro, Abrams, and maybe the crazy heavy EX20S. They do seem more niche. They are just "big" to me, somehow the Sherman is not. I never really understood these wheels (hated the Monster whenever I tried it, nimble like a freight train). But apparently many people seem to like them (and buy, always surprised at the number of Monster Pros in random videos). Maybe just because they are the biggest and baddest, but I guess enough just seem to like the drive characteristics. Big comfy and stable tire plus seated riding, who needs torque (without having to lean a million pounds) or effortless nimbleness? So to me, Inmotion are just completing their wheel portfolio. The market seems to be there in general. The dangers I see are that people will be a bit wary of IM quality after their latest fiascos, which has always been part of their selling point. More important for such a fast and (presumedly) expensive wheel. Also, can they beat Begode on performance? I almost expect BG to clone-improve this (after more info is available) and release their wheel (with more performance) and possibly it's successor before the V13 releases. Well, I'm happy they are trying. I'm not going to buy this (zero interest in a 22 incher), but I hope it will be good and will find its fans. And maybe there is something new about it we don't know yet.
  11. Yes (in comparison to the same motor with fewer windings). Essentially, anything that allows the motor to be "grabbed" easily (like lots of windings, wider/stronger magnets) and thus gives you torque will also produce a stronger counterforce (back-EMF) to the rotation, decreasing the top speed. So you have to choose a tradeoff when constructing the motor. The trick seems to be to have the voltage high enough so even a HT motor gives you plenty of speed. The Master is proof of that. The V13 can do the same. - What is the free-spin speed of the Sherman? If we compare it to these 140kph of the V13 and the Sherman's usable top speed, we know how fast this V13 usable top speed should be.
  12. To me, the central box on the motor looks like a slider for a (simple, V11-like) suspension. Maybe optional, so you can have the same wheel with or without suspension.
  13. I meant the inner cage (with the rounded corners). It looks like part of the wheel, and like the one picture we have (posted by @Robse a few pages back, and we saw something like that before also).
  14. It is! Top cage! Can't quite figure out where the batteries go. 2 packs, each inside the top cage? 4 (thin) packs, like the Master, to both sides of the suspension box?
  15. Just wait the few seconds. Nothing you can really do. But it shouldn't spin up when falling over, just switch off right away. I would test for that (just let it fall over on grass or something like that).
  16. Usually, when the wheel is tilted over too much to the side, it considers itself fallen over and switches itself off. But maybe this didn't happen this time, so it spun up (being also tilted forwards or backwards a bit, which controls its speed) and then eventually switched itself off because it reached its top speed but the forward/backward tilt didn't go away. Usually, you can't use the power button to shut down a spinning wheel (the power button only works at very low speeds as a safety measure when riding). Maybe the side-tilt switch off just didn't work this one time (no problemo) and the rest was normal behavior then. As already said, let your wheel fall over and see what happens. If you cannot reproduce this, don't worry about it any longer.
  17. I can't do that directly, but if you wait a bit, it should be there soon.
  18. Heyo, I split this off into its own thread because it's an entirely different topic, so people can find it better like this
  19. Never realized this mode exists! It's all forums in one, which is neat. It would indeed be good to not have pinned tabs there, that more or less ruins it. Guess I'll stay with the Activity Tab.
  20. Bump. I'm on the wrong continent for this, but maybe you can come
  21. Ok, wow, I'm sorry, you are right there. I had a look, all the reports came not from you. You were just the guy reported a lot (a lot of reports came in in short order). I must have confused that. Not sure I would call it "narking" though. Reporting something you think might be problematic is completely legitimate (if it does not get out of hand like here). Anyways, you didn't report anything as far as I can see.
  22. We don't "punish" people here. We mods aren't any poster's parent or judge @Vanturionand @Paul A both got a 36 hour posting ban, which is already over now, and everything in that regard is back to how it was before. Nobody got kicked out. The only purpose of the posting ban was to stop them having a personal fight in a public thread and reporting each other multiple times dealing with a sudden flurry of reports to us mods. That was all. We aren't angry with them or anything, we don't take sides or have opinions on their content (nevermind what we personally may think), it was only to stop the fight. We all want them to come back to good posting as it was before, just not fighting like this please. And the thread got hidden in the process. In hindsight, with your and Shane's legitimate (one can well argue that way) complaints, I asked if we should maybe restore it (lock it though, it wasn't going to get better, I would strongly say the problem wasn't just 10 messages or so, nobody of us was happy with the overall quality there). Most everyone else was against that, and I can understand that very well. Quite frankly, we worried that this thread (much of it) made the forum look bad, and that's (I say) the one thing we as mods can't have: potentially putting off new people who see something like this and then don't feel like participating here. Some off topic thing is not worth that in a forum about electric unicycles. @atdlzpaeAs far as my comments about that thread, that were my impressions whenever I had a glance (not that I read that mess!). Nobody says anything more or that is has anything to do with you or that you did anything wrong. Sorry if you are part of the collateral damage. Do you (or someone else?) truly have some posts in there that you wanted back?
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