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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. On the one hand, WTF. Makes the EX20S look like a kids' wheel. On the other hand, 4800Wh is hella cool!!! The Master name is misleading, this is the Monster tire size. Also, how tall are these pedals? 27.5cm! Wow.
  2. eevees lists the T4 at the same price as the EXN and V12 HT.
  3. Not sure if there is a local shop. But there's always https://eevees.com/.
  4. Honestly, the $4000 early bird price is high, but acceptable if you compare to the prices of the 3600Wh cruiser competitors. It's just that $4600 price that is brazenly too much, but luckily you escape that. So why not! It certainly looks to be a very nice wheel.
  5. We had a request quite similar to this, and the reply was "Nah just leave me alone". Can you elaborate on what you would like to do in a bit more detail?
  6. Safety margin is for sudden bumps or any rider induced short term acceleration, wind gusts, stuff in your tire, or whatever else requires a sudden power surge and enough extra voltage to not crash at that speed. The wheel can't differentiate between this and intentional accelerating, it just tries to keep itself (and you) balanced. Margin is margin. So it's not just about speeding up to escape danger. Why exactly the margin is so high at these speeds, I have no idea.
  7. What a sensible reply. You're right. I am just a bit disappointed that it isn't like with Begode wheels, where the first batch ships out more or less when you first hear of the wheel. The V13 does look very nice and shiny, so it would be nice to see it in people's hands sooner, even if I don't want a 22 incher myself. IM please give us some official high res pictures to swoon over!
  8. The T4 has redundancy in that if one battery pack fails, the other half of the battery configuration should be able to continue its work unimpeded. But honestly, battery packs failing during riding isn't a thing that happens. And the board is very proven and good (*knock on wood* unless Begode screw something up). No worries there
  9. Wow, early 2023 at best? I thought this was weeks from shipping out test wheels or something! I sure hope IM doesn't pay these ridiculous prices to their supplier. Otherwise that might explain the V13 price.
  10. It's a hollow motor (no axle) and in the video he says it is very robust and can take vertical loads of 2700kg (think peak load after a jump). I would not be worried. As for the pedal hangers, have these ever been a problem for any EUC? No Pretty sure this is a very robust EUC in every regard. Link to that part in the video (timecoded at 10:32):
  11. Short comment about the charging: it has two charge ports, and each port can do 7A max. So that's where their 14A/1764W=14A*126V charging number seems to come from. In principle, any wheel with two GX20 charge ports can do the same. Also, here's the official source for the top speed: a Youtube live chat comment 90kph = 56mph Same for weight:
  12. The mud guard covers the entire wheel well, front to back! Finally someone did the obvious!
  13. Does anybody know an official website/official pictures/official anything (other than the video)? This video had surprisingly little new information other than confirming the looks and suspension, and giving the price and weight. When can you buy it?
  14. 50kg. 4000/$4600. I sure hope the speed freaks don't mind, because who else will buy that? The wheel is really nice overall. But it needs to be $1000 less to sell, I would think.
  15. Wow, you can just diy-remove the suspension if you don't want one. Cool!
  16. And now the stream is gone. I hope the wheel launch will be better than the wheel reveal stream
  17. LOL, 10 people talking Chinese in the background and the video is 3 fps because they stream from Windows 98 PC. Wheels looks good though!
  18. That's definitely the case. Looking forward to tomorrow.
  19. The T4 name seems to suggest that there will be no Tesla successor (16*2.125 tire size). Which is a bit sad, as we are losing a tire size. But KS didn't bother either (16S is ooooold), and Inmotion simply upgraded their existing line with the V8S, not exactly a performance wheel either, so these don't seem to be the manufacturers' priority.
  20. Contact your seller and ask them about the Inmotion calibration thing. Maybe it's just a wrong voltage reading.
  21. Fire safety should not depend on how the packs are wired together. Just the packs themselves - cells, BMS, etc. To recap, we now have two 67V 600Wh packs in series, acting as a 134V 1200Wh pack, and then we have two of these in parallel, right? Sounds good.
  22. They still list the S22 with 2220Wh as God intended. So now they are telling customers that they'll be shipping out a smaller battery version?
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