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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. In general, about 75% to 80% of the free spin speed should be the usable top speed of any EUC (details may depend on the model). So something like 60kph/40mph for the T4, going by this. (This is just an estimate, please don't hold me to it.) Or just go by whatever the 100V Nikola's top speed is. Same voltage, same tire size, same motor (probably) - so you can expect the same top speed. I think that was about 40mph.
  2. I think you need at least two wheels. Also, a self-balancing wheelchair seems just like a dumb idea. There was some kit a few years ago, Speedy Feet sold it but the site for it is now empty (but still exists): https://www.speedyfeet.co.uk/collections/blumil-wheel-chair Also a Google search finds a few older threads: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aelectricunicycle.org+wheelchair
  3. I just read "French price" and had to say something. Please don't take my writings as any more than that (it was not even a criticism of what you wrote), sorry. This actual number - 2700€ - might even be realistic, given that some stores sell the V12 HT for 2800. Haha, that's what I'm secretly hoping for too! Bring the improvements from this wheel to the Master (improved suspension, better top box, adjustable light, maybe redesigned side pads, and so on) and I'm tempted to buy one.
  4. French stores are sometimes ridiculously overpriced, due to the dealers setting up exclusive sales in the country. It depends on the model (just had a look - want to pay 800€ extra for an Extreme Bull XM?). So I would not extrapolate too much from a French price. This Ali store gives me 2100€ price. Whatever that translates to in MSRP in Western markets. I think below 2500€ is realistic. AlienRides might be right with their $2400 estimate. Which is good. Too high and many will just buy a Master or S22.
  5. I think KS and IM are often making things way more complicated than necessary. Just look at how their wheels are built - so many custom small plastic parts for whatnot everywhere. Or maybe that's just how they want to do things. The new Begode designs are a masterclass in simplicity. They obviously bought some metal work machines (CNC etc.) and now are just having fun, resulting in a wheel that has probably half the number of parts and a quarter the number of screws that KS/IM ones have. And Begode have always been big on modularity and common parts, while the other manufacturers concentrated more on each wheel model individually, one after the other. I'm not saying one approach is better than the other. But it's clear which approach is more efficient.
  6. There's a huge difference between a standard/allround tire and a knobby tire, for example. If I wanted to do serious rides on mostly soft/wet (mud, wet grass, snow slush or just general winter riding, ...) or loose (sandy, gravel, ...) ground, I would definitely switch to a knobby tire. It's not like the normal tire slips easily, but you definitely notice the knobby is just rock-solid and never slips. (Sucks on roads, though, because it's loud. Otherwise I'd go knobby only.) I even noticed a difference between CST and Chao Yang allround tires, the latter is much smoother and softer and just feels nicer (to me). You can easily get away with riding your stock tire everywhere, it will work and you will be happy. But if you get over the mental bump of installing a different tire, you might find out you like it better (or not at all). Only one way to find out. I think it's worth trying at least once.
  7. Yep, this could be a great first-but-forever wheel for everyone who wants top performance, but does not want a huge battery or huge weight or to pay crazy prices. Now with suspension! RS: 2300 (18 inch, but a great entry price point if you want the latest performance) 16X: 1850-2100€/$2100 (a bit cheaper but also less performance) Nikola 1800Wh: 2000€/$2200 V12: 2500€/$2300-$2500 (latest bells and whistles, but no suspension) And now you can have the T4, with no performance compromises, and get in the suspension game, for around the same price point! This should be seriously attractive to a lot of new riders. Let's hope Begode does not screw this up (price too high, or issues crop up).
  8. Am I understanding this right, the current EX20S has an oscillation problem of sorts? Like the various wheels before that had oscillation issues at some point? Or is it something different?
  9. The wheel in the background does not have the side pads installed. That's why it looks different. If you look at the riding scenes in the video, it looks to me that the (top of the) pedal height is about at axle height/where the tire is widest. It indeed seems the suspension is bottomed out when they show the wheel otherwise. Good find! But this is also good. The pedals would be too low if this was indeed with the suspension uncompressed. This wheel has nothing to do with the Tesla line other than the name. The tire is wider and has like 5cm/2 inches bigger outer diameter. So it will also be proportionally faster compared to the Tesla tire at the same RPM. 20% higher voltage and about 18/16 (+12.5%) more tire diameter would give like 35% (1.2*1.125=1.35) more top speed for the same motor. I'm not sure it even is the same motor. The bigger Begodes all use the C30 or C38 motors, but I'm not sure what the Nikola or Tesla v3 use. Let's see how it looks with the suspension not bottomed out. But I think it will look good enough. These tall-battery-packs + suspension wheels just tend to be high, see Master or S22. If it rides well and offers 16x3 inch + suspension + 1800Wh + the rumored quite low price below $2400, it will be a fantastic wheel for everyone who does not want/need the most extreme specs but wants all the possible features otherwise.
  10. Would you even see the tire for all the other stuff?
  11. Imagine a "15 inch" MCM6 in the same vein as this, same MCM5-sized rim but 3 inch wide tire so it's 15 instead of 14 inches, with around 1000Wh (has to be a 3p battery), and suspension. 25kg or less. Might be a nice maneuverable smaller commuter, or just some offroad torque monster. I don't think they will do it, but it could be done.
  12. This wheel has nothing in common with the T3 (Tesla line of wheels) besides the name. The tire size is the same as the V12 or Nikola, unlike the smaller Tesla tire. If anything they should have given it a new name or called it Nikola 2 at least.
  13. The price will be interesting. The Master is 3000€/$2900-$3250. Similar thing but in bigger. The V12 is around 2500€/$2300-$2500. Same thing but without suspension. The Hero is around €2700/$2800-$3250. Same thing but in bigger. So somewhere in the middle? Or maybe the price doesn't matter that much, and people buy specific wheels because they like them, or maybe just because they are available. I would be surprised if the price is below 2500. Would be nice, though.
  14. Video can be seen here (the other link does not work for me): https://www.facebook.com/pg/Begode.Levi/posts/?ref=page_internal They took the idea and creepy TikTok voice from Inmotion.
  15. These packs are built like the Master packs, just smaller (24 cells instead of 32 cells). No problems with the Master packs. These packs seem to be the latest Begode standard (half voltage and then two in series to get the full voltage, with the matching BMS). And they tout their BMS improvements in the announcement of this wheel. The fires were different cells in differently built packs with a different BMS, and even that was only for a short while - the latest RS and EXN and Monster Pro and EX20S, with the old pack design, don't go up in flames either. I see no reason for concern. Literally, there were no more fires, and a lot has changed in the meantime anyways.
  16. Now I get it! I don't see any future iterations. Given how much redesign would be needed to make a 2700Wh wheel out of this (or a 2400Wh 134V one), that would essentially be an entirely new Begode wheel in terms of changes. The Nikola was special. It was easy to move the board out of the top space, which was also just big enough to house a third battery pack. So the 2700Wh variant was easy to do and a no-brainer. But that was an exception.
  17. Why do you ask? What would a T4AR do differently from the standard T4 here? It would need some reason to exist for a dealer to commission it (the official Nikola 2700Wh did not exist when the Nikola AR+ was thought up and offered by AlienRides). Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the question.
  18. Finally, a 16 incher with suspension! Looks great, like a Mini-Master. Too bad it's 100V/1800Wh only. But "super torque motor" sounds good. Light angle adjustments! Stock 5A charger! All the bullet points point in the right direction of incremental improvements and listening to riders (a little)! I wonder why they gave it the T (Tesla) name instead of making it the Nikola 2 (because that's the same tire size, unlike the Tesla).
  19. Yes, I meant the ring terminals (thanks, now I know what they are called!). These are clearly the three motor phases (blue, green, yellow). Can these truly be called waterproof connectors? Sometimes I wonder if manufacturers understand that some things are determined by the weakest link instead of the average. This seems like an oversight in "waterproofing" the wheel to me. Not that I expect that to ever be a problem (unless the wheel gets submerged), and it's way better than any other wheel. But still...
  20. Does anybody know what KS is doing all the time? People pre-ordered a year ago, that's insane!
  21. 18 capacitors. 42 MOSFETs (they'll do anything to not use TO-247, won't they?) 20x9 cm heatsink (at this point you can officially use it as a murder weapon) I'm starting to think the V13 price might not count as budget friendly... Nice approach, though, waterproof (is it? Raw metal connectors on the top?) and all.
  22. It should be somewhere. If it's the first post, the hide is above the post, not in the three dot menu (for some reason). Or maybe it's another new member thing. Should appear soon then.
  23. Maybe it's pictured with the suspension fully compressed. I don't even know where that picture is originally from, could be from anyone, with any kind of wrong or correct details. My logic is: the right side looks like it has more mysterious parts, so that must be the suspension one. That's all It also matches the "What exactly is that?" things we see in the official videos. We'll see more on the 2nd I guess.
  24. Going by the one image that has been floating around for a while, it's suspension vs. no suspension. Left: no suspension, right: with suspension. The recent images seem to show the one with suspension (strange stuff in the central pillar, seems more than just a simple pedal hanger). That's the best interpretation I can give. I don't see different battery sizes coming (for now). Had they announced 2220Wh, one could believe in a 4440Wh "big and badass" version to satisfy the spec people. But the 3024Wh is right in the middle, where a bigger or smaller battery size seems to make less sense, and their choice of 18650s might indicate they want an 8p battery, which can't be had smaller (and again, except for later switching to 21700s for 4440Wh, I see little point in offering a marginally bigger battery (like 10p = 3780Wh) now). Anyways, I'm just speculating here. 9 days till we know.
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