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How bad were you hurt?

How bad were you hurt?  

183 members have voted

  1. 1. Select the highest level of injury you've sustained as a result of an EUC-related accident

    • Completely unscathed
    • Light cuts and bruises only. Nothing that wouldn't heal in a few weeks, and nothing that impedes mobility/range-of-motion. No noticeable impact to quality of life.
    • Minor injury such as a sprain, minor break, or deeper cuts. Takes more than a month to heal and/or impedes mobility/range-of-motion. Quality of life has been noticeably impacted/diminished but not seriously so.
    • Major injury such as concussion or serious fracture or punctured organs or something similarly alarming. Injury was possibly life threatening and required immediate medical attention. Takes several months to heal and with major impact to quality of life but recoverable to relatively normal activity afterward.
    • Major injury which resulted in permanent impairment such as loss of limb, brain damage, loss of vision, etc. No possibility of return to normal activity.
  2. 2. In what way have your habits changed in wearing protective gear since the acccident you've selected above?

    • My habits haven't changed. I wear the same gear as I did before my accident.
    • I wear more/better protective gear.
    • I wear less protective gear.

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Well? I survived the spring, summer and ........cough.! ........ FALL.   I have wrecked a large number of times. Too many to count. I tend to keep pushing my limits. I have hit pot holes, curbs, and slippery spots. I got my pedal caught in a SNOW fence in GEORGIA!  I have wrecked countless times on mountain bike trails. The worst was a wet algae spot on a wooden bridge at 30 mph. Every time I was able to reduce my speed and/or choose my landing.  (bumps, bruises and very mild road rash) 

P.S. One time I poked my eye with my sunglasses while riding and switching from my regular glasses.  I cried.:crying:

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/29/2018 at 11:14 AM, Demargon said:

My last fall from euc. The sandy trail didn´t allow enougth traction on the wheel and they can´t catch me up. Result in a emergency jump at 30kmh witout consecuences. I grab my v10f and keep routing in less than 3 seconds


Wow, that looked hairy.  I was surprised you survived the big dip a few seconds  before the actual dip that threw you off.

Edited by Smoother
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Thanks @Smoother In the span of time since I hit the pothole to the landing of my hands, I was able to think how to fall. Thanks to that I can roll on my back in almost all my falls, so the energy of the impact dissipates and avoids friction damage. The key is to reach the ground on foot, after that it is easy to continue the maneuver to get a nice landing.
My advice is to use your hands to protect the face / head so that they are between the head and the floor. Turn your face to the side where you want to make the turn, then raise your legs to lose the impulse of turn and prepare them to get up on your feet again

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6 hours ago, Gaz Bon said:

MILD NUDITY Learning to ride backwards on the E+1 maybe 5kph FULL WEIGHT on ass cheek 


Ouch.  Yeah I've whacked my arse trying to learn backwards; fortunately, not that bad-yet..  It's just not easy running it off, backwards. Time for some thigh/butt protection shorts I think.

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7 hours ago, Gaz Bon said:

MILD NUDITY Learning to ride backwards on the E+1 maybe 5kph FULL WEIGHT on ass cheek 


I recall that colour... The next few days is the worst. Did you have an x-ray done? Just to make sure nothing broke or cracked.

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23 minutes ago, Smoother said:

Ouch.  Yeah I've whacked my arse trying to learn backwards; fortunately, not that bad-yet..  It's just not easy running it off, backwards. Time for some thigh/butt protection shorts I think.

Thank god that's not a prison photo :D:D. Yes. Indeed armored baselayers fix the potential for this injury. Hope you heal quickly; looks like a real nasty bruise. 

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8 hours ago, Gaz Bon said:

MILD NUDITY Learning to ride backwards on the E+1 maybe 5kph FULL WEIGHT


I sympathize, I had my worst wreck practicing backwards with a fall at the same speed, and for a week could not even get up steps; I had to drag myself up steps stopping every couple of steps.

I respect anyone who has learned or is learning to go backwards. While it's not difficult to learn it seems extremely injury prone, far more than learning anything going forward.

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3 hours ago, LanghamP said:

I sympathize, I had my worst wreck practicing backwards with a fall at the same speed, and for a week could not even get up steps; I had to drag myself up steps stopping every couple of steps.

I respect anyone who has learned or is learning to go backwards. While it's not difficult to learn it seems extremely injury prone, far more than learning anything going forward.

Going backwards is a few inches at a time endeavor, we,  men tend to rush it, take risks and pay the price.

Serious injuries can occur even with a helmet by head whiplash.

Protect your back, hips and buttocks if you are too much of a risk taker.

The greatest tip is to act like if your are sitting on a chair.

Also follow a wall or a fence(no sharp edges) so that you can grip in case of loss of equilibrium...

Hope this helps.

Have fun.

VERY important: its WAY better to have feet position EXACTLY at midway on the pedals, at least for practicing. If you have ambitions to do other free style stuff later, this is a must IMHO.

It can take close to 3 months of once a week practice to be fully at ease entering and exiting and then another 3 months to have coordinated turns on both sides. No rush.


Edited by pico
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have it for a week, im using it to ride to my university and I having been delaying purchasing my helmet, but my unicycle wont go over 20km/h so it's pretty safe for now. I'll buy it next week I think. I haven't hurt myself whatsoever, just some light bruises from the unicycle falling over on my shin.

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4 hours ago, Abortivora said:

I have it for a week, im using it to ride to my university and I having been delaying purchasing my helmet, but my unicycle wont go over 20km/h so it's pretty safe for now. I'll buy it next week I think. I haven't hurt myself whatsoever, just some light bruises from the unicycle falling over on my shin.

Welcome.  Give it time. I look forward (?) to reading your next report.;)

Edited by Smoother
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@Abortivora Holy f..ck  Oh my God!  That sounds very painful. What awful luck. I would wish you a speedy recovery, but I know the human body takes an average of six weeks to heal, so, lets just say I hope the next six weeks are not too unpleasant for you.  School is going to be very difficult for you this semester.  Don't let this temporary "inconvenience" derail your education.  Do what ever you must, to keep up with lectures, notes, assignments, and exams.  Your future may depend on it. Don't be ashamed to ask for a lot of favors from neighbors, friends and family; you can pay them back later.

When I said on Monday " I look forward to reading your next report" I was jokingly ( I thought) goading you into a) getting some safety gear, and b) warning you that past results are not indicative of future performance.  In other words just because you haven't crashed yet doesn't mean you wont.  And now this!  Four days later!!!!

I presume that you broke your arms falling from the EUC (you didn't say).

By the way, I have two questions for you:

1. Were you wearing flip flops? It looks like you tore up your left foot a bit too.

2. who is  typing your messages if you have two broken arms?

Again, if typing is difficult, don't wast your energy communicating with us at the expense of your school work.

Best regards, Smoother.

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20 hours ago, Dzlchef said:

Hopefully everyone reading this thread gets the fact that you WILL fall, and you WILL get hurt, it's just a matter of when and how badly.

Some people will die from different reasons before they get hurt. Looking at the numbers of the poll they may even be in the majority.

20 hours ago, Dzlchef said:

 I use a lot of protection from my wrists to my ankles and I'm sitting here with a broken thumb from a fall 1 week ago. 

I stopped using protection a long time ago and haven't hurt myself in 10,000+km but I never go above 25km/h. The longer I ride, the fewer close calls I am experiencing. I think, besides practicing (even systematic active safety practice), the most important factor to not get hurt is a proper judgement of my own skills and the ability and discipline to not ride beyond them. To me this has kept getting easier with increasing skill level.

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1 hour ago, Abortivora said:

no, only grippy gym gloves, maybe it is why i hurt myself, it sticked my hand in the aslphalt rather than sliding. I actuallu fell "right" but I sustained "compressive" fractures because the weight of my body arms.


yes, it was on the unicycle,

No, actually i hit a nail later on the same day, the i am being stitched up

i am typing, the fractures were minimal on the radius bom, but hurt like hell.

thanks for your comments! Once I recover i will be using more gear and i will avoid the highway, I will only go through the city from now on, it will take a while to get there but i think it will be safer as there are less speeding cars.

Two broken arms AND a nail through the foot on the same day.  Are you trying to out do @Rehab1 as the accident king. 

Yes, I have frequently stated that sticking the landing leads to more injuries.  Get some good wrist guards with nice slippy plastic palm protectors.  And the rest of the gear too.

You were riding on the freeway??!!! This gets better and better, by that I mean worse and worse.

OK.  good to hear you can use your hands.  Don't use your arms as an excuse not to go to school.  You don't want to be serving hamburgers 20 years from now wondering if you should have got better grades this semester. 

Lastly.  Slow the f..k down.  You need hundreds of K=km under your wheel before your skills are getting there.  You have intermediate-itis.  Where someone who has learned a little thinks he has learned it all.  Most of us have been there in one way or another.  Mine came when I was a new-ish paraglider pilot.  But that's another story.

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On 2/16/2019 at 9:29 PM, Smoother said:

Two broken arms AND a nail through the foot on the same day.  Are you trying to out do @Rehab1 as the accident king. 

Yes, I have frequently stated that sticking the landing leads to more injuries.  Get some good wrist guards with nice slippy plastic palm protectors.  And the rest of the gear too.

You were riding on the freeway??!!! This gets better and better, by that I mean worse and worse.

OK.  good to hear you can use your hands.  Don't use your arms as an excuse not to go to school.  You don't want to be serving hamburgers 20 years from now wondering if you should have got better grades this semester. 

Lastly.  Slow the f..k down.  You need hundreds of K=km under your wheel before your skills are getting there.  You have intermediate-itis.  Where someone who has learned a little thinks he has learned it all.  Most of us have been there in one way or another.  Mine came when I was a new-ish paraglider pilot.  But that's another story.


Edited by Abortivora
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un seul accident pour moi, après 6 mois de roue. avec mon MCM4, batterie 40%, excès de confiance en soi, dans une descente, accélération trop forte, malgré les bips sonores, l’arrêt du moteur a été brutal. Faceplant à 30 km / h environ entorse du poignet. Je suis allé courir un peu et je n'ai pas mis de protège-poignet ... quel imbécile. Maintenant je le porte TOUT LE TEMPS.

Je pars au ski la semaine prochaine :D 


Edited by Fremalea
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