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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. The V13 version with suspension might very well be an V11F in essence. They can't just extend the V11 directly because it isn't really designed for more batteries. Or was the V13 confirmed to be bigger than the usual 18...20 inch tire size? I forgot if anything is known about the V13 What would be the difference between an S20 and a "worked-over" S18?
  2. It appears Inmotion will produce a new V12 board (likely with bigger TO-247 sized MOSFETs) that will replace the old, weak board. Dealers will usually contact their customers for a (free) board replacement, but there is no official recall. These boards may take some time be to produced and distributed, so maybe a month or two from now. Make sure to have a new board in any future V12 you buy.
  3. Oh boy this topic sure is something. Please try to keep the discussion as constructive as you can. For example, the post above this can be seen as a pretty clever criticism of Chooch and his current video style, or as a just an insult and not much more. Let's try and be careful please Personally, I can't hate on someone making EUC videos, and Chooch made plenty of really good ones. Haven't watched his latest videos, though, and I don't know what kind of person he is, so I can't say much on that.
  4. The Chooch video above has produced a bit of S20-unrelated discussion about Youtuber drama and whatnot. These post have been split off to here:
  5. It will 100% be more expensive to "add batteries later" than to buy a bigger battery wheel right away. How about a V11? Good price, more battery, great wheel (with suspension).
  6. Don't bother if your wheel is only 2 days old. Let your seller send you a new one. Or did you buy a used wheel? If anything, you need a new board. But the repair is work, and the seller's job.
  7. If the tire doesn't turn normally, that's very likely a fried board. As the wheel is new, it was bad (and thus failed) from the start. Contact your seller, let them send you a brand new wheel. I wouldn't bother with self-repair or possibly the risk some other cause (though that is very unlikely) with a just bought wheel. The tire will always have some resistance and you can feel the magnets when you turn it. But if the tire needs a lot of effort to turn or is essentially locked, that's a fried board shorting the power circuit and thus blocking the tire. Sorry, shitty situation, not what you want when you are excited about a shiny new device. Let your seller figure it out and send you a new wheel.
  8. I wouldn't blame 4p, other 4p wheels have been fine. For example, havs anybody overpowered the RS or Nik 1800Wh at low speed? It's just weird power delivery by KS.
  9. A thought about that: Older wheels (Gotways certainly) had a consistent forward dipping if you rode over something that rapidly and regularly shook the wheel, like going over a cattle grid. "Brrrrrrrr" and the sensor apparently couldn't deal with this kind of fast, regular vibration, and the pedals skewed forwards more and more until they reset when you were off the grate. (Not sure about newer wheels.) The going up stairs in the video comes close to this kind of vibration. So I'm not 100% sure the pedal dipping there was due to overpowering the wheel. It might just be this "cattle grate phenomenon". But probably 90% sure it was still just overpowering, which would mean lackluster firmware or power delivery. Just wanted to mention the other possibility.
  10. Oh man this was supposed to be the Jesus wheel. Now we have to wait and see how it really is...
  11. If you want to follow this war, here is what I'm looking at: Some kind of Reddit live stream thing. It's just a timeline of tweets: https://www.reddit.com/live/18hnzysb1elcs/ For a reasonably follow-able overview with enough current info (but not too crazy much) and some discussion (but not too much, mostly) I found this (just go to the currently last page and then back from there): https://www.resetera.com/threads/russia-has-begun-a-full-scale-invasion-in-ukraine-read-staff-posts.556366/ It's better as an answer to "What is going on right now?" than a bunch of disconnected tweets. Not sure how good this map is, but it's the one I can find that has some kind of precision: https://liveuamap.com/. Wikipedia has a good map, too. Any other useful sources you know? Anyways, further good luck and good fight (sounds stupid to say this, but what else can they do) to the people of Ukraine.
  12. That's not "another viewpoint", that's just plain delusional. Not sure if that is actually a real person or some really dumb propaganda (because there are a lot of the standard nonsense buzzwords and talking points in there). Reminds me of the pre-prepared "What an amazing quick complete total victory, Putin totally showed the West who's boss, new world order!" article that got released in Russian media (and quickly deleted) right after it was clear that the opposite of all these claims did happen. Anyways, the people who want to believe that Russia's "real" army is just waiting to get started... sure I would love to bet money against them, but sadly (for my wallet) I don't think they're real people.
  13. Nothing worse than the feeling of you leaning back, but the wheel braking sluggishly like an overweight freight train. "Good" braking would mean you lean back slightly and feel like the wheel reacts instanly and easily.
  14. Ok sorry, guess you can't believe everything they say online. Looks like there is no board problem?
  15. I don't know, but I really don't believe the hall sensors are the problem. The board still moving against the motor is more likely, especially if this wheel has a crash history.
  16. I'm just repeating what is said in the EVX video (timecoded 2:23, also check 10:14 for Mick's explanation):
  17. @Cameron88810You can also make a thread and ask, here: https://forum.electricunicycle.org/forum/24-private-sales-secondhand/
  18. Let's not pretend there are no suitable parts. There are no cheap suitable parts - Anyways, if the board works, it works. But boards failing under mild circumstances (just some rapid acceleration, that is not even sustained high stress!) is just not a good sign. They might try some firmware mitigation (current limits or whatever), but historically these didn't really help too much. How could they if the underlying hardware is limited. I sure hope this is some bug (hardware or software) they can fix easily. But I wouldn't be surprised if we have a V12-like situation where they might even need a different/heavily modified board in the end. This is their first >84V board after all. Just like Inmotion with the V12. Maybe it's not that easy (or the old approach and cheapo parts don't work). - Such a nice and sweet wheel, KS must get it right.
  19. This is just deeply weird lol. They (KS) must know this affects the important initial range tests massively. Also it's something that should come up as soon as they charge their test wheels. How can that even happen?
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