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NYC Euc and car accident


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5 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

I must have missed the memo about being able to cater traffic laws to your opinion of how important they seem to each person.. Its refreshing to know that the laws also only apply to larger vehicles. I'm also really happy to find out that accidents are never accidents, as they could have been avoided had at least ONE of the participants been using good habits.

Silly me, I thought traffic law was more about the safety of everyone in traffic.

@Ronin Ryder Just the usual here. People sharing opinions.


The world is big and in some places noone looks out for you nor do they respect the rules enough to create the vision that the lawmakers have.

(the following example isn't directed at shanesplanet, just speaking generally)

We just had a bunch of 20 people crossing a seemingly empty open street downtown, getting plowed (6 instantly dead) by a sedan in broad daylight. It was on a wide open 8 lane road (60km/h speed limit, car was driving 80km/h perhaps). The pedestrians were following the rules. Nothing was obstructed or out of sight. Not a single person reacted. The car could be seen from far away, "gunning it" from at a distance, driving in a straight line. The peace of mind that following the rules provides scares me sometimes. Just saying. The rules are not everything.

Another example is someone fresh out of driving school trying hard not to touch the lines separating the lanes, and by doing so almost killing someone/something on the road.

Pedestrians crossing on a green light, not expecting to get run over by vehicles making turns or missing a red light.

Fear of running a red light to get out of the way of a car/truck out of control. This sort of stuff. Making the rules holy, prevents people from thinking logically about the dangers and priorities. The rules are there to "aid" us, is what I'd say to all of this. 

Then there's the dumbass that causes and accident by trying to think for himself. Well. Can't say much about that. If it's in a panic, then it's reactionary. If it's because of impatience then they're a scumbag.

If you were wondering. I'm a european who moved to China many years ago. Been driving for 25 years. Some things I like about european traffic, some things I dislike. Same goes for China.

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30 minutes ago, alcatraz said:

The world is big and in some places noone looks out for you nor do they respect the rules enough to create the vision that the lawmakers have.

(the following example isn't directed at shanesplanet, just speaking generally)

We just had a bunch of 20 people crossing a seemingly empty open street downtown, getting plowed (6 instantly dead) by a sedan in broad daylight. It was on a wide open 8 lane road (60km/h speed limit, car was driving 80km/h perhaps). The pedestrians were following the rules. Nothing was obstructed or out of sight. Not a single person reacted. The car could be seen from far away, "gunning it" from at a distance, driving in a straight line. The peace of mind that following the rules provides scares me sometimes. Just saying. The rules are not everything.

Another example is someone fresh out of driving school trying hard not to touch the lines separating the lanes, and by doing so almost killing someone/something on the road.

Pedestrians crossing on a green light, not expecting to get run over by vehicles making turns or missing a red light.

Fear of running a red light to get out of the way of a car/truck out of control. This sort of stuff. Making the rules holy, prevents people from thinking logically about the dangers and priorities. The rules are there to "aid" us, is what I'd say to all of this. 

Then there's the dumbass that causes and accident by trying to think for himself. Well. Can't say much about that. If it's in a panic, then it's reactionary. If it's because of impatience then they're a scumbag.

If you were wondering. I'm a european who moved to China many years ago. Been driving for 25 years. Some things I like about european traffic, some things I dislike. Same goes for China.

Failure to yield to pedestrians is a breach of law in most cases in USA. I really don't see how this analogy proves any point, aside from people are too stupid to realize that self preservation should be their own responsibility. Even so, a car speeding with no regard ot people in the crosswalks, is a violation of law. Perhaps the vehicle driver had the 'its just how we do it around here' mentality?

Fixating on an object but neglecting to maintain proper control of your vehicle, is also against the law. Really, it doesnt matter what you intended, if you can't keep it between the lines or manage to operate a vehicvle safely, the rules definitely apply to you.

A truck about to run you over at a red light, is also a violation of law. The truck should stop. Just because its law, doesnt mean it will happen. THIS is where common sense and self preservation come in. Rules/law are only to make order of situations, not overcome self awareness. Law and rules help, but NO they don't make up for other factors like common sense, common decency and just plain luck/odds. Refusing to follow traffic law doesnt mean you will immediately become minced meat. Just as following traffic law, doesnt ensure safety. Still, the vast majority of the time, the traffic law is designed in a manner that mitigates accidents. For a group of people to think they are above the same rules everyone else is to follow, undermines the purpose of the entire endeavor.

Just a reminder, I aint no saint nor am I a cop. However, I do know better than ask for pats on the back for showcasing selfish behavior at the endangerment of others. Yeah, multiple unicycles zig zagging around and ignoring traffic patterns is selfish. People can act a fool, but when it starts to endanger or confuse the motoring public, its is the opposite of what traffic laws are trying to accomplish. Mature riders/drivers, are aware of how their behavior can be interpreted. Some even go as far as to be courteous regardless of legal obligation. I'm not talking 'courteous' by screwing up the right of way rotation at a stop sign. I mean simple courtesy by allowing room and not riding in aggressive manner when it could obviously confuse another. Turn signals are the law and courteous. I wonder how many people even bother to show their intent, as its obviously not that beneficial to themselves, merely others? Keep good habits, you never know what information the drivers around you, are gathering. Your euc or vehicle's behavior is merely one of MANY poins of info being used to anticipate MY next move in traffic. Fwiw, I use hand signals on my unicycle if im on the street. I dont know about its legality, but why wouldnt I simply make my intentions known? It doesnt hurt a thing for cars around me, to be aware of my intent. If i act in a manner they recognize, MAYBE they won't be so confused and will drive in a normal manner. Numerous accidents ocurr because someone honestly didnt notice another vehicle was there. If we act as if there may always be one near, perhaps incidents would be reduced. Good habits don't stop, just becuase you think you're alone. Habits are... HABITUAL!


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Just now, alcatraz said:

Yet those law abiding people are still dead.

Because of someone who didnt abide by the law. Paying attention may have helped a little as well. I dont cross at a cross walk w/o looking, regardless what the sign says. It says I CAN walk, but not that i'll be safe in doing so.

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Would you stake your life on the ability of others to interpret and follow the law? I don't think you should. Some people seem to if you study accident footage.

It's interesting to think what someone like a traffic police officer would teach their children.

I've been trying to formulate an idea that isn't being taught to drivers, and that we usually don't teach our children. I've only come up with this so far: (work in progress :))

Whenever you're small. A car among trucks, a bicyclist among motorcycles, an SUV among buses, a pedestrian among bicycles. That's when things can go bad fast. You can't expect others to look out for you. Traffic rules are here to aid us. You can still get into trouble by following the rules.

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5 hours ago, alcatraz said:

You can still get into trouble by following the rules.

Very true, got hit in a crosswalk by a driver turning on a red light (and not looking both ways) earlier this evening. Always prepare for the worst case scenario.

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On 1/18/2022 at 12:36 PM, level9 said:

This has nothing to do with EUCs. This is driver error. Attempting to pass a car on the left that's turning left? splat! It happens to aggressive motorcyclists too.. even cars that are approaching too quickly. There is no substitute for common sense. Drive safe regardless of what you're driving!


Nope,if ur riding fast in the dark at speed ,poorly lit and dont anticipate those big metal beasts doing the unexpected then the only place u will be riding is to heaven!.Its debateable who is at fault but it doesnt seem important  when ur  in an  ICU bed!

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6 hours ago, alcatraz said:

It's interesting to think what someone like a traffic police officer would teach their children.

Follow the rules of the road ie 'The Highway Code' in the UK and spend as much emphasis on not assuming that everyone else is, therefore observation and anticipation of others movements.

A green walk sign does not mean blindly cross but for many it seems to signify 'now look down and dick about with your phone and cross'. It was drilled into my kids that they never have a phone in their hand when they cross, and use their ears as much as their eyes.

Even better, if everyone took it a step further and drove to the rules of 'Roadcraft' (which every uk traffic officer does) there would be far, far fewer collisions with the added bonus that overall progress from point A to B would be higher. Of note, Roadcraft also emphasises strongly on courtesy and reduction of aggression. To the point where, on your exam, if you show any aggression whatsoever you will fail, even if your driving was impeccable. The idea being that aggression makes you lose focus. Its a good call. Just ask Yoda.

I've had arguments to the 'anticipate' angle which usually go along the lines of:

'so at which point do you decide to continue when theres a car at a side turning wanting to pull out? The only fully safe option is to come to a total crawl so you are close enough to the drivers eyes that you can be 100% sure he has seen you?'

And its a valid point. Of course we cant all slow to a crawl at every junction, we wouldnt get anywhere. But we do anticipate...for starters we see them in the first place...maybe slow a little...maybe hover over the brake...look for evasive options should they decide to pull out (can I go in front or behind them?) but most of all LOOK at the driver. Is their head pointing in your direction? Any movements on the steering wheel suggesting they are about to move? Are the wheels edging forwards? All this sounds like very basic stuff but many dont even take notice of hazards and just blindly follow the route because they have 'right of way'.

And even doing all the above, and making the decision that as best you can tell the driver at that junction is going to stay put, he suddenly decides to pull out. But at least you are prepared and ready. If nothing else, you are very likely to have shaved X amount of speed off in getting on the brakes/planned your evasive manouvre. This could make the difference between a collision or not, or another way, between a serious and a fatal.

I have no issue with speed (within posted limits), in fact Roadcraft promotes it and again you will fail exams if you dont use max speed at every opportunity (especially when on blues and limits dont apply) but only in situations where it is safe to do so. Even with blues and sirens, if you dont slow to a crawl at a red light you will fail. I know a young inexperienced officer that didnt, all due to the adrenaline of a blue light run. He is now a paraplegic.

All that said, the biggest issue I see with car driving is simply driving too close to the car in front. Its a disease which is rife and it bugs the hell out of me because its so easy to avoid and doesnt take any real observation/anticipation skills.

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Screenshot of the winner of the 2021 NYC Alley Cat Race, from Hsiang's video of the event.


May 17, 2021
I ride an insane electric unicycle & e-bike urban street race in the best place to do it in the world- New York City!!
Episode 84- Cudos to Mick for organizing the Alley Cat Race!
This was probably one of the more fun ride I have ever done on an electric unicycle!
And I hope we get to do another one soon!!





Has no qualms about endangering the safety of others in an Alley Cat Race....... or to other road users by riding on an EUC on a highway for some speed runs......

Taking the Veteran Sherman on the Highway for some Speed Runs

Jun 25, 2020
Taking the Veteran Sherman for some highway riding.
I'm capturing this video on my MSX 100v 2200wh.
The beeps you're hearing from me is from DarknessBot set to go off at 40mph+ but I never got the 80% alarm.
The Veteran Sherman was beeping steady the whole time.



But is incensed if others are allegedly endangering his own safety......


NYC streets are rough ... stay in your car next time!

Jun 23, 2020
A driver cut off one of our rider @nytarzan off the road and this is what happened next.
He seemed to have been having a road rage just before he got out of the car.


Is this double standards?  Hypocrisy?

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Funeral & Memorial for Joel D'Ort

Updates (4)

January 18, 2022 by Carmen OrtizOrganizer
Last Update:

Thank you all so much for your support these last few weeks.

I'm closing the page now.

It was amazing to meet or reconnect with so many of you.

I don't think I realized the impact my brother had on so many lives until his passing.

To me he was one of my first friends.
He introduced me to the concept of found family. We laughed a lot together. Went on adventures. He introduced me to all his favorite things and favorite friends.

I looked up to his passion, outgoingness and ability to build community. I'll carry all the pieces of him in me through my life with pride and joy.

I hope that you will keep in touch with us from time to time. He lives on in all of you as well. If you see me out in the wild, introduce yourself. Let's tell Joel stories.

If anyone would like to pay their respects, Joel is interred in The Evergreens Cemetery, Mt. Grace, plot # 577-C.

He'll have a headstone in a few weeks, once the ground has settled. Go and say hi whenever.
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20 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

So you have no opinion on how these people were riding? Good, bad, indifferent or it's just OK because it's a YT video?

I didn't say a remarkable percentage, I said a remarkable number of EUC riders, are willing to film themselves riding like idiots (I assume to look cool). Nearly all the videos that cause outrage on here are those from NYC riders. The rest of us have to look on wondering whether it's going to be a pedestrian that's going to get hurt or the rider. I'm certain that all the riders in the video are better riders than me but, at the same time, I'd need a lobotomy to want to ride like that. Can they not understand that their actions are likely to hurt someone or do they only care about their "YT following"?

If it was you riding in the video and the case went to court. Would you be happy to stand in front of the judge while they pointed out that you're driving without due care and attention, swerving from lane to lane, overtaking a car on the inside (using a lane dedicated to turning left), then you hit a car turning left, while driving a vehicle with no license and no insurance?


see below UK video, If it was you riding in the video and the case went to court. Would you be happy to stand in front of the judge while they pointed out that you're driving without due care and attention, swerving from lane to lane, overtaking a car on the inside (using a lane dedicated to turning left), then you hit a car turning left, while driving a vehicle with no license and no insurance? Again this is a Uk video so by your rationale all Uk riders are the same? Obviously they arent. So why isnt this possible for NY? Also arent PEV already banned in the UK, with heavy enforcement? Some UK riders must have done something wrong causing this ban isn't it? Again according to this logic. You see what i mean? It doesn't make any sense to make a generalization based on a geographic location. Hope this clarifies.



Edited by Ronin Ryder
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Riding recklessly in traffic obviously isn't a good idea, but other things in this thread really need to be clarified.

1) The idea that EUCs are illegal in your country (whether it's the UK, Australia, etc.) due to American riders is utter nonsense. They're illegal due to your own country's politics. Look up the reasons the bans were passed and I guarantee you will not find "American unicycle videos" among them. UK riders looking for someone to blame should probably start with the **London e-scooter crime gangs**.

2) New York is not cracking down on EUCs, and there's never been any indication that traffic enforcers have seen any EUC youtube videos. Here's what actually happened in New York: Both the state and NYC explicitly **legalized** e-bikes and e-scooters, which were technically illegal before. That's the opposite of a crackdown. As part of the new laws they made flyers clarifying which vehicles are legal and which remain illegal (like EUCs, but also Segways etc.). No New York law regarding EUCs has ever changed, and there's never been any crackdown aside from one specific bike path in NYC. It's sad that we let hateful trolls post these lies about NY, which they've been doing for years now.

3) Yes, bigotry is bad. The focus on "NYC riders" as if they're all a malevolent hive mind is bad, and the people who spend their free time on these kinds of attacks are bad for the community. Unfortunately the mods of this forum have made it clear that they believe this behavior is perfectly fine. So the best response is just to mute the people doing it-- I've tried it and it makes the forum much better. (Paul and Mike are two of the worst.) Edit: To mute someone, hover over their name and click ignore.

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1 hour ago, Skeptikos said:

Riding recklessly in traffic obviously isn't a good idea, but other things in this thread really need to be clarified.

1) The idea that EUCs are illegal in your country (whether it's the UK, Australia, etc.) due to American riders is utter nonsense. They're illegal due to your own country's politics. Look up the reasons the bans were passed and I guarantee you will not find "American unicycle videos" among them. UK riders looking for someone to blame should probably start with the **London e-scooter crime gangs**.

2) New York is not cracking down on EUCs, and there's never been any indication that traffic enforcers have seen any EUC youtube videos. Here's what actually happened in New York: Both the state and NYC explicitly **legalized** e-bikes and e-scooters, which were technically illegal before. That's the opposite of a crackdown. As part of the new laws they made flyers clarifying which vehicles are legal and which remain illegal (like EUCs, but also Segways etc.). No New York law regarding EUCs has ever changed, and there's never been any crackdown aside from one specific bike path in NYC. It's sad that we let hateful trolls post these lies about NY, which they've been doing for years now.

3) Yes, bigotry is bad. The focus on "NYC riders" as if they're all a malevolent hive mind is bad, and the people who spend their free time on these kinds of attacks are bad for the community. Unfortunately the mods of this forum have made it clear that they believe this behavior is perfectly fine. So the best response is just to mute the people doing it-- I've tried it and it makes the forum much better. (Paul and Mike are two of the worst.) Edit: To mute someone, hover over their name and click ignore.


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2 hours ago, Ronin Ryder said:

see below UK video, If it was you riding in the video and the case went to court. Would you be happy to stand in front of the judge while they pointed out that you're driving without due care and attention, swerving from lane to lane, overtaking a car on the inside (using a lane dedicated to turning left), then you hit a car turning left, while driving a vehicle with no license and no insurance? Again this is a Uk video so by your rationale all Uk riders are the same? Obviously they arent. So why isnt this possible for NY? Also arent PEV already banned in the UK, with heavy enforcement? Some UK riders must have done something wrong causing this ban isn't it? Again according to this logic. You see what i mean? It doesn't make any sense to make a generalization based on a geographic location. Hope this clarifies.

I have no problem in saying their riding in the video was appalling. He's riding through red lights and doing excessive speeds simply because he knows he doesn't have any registration on his vehicle. That's then made worse by the fact he has no insurance. I doubt you'll find anyone here in the UK who'd defend that style of riding. Sadly that's not the case with the other video is it? You still can't even bring yourself to say that the riding in the original post was bad.


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27 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

I have no problem in saying their riding in the video was appalling. He's riding through red lights and doing excessive speeds simply because he knows he doesn't have any registration on his vehicle. That's then made worse by the fact he has no insurance. I doubt you'll find anyone here in the UK who'd defend that style of riding. Sadly that's not the case with the other video is it? You still can't even bring yourself to say that the riding in the original post was bad.


Im not here to give my judgement on the video but to say we don't all ride like this so please stop ostracizing people in NYC. My point is made and if people still want to finger point NYC riders as a whole to feed your narrative and exclude a huge chunk of this community then be my guest, but ill find it unfortunate and not inclusive. There is a hundred + of riders there and very few post here, i wonder why....


Riding recklessly in traffic obviously isn't a good idea, but other things in this thread really need to be clarified.

1) The idea that EUCs are illegal in your country (whether it's the UK, Australia, etc.) due to American riders is utter nonsense. They're illegal due to your own country's politics. Look up the reasons the bans were passed and I guarantee you will not find "American unicycle videos" among them. UK riders looking for someone to blame should probably start with the **London e-scooter crime gangs**.

2) New York is not cracking down on EUCs, and there's never been any indication that traffic enforcers have seen any EUC youtube videos. Here's what actually happened in New York: Both the state and NYC explicitly **legalized** e-bikes and e-scooters, which were technically illegal before. That's the opposite of a crackdown. As part of the new laws they made flyers clarifying which vehicles are legal and which remain illegal (like EUCs, but also Segways etc.). No New York law regarding EUCs has ever changed, and there's never been any crackdown aside from one specific bike path in NYC. It's sad that we let hateful trolls post these lies about NY, which they've been doing for years now.

3) Yes, bigotry is bad. The focus on "NYC riders" as if they're all a malevolent hive mind is bad, and the people who spend their free time on these kinds of attacks are bad for the community. Unfortunately the mods of this forum have made it clear that they believe this behavior is perfectly fine. So the best response is just to mute the people doing it-- I've tried it and it makes the forum much better. (Paul and Mike are two of the worst.) Edit: To mute someone, hover over their name and click ignore.


I should try step 3 indeed. Would make my experience of this forum better, since ive noticed on several occasions that moderation is fine with this ambient bigotry towards NYC riders on the account of "being an opinion".

Edited by Ronin Ryder
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I personally don’t like the way the people were riding in the video… Thing is, they are just a handful of people. They are individuals making choices. Raw meat in a metal grinder late at night. 
They are not a totalitarian government restricting their people from riding EUCs on public streets. Why would anyone let the government do that? … Completely different mentality. 


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Riding like like this anywhere in the world is poor. Videoing it and then posting it on YT is just plain stupid and it puts us all in a bad light. Unfortunately a disproportionate number of these videos do come from NY and there's also a large number of NY riders defending this riding "style" but obviously it's a mistake of mine thinking that that's a common style of riding in NY. I will continue to hit the thumbs down on these YT videos when I see them and hope that they stop appearing. 

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It doesn't matter what city they are from.. Every city has their own "morons". Some less, some more.. Bigger city - more of them..

Thing is that most regular ridders don't make dum law breaking videos in first place.. Of course there can be 20% who make videos, and rest 80% ride following law etc..

Sad thing is that from 20% that make videos.. 5% or more are those "morons". People react to those 5% more, because there's the element of "risk", more fun to watch..

What would you like more? Watching video where guy is simply riding, following all rules. <OR> Watch someone going true cars, red lights, going over all lanes etc..

Ofc second option is more interesting.. But is it right? Ofc no.. Everyone who has some brain knows that..

Would i enjoy riding like that? Dam sure i would.. But same time i know there's place and time to be a moron, and that's not on road. 

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No intent or assertions made that all NY riders are reckless or irresponsible.

The behaviour of the UK Begode/Extreme Bull is terrible.


NYC riders' illegal behaviour of ignoring red lights, lane filtering, riding on sidewalks, riding on highways, riding on wrong side of the road, riding at high speed through pedestrian crossings against red light, endangering others, etc........... brings EUC's into disrepute.

Alley Cat race planned for following year, stated in video description.

Ewheels obliged to publicly condemn and disassociate from the Alley Cat race.

Organized high speed, side by side racing, in the narrow enclosed Park Lane tunnel NYC for pink slips, is reckless behaviour.


Do not want another EUC rider death, on a highway or otherwise.

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If you watch this from 7 minutes onwards some of the London behaviour is not that different. Without condoning the actions remember how the image recorded appears a lot faster and closer than reality.  Peace to all our EUC brothers and sisters around the world (And i know its not London behaviour anymore than NY ;)  so....crucify the city riders!- jokes obv) Safe rides everyone!


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53 minutes ago, Paul A said:

No intent or assertions made that all NY riders are reckless or irresponsible.

The behaviour of the UK Begode/Extreme Bull is terrible.


NYC riders' illegal behaviour of ignoring red lights, lane filtering, riding on sidewalks, riding on highways, riding on wrong side of the road, riding at high speed through pedestrian crossings against red light, endangering others, etc........... brings EUC's into disrepute.

Alley Cat race planned for following year, stated in video description.

Ewheels obliged to publicly condemn and disassociate from the Alley Cat race.

Organized high speed, side by side racing, in the narrow enclosed Park Lane tunnel NYC for pink slips, is reckless behaviour.


Do not want another EUC rider death, on a highway or otherwise.

NO IT DOESN'T! In your opinion it does and that’s fine that’s your opinion but you can’t sit here and claim this as a fact which is what your doing.

Your constantly claiming that because a small percentage of riders ride a certain way that it makes EVERYONE the same as them and that isn’t correct. Again that’s your opinion and if you believe that a few people from a completely different state, town or country make YOU look bad because you share a common hobby with them, then you sir come across as extremely insecure about yourself and WAY too worried about what others think of you.

Everyone purchased their euc with their own money and is FREE to enjoy them as they see fit. That is their personal choice to ride and express themselves  in whatever fashion they choose. While you may not agree with how they conduct themselves on any given day that doesn’t change how you represent yourself on the same equipment. 

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52 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Riding like like this anywhere in the world is poor. Videoing it and then posting it on YT is just plain stupid and it puts us all in a bad light. Unfortunately a disproportionate number of these videos do come from NY and there's also a large number of NY riders defending this riding "style" but obviously it's a mistake of mine thinking that that's a common style of riding in NY. I will continue to hit the thumbs down on these YT videos when I see them and hope that they stop appearing. 

Thumbs down, select do not recommend this channel, block and it’s gone. You won’t be bothered with it no more. 

threads like this just bring more attention to this style of video and just keeps fueling the fire to continue said behavior. 

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17 minutes ago, Mayhem said:

Everyone purchased their euc with their own money and is FREE to enjoy them as they see fit. That is their personal choice to ride and express themselves  in whatever fashion they choose. While you may not agree with how they conduct themselves on any given day that doesn’t change how you represent yourself on the same equipment. 

Okey. I'll will buy a gun and use it the same way. <3 Thanks.

I'm sure police and people wont mind me robing something at gun point or maybe something worse.

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