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MSP FIRE issue ?


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1 hour ago, Izael said:

Does someone have information about the problem With fire on the MSPs. I ordered one and I’m concerned.


The little we know is that ewheels and ecodrift recalled (only) batteries from some first patches were GW used panasonic 21700 cells. The now used LG 21700 cells seem to be considered safe by them.

Not to much details are published, as far as i got it?


one could find more details.

The other video spreading around of a GW catching fire while riding was a GW with third party modified battery.

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3 minutes ago, EvoKnvl said:

And sounds like there was a 2nd one, different from the one @houseofjob posted.


Oh wow, that's crazy. They're saying both MSP's were from the same recently delivered batch from eWheels, if I'm not mistaken, many were waiting for this batch through Gotway delays.

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Aside from the water damage one these are all mosfets/ics going up in smoke. Either Gotway has a batch of dodgy mosfets or some of the associated control circuitry is out of spec/faulty and causing mosfet oscillation and overheat. From what I've seen the heatsinking of the mosfets seems to be appropriate so I don't think it's that, though maybe hot glue man and heatpaste man swapped jobs for a week?

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I sure hope they can put the finger on the faulty element quickly so we can at least know what controller boards are affected.. My dad is awaiting a MonsterV3 (his first serious wheel) i wouldn’t want it to fry on him.

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As far as I know it's only the 2000w MS Pro or in the UK MSS. As far as I know the 2500w doesn't have a problem so far. My MS Pro 2500w will be in my hands next week.

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28 minutes ago, Eka said:

As far as I know it's only the 2000w MS Pro or in the UK MSS. As far as I know the 2500w doesn't have a problem so far. My MS Pro 2500w will be in my hands next week.

Mine was a 2500 watt and cut out on me and fried, so it definitely is both that have an issue. this was from the most recent batch shipped by Ehweels

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Well this is disheartening since there will be 2 gotway wheels in my house soon. I hope they fix these issues before we get them because what the hecc?

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Didn't the MSP come with LG M50T cells from the start? That would mean the cells are not the problem (also for the Nikola-with-the-Panasonics fire then). That would mean there is a different problem (which is both good and bad).

Or am I conflating two different things here?

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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16 minutes ago, Cody said:

But they don't consider to have separation betweens cell so mostly its an 8v short circuit between the cell case that ocur with vibration ...

Great find!!! So that's the issue?

Putting 21700s in a shell designed for 18650s:whistling: Looks like this isn't a problem with Gotway standard wheels, but only Ali modders?

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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On 6/12/2020 at 4:45 AM, Cody said:

All battery factory rely on the small shrink plastic tube of cell case for insulation ?

In the 18650 packs I've disassembled, yes. But if the cells are mounted securely, there should be no chafing...

On 6/12/2020 at 5:00 AM, meepmeepmayer said:

Great find!!! So that's the issue?

@Cody is discussing a short-circuit of a cell group caused by contact between the metal cylinders of two adjacent cells in a pack. If this were to happen, it could cause short-circuit discharge of a cell group and associated heating. If severe, this results in a pack fire.

The only 'pack fires' we've seen reported lately were the Monster (3rd-party pack) and the Nik+ (early production Panasonic 21700 pack).

But instead, this thread is discussing MSP failures. There have been no pack fires reported with MSP, so 'No,' cell-to-cell shorting would not explain the MSP failures.

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