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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. You can send messages now. Sorry, this is annoying, but necessary for spam prevention.
  2. I'm sure you can read yourself, but this just popped up. It's no performance wheel, but a nice price for a nice wheel. Maybe it's for you.
  3. If your concern is price, for the price of an mten3 you can get a used 16S or something similar (14S? MCM5? Etc.). I think that would be a better choice.
  4. I fixed the post, hope you don't mind. Just copy+paste the full URL (youtube.com/watch?v=...) if in doubt, that always works.
  5. No, but I tried one. It's a nice wheel (all wheels are nice), just no comparison to my ACM or any modern performance wheel. The danger with the V8 (and why I dislike it) that's it's just good enough (and expensive enough - 1000 is a lot) so it's no longer clearly a "small"/secondary wheel like a 14 incher. So people might get one and think this is more or less all EUCs have to offer, without clear knowledge there's a huuuuuuge step up available. A dead end trap in some way. When I have the money to spare That 2700Wh 100V Nikola is very tempting, thoughAlso looking forward to the 2020 Gotway offerings. It's still nice and powerful (also a reason why I don't strictly feel the need to upgrade). Compared to the V8, it's crazy how much more oomph-y it feels. And it has a great low form factor, which later wheels seem to have abandoned. Feels like a tank because it's so low and heavy.
  6. I also can't stop staring at the nice new wheels (like that 18XL) that other people buy But my old ACM gets its occasional bit of affection, too. Glad you like it. Hard not to No comparison to a meek V8.
  7. Say hello to your upcoming 16X/Nikola/18XL/MSX or MSPro
  8. The 80% alarm on the 100V MSX at 100% battery is at 69kph/43mph. If we assume 80% means 80%, the motor cut-off/no-torque speed is 69/0.8 = 86kph/53mph. I don't think even a decline can save you then. Tips on falling properly? Don't fall because you don't ride that stupidly fast. The alarm is there for a reason. Listen to the alarms so you don't fall from an overlean.
  9. Your case is pretty clear. You blew your board when a tire was stopped from moving by the vertical curb, causing a huge current spike which fried (a mosfet on) your board. That's a typical if unlucky thing that can happen with curbs and similar vertical walls. No need to disassemble or puzzle over it. Since you have the warranty, let your seller deal with this. He can replace the board and check that nothing else is broken (the short can cause secondary damage at the battery, wiring, etc.), or just send you a replacement.
  10. That bump may just have fried the board. A tire is "locked" even if the machine is off, making it very hard to turn? If yes, that can be a fried board (presumably) causing a short, locking the tire. Not just a software issue. You could disassemble it, unplug the battery, and plug it back in. That should reset any software. If that is the problem. Asking your seller is always a good idea.
  11. In China, where the manufacturers are, there's some kind of 20kph speed limit mandate for personal electric vehicles. That's why they used to flat out lie about the wheels having a top speed of 20kph (just for the spec sheet). They mellowed that down to "safe speed" without mentioning any other speed (like the real top speed). It means absolutely nothing. The MSPro will as fast at is is going to be. How fast that is? We will see.
  12. What do you mean by "low on power"? Low battery? Electric unicycles are supposed to warn you (like with tiltback). The alternative would be crashing without prior warning. I don't think Ninetool would help there. To me it's like you are complaining about a low fuel warning in a helicopter. Would you rather crash when you run out of fuel? Can you describe your problem a bit more? Maybe we are misunderstanding what you mean.
  13. This new video forum is meant so people can make dedicated topics for a single video (just like this topic), or their collection of videos, or whatever video-related theme they want! You do NOT need to limit yourself to posting a video in one (or more!) of the aggregate video threads Making your own topic is encouraged If you make your own topic, you should also put your video into at least one of the aggregate video threads, together with a link to your topic about it. Then the video can be found, seen, and discussed more easily later on, once its topic may have fallen of the first few forum pages. It's the best of both worlds - the video has its own dedicated discussion topic, yet people can easily find it later by checking the aggregate threads and following the links if they want to discuss it. And you will help clean up the video threads by moving some discussion out of them. - Meanwhile, enjoy this classic.
  14. I'm really surprised you didn't feel an immediate oomph difference when you tried both wheels back-to-back. Like between a 16 and 18 incher. What is a higher torque/bigger magnets motor good for if not for that? Strange.
  15. Wh is Wh. This is the actual energy content, which decides how much you can do with it. Ah * voltage = Wh, so if you reduce the voltage for a given battery size (in Wh), you naturally get higher Ah. But Ah means nothing without a voltage. Wh is what counts. In first approximation, only the battery size (in Wh) counts. Same size, same range. 1600Wh (1531.8Wh if you're more precise for Gotways) and 1800Wh (1776Wh) compare according to their capacities (1776/1530 = 16% difference). Some people reported a bit better efficiency of 100V wheels at high speeds (like 25+mph). So you might get more than 16% extra range (maybe 20%? 25%?) from the 100V MSPro if you go ~30mph all the time. But then your range would suck anyways due to the high speed Is there confirmation that there will be an 84V MSPro?
  16. Just wait for the @EcoDrift disassembly photos. Always the best source for hard info.
  17. There would be a lot of super smooth and very obstacle-free "bike" paths everywhere. Causing an obstacle on these (trash, ...) would be a serious crime that everyone frowns upon.
  18. Maybe a Tesla owner can confirm this with some concrete experience/numbers.
  19. Wasn't the third one this "city commuter" thing? I wonder what its biggest battery size will be and when it will be revealed.
  20. No need to be embarrassed. You're a victim here of Gotway's cryptic processes (it's not like there's a manual anywhere). Your posts will help others in the future. The pedals slowly dipping forward if you go over a constantly rattling surface like a cow grate (or cobblestones I guess) is a known thing. I believe all Gotways (all wheels?) do this. It happens extremely rarely though (does it?), so not a real problem. I believe it is another limitation of the tilt sensor used (next to the pedal dipping if the calibration is a bit bad). The manufacturers should use something better than this basic smartphone stuff they supposedly put on their boards.
  21. Watch religiously where you are going so you don't fall in the first place. Pretty much any crash is due to an unexpected obstacle. And if you crash, do not try to catch the wheel or stop it or anything. This is how harmless falls or run-offs can lead to injuries (we had a case where trying to catch the wheel - on soft grass - led to a nasty knee injury from just a harmless walking speed run-off). Take care of yourself and completely ignore the wheel and let the wheel crash by itself.
  22. @Seba 1800Wh is a 100V wheel, though, right? 84V would be either 1480Wh or 1850Wh with nothing in between. And who in their right mind would buy an 84V MSPro if we know exactly 100V will follow soon (like always)? I don't think there will even be a 84V variant. Well done spotting the 100V limit on the capacitor. Let's hope there is a good explanation for this picture (as opposed to a faceplant-inducing explanation)
  23. These numbers are not accurate. But they would be no problem if they were. Also, the rated motor power (800W vs. 1900W) doesn't really count, it's all about the battery. On paper and very roughly, 4 * 10A * 84V = 3360W is what the Tesla battery can put out continuously (!) at full battery. Even twice that would be doable for a short spike, so something like 6720W. At 0% battery (66V) these numbers would be 2640W and double that. [Battery cells are rated very roughly ~10A continuous and ~20A for short spikes, and you have 4 parallel configurations of them in the Tesla battery, which is a 84V battery.] But these readings are not accurate and too high (much higher than in reality). That's Gotway's specialty. The Gotway "80% alarm" (5/continuous beeps) is strictly speed and battery-charge dependent (it is a speed alarm that reduces with falling battery charge, with 50kph at 100% going down to 39kph at 10% for the Tesla). So if you put even extreme stress on the wheel at lower speeds (lower than 39kph to be exact), this alarm will never sound. But at lower speeds, your motor torque reserves are also very high, so only the battery limits what the wheel can do. And the battery is strong. No problem there. It is quite hard (or rather near impossible) to overlean a strong wheel like the Tesla at lower speeds. So the fact that there is no alarm where you would expect one is quite fine, especially for your low weight. There is also a low battery/low voltage alarm that would sound if the battery is near-empty (beginning at 15%). But there are no other alarms (besides the 30kph 2 beeps/35kph 3 beeps you can disable). And you don't really need any. There are plenty of videos of Teslas (with heavier riders like Marty) doing strenuous mountain climbs without problem. They would surely show more than 3000W then (no matter what the real wattage is). So your 3000W reading for a few seconds is completely harmless Don't ride like crazy and find out how even the Tesla can be overleaned at lower speeds (might be quite the challenge), but don't worry about those readings, too. Going from the V8 to the Tesla, you easily doubled your max power (battery has double the parallel configurations, plus you have lower voltage drop with such a battery, plus the Inmotion additionally limits the power output, the Gotway does not). Just to give you an idea how much room you have - a lot While 800W vs. 1900W is just the rated motor powers (which don't really mean anything), this also pretty much reflects the actual difference between their peak powers. In short: a Tesla below 30kph with a 65kg rider... it just laughs at you if you worry about getting near its limits or about a short "3000W" spike
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