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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Some posts about shocks moved to here, as they were supposed to be there:
  2. Wasn't an S16 rumored to follow the S20/S22?
  3. Tell me about it! My February of 2017 ACM needs a replacement badly! Please be good (and cheap), Master.
  4. Hi. We have a little guide on what is important when looking at used wheels. Not much, actually (battery should charge to full, and no obvious big damage). It's the second part of the post here: I don't know but I'm not sure the S2 can do that. Note that, as the battery depletes, the top speed of a EUC will go down. So "can do 24kph at full charge" and "can do 24 kph for a useful lengthof time" are two different things. Maybe someone else can tell what performance to expect from an S2. What is your weight? That might be important.
  5. Yep if you click a username and view their profile, you see when someone was here last.
  6. I imagine the only reason the EX20S isn't 134V already is that Begode didn't want to put all their eggs in one untried-board basket. With the Master being good, that's no longer a concern. The only reason for a 100V EX20S to exist now is so they could charge even more money for the 134V
  7. Huh that is a weird battery configuration. Should we be worried? Why would they build it like this in the first place? (Other than being cheap with low voltage BMSes instead of one proper one... only cause I can come up with.)
  8. I have range anxiety and price anxiety and need to decide between the two (Master or EX20S)
  9. No. In terms of stress, this is nothing and should be absolutely normal. Just a little bit of braking and accelerating. Very reasonable usage for any wheel.
  10. https://forum.electricunicycle.org/forum/74-where-to-buy/ Thanks very much to the guy who originally approached @mrelwoodand recommended this (I think the original idea was more about a dealer ratings, but this is what we ended up with).
  11. See title, that's it. This forum is for finding a seller for your location, and discussing and reviewing dealers, and related topics. Feel free to report topics, or post a link here, that you think should be moved into this new forum.
  12. As the title says. The Master is likely my next wheelConsidering the EX20S for the range, too, even if the price might make me unhappy. Which EU dealer can I buy one from? I can hardly find any.
  13. Watching Marty's video... hnng I need this wheel! The build is even nicer than I expected. The pedal hangers protect the underside of the sides, and the foam cushions are great almost everywhere.
  14. That's what the forum is for, though People can google a question here, but not what is said in some Youtube video.
  15. I may not be up-to-date on what Ninebot does. Last I heard (soon after the Z10 release) is that they abandoned their dealers, and the dealers had to scrounge parts from extra wheels to fulfill warranties. Speedy Feet complained about being screwed like this by Ninebot twice (they did the same with the S2/earlier wheels - one day they suddenly stopped offering parts or any service to their dealers).
  16. Ninebot is a dead brand. They were (are?) coasting on their success with the S2, which was in 2015 (the stone age of EUCs)! After that, they only released the Z10 and pretty much immediately abandoned it (suddenly no support or parts for their own dealers!!). So definitely do not spend 2000 on a Z10! As for protecting your wheel, just make your own bumper. It's easy enough and you can use anything you can come up with. Usually a yoga mat cut up + duct tape is a good start. It does not need to look nice. After a few weeks you will no longer need it anyways. And if you ever look to upgrade, stay away from Ninebot. The S2 for the price is a good learner wheel, but that is all they have to offer.
  17. I'm worried that these directly exposed battery boxes (on the Master or EX20S or S22) might be mechanically damaged in a crash. It would be a direct impact. Worst case it's going to kill the entire battery pack. We'll need 3D-printed protectors, I suspect. Or maybe a one-piece combination of powerpad and protector for the Master would work.
  18. 3 rows seem to be hidden below the capacitors. The lower half of the board is essentially a field (graveyard?) of mosfets.
  19. You're right. Computing capacities might no longer work for these quite different kinds of cells. We need real world range tests and comparisons. The 40T cells have super high discharge and in general should cope better with very high stresses. So overleaning at anything but top speed is much less likely. Not that it really was a problem with the regular cells. But I guess if you like steep hills, this sounds good.
  20. These are even smaller than TO-220. Also, are the mosfets on the top of the PCB? Shouldn't they be on the heatsink side? In principle, yes. - No idea how to judge this. Maybe the board runs exceptionally cool? Or maybe they are trying to save on components? Waiting for overheat hill!
  21. Ew that comes out to only "1800Wh". The original 2220Wh were already a little low.
  22. This indeed does not look half-bad at all! Especialy for Gotway. I like how simple it is. Some questions for those who know or can make an educated guess: I count only 12 mosfets, didn't they go with 18 on their latest wheels? I guess the higher voltage makes this possible? Each battery is now directly connected to the board with a neat plug! No more sketchy soldered battery cable connections. Does this configuration imply anything about the batteries, or how the board manages the batteries? (The board "sees" 4 batteries now instead of one.)
  23. Master is 4p so I expect NO problem there. Just like the other 4p wheels with the same cells. Even 40A (and that is just continuous) is a LOT. ewheels is listing a 1920Wh Master with higher discharge cells though. I'm really curious about the suspension and what people will say about it. It looks quite different to the Master suspension. Bigger.
  24. 84V - 4.2V = 79.8V, so this looks suspiciously like a bad cell. I would consider this pack unsafe now. I would ride with just the one good pack.
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