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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Something's definitely wrong there. One could suspect that only one of the two batteries is connected, but even then the range is too low imho. What's your weight on the pdeals? Also I don't see how this could only be unbalanced battery cells. No, that's not true. 2 hours should be enough, but longer won't hurt either. - If you suspect unbalanced battery cells (or just want to rule them out), do an overnight charge (or just a few hours) at 100%. Make sure your charger doesn't stop at 0.2A or something. But to me it seems like there's a bigger problem (?) because that low range needs to be explained.
  2. It has a built-in seat! This might be the ultimate commuter - Monster tire size + suspension + seat + looks.
  3. I wasn't aware it was this bad! ewheels sold out completely, prices rising! How is it with European prices and availability directly from China? This battery crisis continues to be not cool at all! Quote from here.
  4. Then people would complain it doesn't actually hover, just like "hoverboards".
  5. If they do what they've always done, yes. Gotway just has a few board hardware variants - 6 mosfet, 12, 18 (not sure if some older wheels still have extra legacy boards), with the firmware doing the rest to distinguish between wheels. From what I gathered, they always use their latest board sooner or later as long as the wheel is still in production.
  6. @xiiijojjoThanks! I merged your topic with the existing thread (badly named, and in the General Discussion forum) and took your (better) title
  7. Update: apparently not, Extreme Bull was a Begode/Gotway brand but might be its own company from now on. See here (end of the post). - It's always the same company, just different brands. Started with Kebye (company) and Gotway (Kebye's brand for EUCs). Then for some reason they renamed both company and brand to Begode (this happened right after some Gotway Kebye employees left to form their own rival company LeaperKim with its Veteran brand of EUCs). The company Begode also released a crazy e-scooter under the "Extreme Bull" brand. Now the company Begode seems to release a EUC under the Extreme Bull brand (the Commander). Who knows what will happen to their Begode brand - either it's dead, or they just run two brands in parallel for whatever reason. No mysteries here, other than why they keep renaming themselves
  8. Guys it's quite obviously a Gotway (no matter what they currently call themselves) I find it interesting how similar the Commander and the Veteran Abrams are. They went for the same kind of wheel. Or rather this is their Sherman clone which seems to sit between the Sherman and Abrams in terms of design progress. I like how the "handle" protects the power button/charge port/etc.
  9. That's completely normal, and all wheels do that. If they tilt too much to the side, they shut off to prevent a "Gotway dance" type of situation when falling over. If they tilt too much forward/backwards (like 45°), they also shut off because a crash is already happening then anyways, no need to make it worse by accelerating into it. No need to worry about that, it's exactly what we have now with all wheels.
  10. I'm getting the impression Gotway have to rename their company a lot, first Begode, now Extreme Bull? I wonder what's going on there.
  11. @lobtYou should be able to PM now. Mind that this topic is almost a year old and the guy is in Europe.
  12. If you hear the beeps, you can go up a hill or in the flat until they go away. Somehow you have to discharge the battery. Just don't do anything to charge the batteries further, or the wheel has no choice to shut down eventually when the voltage goes too high. With the bigger Tesla battery size, no need to be worried of the wheel shutting down without warning. Just stop going downhill immediately if you hear the overvoltage beeps. As regenerative charging never is 100% efficient, you can always turn around and go up where you came down (and recharged), and then turn around again and continue down further. The beeps will appear later. Repeat until you're at the bottom of the hill. Riding very slowly the remainder when you hear beeps already is playing with fire.
  13. Just go up the hill for 100m and then back down again when the beeping starts.
  14. I want to thank the people who did their best and heroically steered this thread back to topic so often. But ultimately, this was going nowhere, especially if the video in question is no longer available. Please do start a new discussion if there is a related (and EUC-related!) topic you want to dicuss
  15. Never heard of "account locked". There surely is everything ok with your account. I googled "invision community account locked" and it seems to be a bug (?). People say clearing the browser cache helps. Your "wrong password" theory is really good, but apparently the error message then is "You have entered an incorrect code too many times and your account is temporarily locked. Please try again later." Please inform us if you have that problem (or anything else that is strange) again, so we can figure out why that happens. These quality of life issues are important. Thanks
  16. This preorder page (thanks @euctherapy for posting it) says it's even a little heavier than the Sherman, and geared towards more torque (nice!). Plus better water resistance. https://e-rides.com/product/veteran-abrams-electric-unicycle-22-inch-2700w-pre-order/
  17. The Sherman development was financed in part by an ewheels investment (which is why it's exclusive to ewheels in North America). So apparently Veteran needed money back then. This might be a similar attempt to get some money together. No big investment needed as they got all the hardware etc. done, but maybe they still finance production this way? The dealer would get the very first wheels in return. Or maybe just to gauge real interest (people willing to put money in)? As long as the seller is legit, I see nothing to worry about in such a scheme. Just something different, for whatever reason.
  18. Simply copy+paste the picture links for the images to display. More here:
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