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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @supercurioLast attempt at explaining what I mean, to not derail this thread any further indeed Maybe it helps to define a "performance" wheel as a wheel where the motor is the weakest link. And if the battery is the weakest link the wheel could perform better by adding more battery (more p's) and thus does not count as performance wheel. For example, going from a 1800Wh (4p) Nikola to a 2700Wh (6p) Nikola just gives you more range. Whereas the S18, as I understood it, seems to be a little underpowered compared to what a 4p variant of this hardware could be. (That does not speak against the S18, it is what it was designed to be.) That's why I'm saying there seems (or seemed, with the shitty 7.5A cells) to be a cutoff between 3p and 4p. And that argument is independent of voltage or ultimate power output or comparing different wheels or anything else. If the EX20S were 3p or the Master were 3p the argument would still stand. If you run out of 3*7.5A, you run out, no matter anything else. I could still be entirely wrong about this 3p vs. 4p cutoff, but that's another question. Anyways, peak power output, peak voltage, peak current - all three matter (on paper, and sometimes even in real life), even if the first is just the product of the others. - So much for that. When do you guys think the first EX20s's will be in people's hands?
  2. @supercurio I'm literally only talking about the number of p's. More p's = higher peak current (which you could theoretically run out of), no matter that it makes no difference for 6p vs. 8p. Whether or not the voltage is the same, or the battery capacity is the same - which would have further implications - does not even come into play. Let's take the old LG cells with ~7.5A continuous and whatnot A peak. In 3p that was apparently a little weak if you want to build a "performance" wheel (S18), whereas 4p didn't seem to be a real life limitation (RS). Higher discharge cells make this point moot, too. As far as peak current is concerned, the S22 is still 6p and the Master 4p. Does it matter? No It seems to be enough either way. And yes, doing the same thing has the same power requirement on any wheel, so current output isn't so important. But the same way you could run out of top speed on a lower voltage wheel compared to a higher voltage wheel, you could (theoretically) run out of current on a low p wheel versus a high p wheel. I'm not saying much more, and you are right with everything you say. Maybe we can agree that battery configuration matters beyond the number of cells. There's a reason the Master is 2400Wh, and I strongly believe it is because that's the minimum battery size to be 4p (besides the peak current point which I might be imagining, 4 also just makes more sense than 3 when a wheel has two sides where batteries can sit). I wonder what the RS successor (no suspension, cheaper, if it exists) will do. 100V 1800Wh (4p)? 2400Wh 134V (4p)? 1800Wh 134V (3p)? That's the direction my thoughts are coming from. - Anyways, for the EX20S we know what is happening. 3600Wh 100V 6p.
  3. @supercurioI think we just meant different things You are completely right that any power requirement is independent of the internal battery configuration, naturally. And that (for the same reason) with the same battery size, voltage and current balance each other out. All I meant to say is: you could, in theory, run out of current on a 6p pack and not run out of current on an 8p pack. So in that sense there is a difference. Nevermind that it's 120A vs. 160A (fantasy number of 20A peak discharge) and these numbers are so crazy high so it does not matter. Just for 3p vs. 4p it did seem to matter (e.g. S18 vs RS). This is a great idea! I had considered lighter wheels (because less p's are safe now), but not that you could also make crazy fast wheels this way. You would need a very high voltage board, though, which seems to be tricky. Other than that, can't wait for the new 200V Begodes with 200kph lift speed
  4. For these big battery wheels, the price in $ (without tax) or € (with tax) should always be lower than the battery size in Wh. More is crazy expensive to me. These are still Chinese quality machines. Yep, that's why I have this "will be replaced soon" idea in my head. On the other hand, one can't really make a direct msuper/RS successor in 134V because then 2400Wh (4p) like the Master becomes the new 1800Wh minimum battery size (4p). So maybe the 100V line will live on, and the EX20S is just part of it (even though for 3600Wh 134V would be no problem). Probably Begode just wanted to not risk everything with 134V and went with two development tracks. The current is the limiter, though. So 6p (134V) vs 8p (100V) does make a 33% difference. Not that I think it matters much, although @GoGeorgeGomight know better. Historically, 4p vs. less than 4p seems to be the important cutoff for performance wheels, and you wouldn't want less than 4p on such a wheel. (At least with the ususal cells, with the higher discharge cells available now it might be different.)
  5. The Master seems to be the Hero 2.0, with the Hero barely out before the Master was available. If I had to guess, the EX20S could very well be the 1.0 version before they offer an upgraded, refined version (134V seems to be a no-brainer). But I would be surprised if ewheels didn't sell the EX20S (if only for a short time), like the Hero. I'm only worried about the price.
  6. Thread closed (all mods agree on that). We don't have a "Dumpster Fires" forum to put it in
  7. I wish they would offer a 6p (3600Wh) variant. No more need to consider lesser capacity cells to get enough peak current. No more need to choose between the otherwise perfect wheel (on paper) and a long range cruiser. No more 100V EX20S needed. All good. I guess it would be too perfect to be true
  8. These look even bigger than the usual TO-247.
  9. 3600Wh and suspension. The only way there could be no interest in this wheel is if the price is too high or if the build quality is too crappy. So now that I thought about it... I also have to wonder if there will be enough interest in the EX20S In earnest, the only people who can screw this up are Begode themselves. So yeah...
  10. The board looks neat. No crooked capacitors as usual, all nice and orderly. The Gorilla tape on the batteries and the so-so motor cable are things that could probably be implemented a bit nicer.
  11. All you need to say is "We have nukes, too, so all you can do is kill yourselves by using them. Your choice. You very clearly have nothing else. So get fucked." End of any consideration for or appeasement of supposed Russian sensibilities. Quite frankly, Europeans should exploit this weakness in the nastiest ways they can. Just stealing all the frozen money outright would be a good start. Free $600B or what that number is. Plus whatever is in Cypriot and London bank accounts. What's stopping us? Nothing as far as I'm concerned. Anyways, not point of this topic. Right now our politicians need to get their heads out of their asses and support Ukraine unrestrainedly, instead of this pathetic embarassing mess that's happening.
  12. This is the key surprising development, to me, out of all this misery, in comparison to before. Everybody now knows Russia lies and can't be trusted. The veil is off. The Soviets ruling class never went away, just hid. Nothing there changed. Everybody now knows Russia is (and obviously always was) a paper tiger, and any worry about Russian military power is utterly moot. The only people dumb enough to not get this are politicians who still worry about "angering Moscow" and delay and inhibit and sabotage supporting Ukraine and isolating Russia due to greed and dumbness, and most of all the delusional Russian leadership themselves. "Rebalance" my ass. "Nobody cares over here anymore." Indeed. Why would they? The Finns could invade Russia 5 times before Russia could ever be a threat to them. The Russians are lucky others are not like them. Nothing more pathetic than seeing people blatantly unable to mentally adapt to changing circumstances. Take your third world, definitely not a great power country and go fuck yourself before we decide to do something about you. That's the new normal. Nobody cares what you could do, because you have nothing we can't counter a hunderd times over. What a change in attitude in just a few weeks.
  13. Yep, the Molicel cells have less capacity but far higher peak power output (the discharge current). The S18 has a 3p battery configuration , which meant that it could be overpowered more easily than a "real" performance wheel (they seem to start at 4p which seems to be very robust). Now with the Molicell cells, you get crazy high peak power despite the battery configuration, and this concern (calling it a problem would be too much, the S18 is just what it is) is beyond you. You pay for it with a little less battery capacity (about 15% less range). Whether or not the wheel will actually ride differently is up for debate. In principle, you shouldn't notice any difference up the the point where the regular S18 would be overpowered and yours is not. But who knows about the intricacies that govern its behavior.
  14. Thanks for the explanation! The quoted seems to be the problem then. How is it passive protection if it can fail in some cases? But I don't know anything about electronics, maybe things are not that easy. I still find it hard to believe that one can't do real passive protection.
  15. If I understood it correctly, the Begode fires were mostly a certain batch of LG cells, and they changed the cells. So that would be a hardware fix. And the fires were more like actual fires - some cells going up and then the wheel burns out. We don't have confirmation yet that any hardware fix has been made for this KS fire. And it was less like a normal fire and more like a crazy giant bunsen burner inferno, with all the cells going up at once, even cutting through the metal battery box. So it's not exactly the same situation. The Begode problem seems to be fixed now. The KS problem is yet to be fully understood, and while we can expect it to be fixed, it really isn't yet in any testable way. So right now, some will rightfully see Begode as safer than the S20/S22. I'm sure this will be a great wheel eventually, and maybe my next one (or a Master). But that will need some time (and credible reassurances by KS). Also, this is KS's first prominent fire. Some people will be put off by that sudden change in what they expected.
  16. Wut, how is this even possible? Either a fuse is a fuse, or not?
  17. It's alive, and so far still called X-Men: https://www.facebook.com/100004080060287/videos/724463995211318/ (It's a 7 second video of it going up a short steep hill.)
  18. Get a new inner tube, and then do what @Paul Asays first. Disassembling a EUC is a bit of work, so if you are lucky and you can get away with screwing out the old valve and screwing in the new one from the new tube, that would be as good as it can get. If the leak is somewhere else, you have to exchange the entire inner tube.
  19. Non-cutout V12 issue posts moved here:
  20. I'm not sure what a "battery calibration" issue would even be. And I don't see any problem in this situation overall, but it's always good to be curious, who knows what one might learn. Do both V11 have the same firmware? Maybe the BMS (firmware) is different between them? Maybe the battery is just older and doesn't charge to the same voltage the newer one does, so the regen doesn't reach the overcharge warning? Do you use the same charger for both of them?
  21. Software update only would have been sketchy at best. This is so much better. Phew
  22. I only meant the mosfet package size (TO 247, which has never shown any problems so far). Don't know anything about the actual S20/S22 mosfets. I sure hope they are properly specced. Anyways, this is a V12 thread and I'm afraid I've derailed it a bit.... so I just hope this new V12 HS board works. I wonder when we will get more information about the new V12 HS and V12 HT boards. It's been a while. But I guess designing a new board takes time.
  23. Why not use the clearly better board for all V12 models? The board they have anyways? Well, if it works, but I would not trust a V12 HS on any steep hills then...
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