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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @EucnerVery good point! Never heard of any efficiency advantages of lower voltage designs, and that explains it. If they exist, they play no role anyways. So, a higher voltage is for all intents and purposes "just better".
  2. I do enjoy these kinds of videos If you post (just copy+paste, not with the "link" button) the full URL (youtube.com/watch?v=...) of a Youtube video, it gets embedded.
  3. I don't believe this has anything to do with cost cutting. They just didn't care to do a proper fix after the wrong holes were drilled.
  4. Very wise, but it needs a correction: If you think 30kph/20mph is enough, you need to buy yourself a 50kph/30mph wheel so you can have the 40kph/25mph safely that you will actually ride Do NOT believe the outrageously inflated range numbers from the manufacturers. As a (very rough) rule of thumb, 1000Wh = 50km = 30 miles at 30kph/20mph. Much less if you go faster (20km at 50kph/30mph), much more if you go slower (might even get the official number if you can go that slow without going crazy). If you have a specific model in mind, just see or ask what ranges people actually get on it. Manufacturer ranges are lies.
  5. It was natural for the electric unicycle market to develop this way. The summary is: few reasons not to go for a "big" performance wheel, while the "smaller" ones do have some serious disadvantages. Reasons to buy a big and bad wheel: They are safer! Speed and big battery make you safer on self-balancing vehicles. This is counterintuitive to how other vehicles are perceived, where power means danger. For EUCs, stronger = safer. Think planes, where a smaller, lighter, slower plane is considered less safe than a bigger one. If you are concerned about speed: you can ride slow on a wheel that can go much faster. Problem solved. Since battery size = range, any high range wheel will be big and bad automatically. You can do pretty much everything on them you could do with a smaller wheel. Even the biggest electric unicycle is - in the end - quite small and maneuverable. You lose almost nothing when riding a bigger wheel. Usefulness. You'll likely outgrow a small wheel or it will be too limiting in the long term. If you want a serious commuter wheel that replaces a car or bus ride, as opposed to a 10 minute walk, you're already in performance wheel territory. Experience shows 30kph is too slow in the medium to long term, and 35kph is barely cutting it. If you want those speeds at non-full battery, you're already in the area of wheels that can go 50kph. Reasons to buy a "small" wheel: Price. They're cheaper. On the other hand: for the same money, you could get a used performance wheel. Low weight. If you need to carry your wheel regularly, a 40kg Sherman just won't work. But as long as you ride, weight is no problem. You just like the maneuverability and fun from a smaller tire, more torque-y wheel. It is a different ride, and the very heavy wheels do lose some of that fun. It's a different kind of fun to wrestle a heavy wheel, though. A "big" wheel just makes sense for most people. A "small" wheel does come with limitations. There's also a bit of history. EUCs used to be too weak and too slow until they weren't. Technical developments happened. All that was not that long ago. Too weak and too slow (for most people) is not that far away from what the current performance wheels offer. - In my opinion, if you want a serious electric unicycle and not just play around: I consider the V8/V8F/V8S and the 16S and everything below too slow for the majority of people in the long term. Fun starts with the V10/V10F, and the biggest reason to not go higher is simply price. The MCM5 is an outlier in that the tire size, not its speed or power, limits how you would want to use it.
  6. We need Marty's overheat hill test of the V12 asap! What's the point of a fuse on the board? Might as well not have one and use the mosfets as a "fuse". Same result: you need a new board because the old one is broken. I don't get it.
  7. Couldn't help but post this. The latest EcoDrift article: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://ecodrift.ru/2021/06/11/begode-t3-strannyj-zvuk/ Summary: They drilled some holes too big and stuffed zip ties into them to have something for their screws to attach. Seriously. (Also the zip ties would scratch the tire and make noise.) Money quote: "The holes were drilled too large. So that the self-tapping screws are kept there, they are stuffed with screeds. There are no words." No words indeed Hard to want to buy a Begode wheel nowadays. But I guess they have the performance/firmware so they can get away with it.
  8. It's not just the tire size. It's also the power of modern wheels. A Ninebot or V8 feel meek in comparison to a wheel with much more oomph.
  9. You can PM already, the limitation was just at the very start.
  10. If ewheels isn't trustworthy, then nobody is. You can't go wrong with them! Great choice of candidates, all fantastic wheels! Pick the one that appeals to you the most, trust your gut there. The S18 isn't as fast or high range as the other two, but it has the suspension and looks.
  11. No problem, especially since you just offered help to a local with the same language. It's just a standard thing we always mention when people post in languages other than English outside of the foreign language topics.
  12. To edit a post, press the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select "edit".
  13. Please post in English here. Though in this case it seems ok. Use a translator like Google Translate if you need it.
  14. I see what you mean. Being able to switch to a full "source" view of a post that could be copy-pasted into a text editor etc. That would be nice indeed. If something like this exists here, I haven't seen it
  15. Not sure what markup code is. You mean HTML 'n stuff? I don't believe anything of this kind is supported here, but feel free to find out otherwise AFAIK you can post some links and they will embed (direct image hotlink, full youtube URL, Insta, FB [... sometimes?]) but that's about it. We have a testing forum if you want to try out something specific.
  16. Question to anybody with knowledge of current Begode boards: Is this just the latest Begode board iteration that happens to have a different PCB color, or is something "special" going on here? (besides the supposed software update capability)
  17. (This topic has been split off from the V12 pre-release topic) This is a forum for discussing all things EUC. Please nobody try to tell people what EUC-related things they are or are not supposed to post here. Seriously? Criticism is ok, even if it's harsh. Not everyone must have the same opinion. Telling people what and how they are "allowed" to post here (about EUCs) is not ok. Some forums don't allow certain discussions or even mentioning certain things, because whatever. This is not how this one works. If something is related to EUCs, it's relevant, and everyone is free to post to their heart's content. Thanks all.
  18. Is there an official release date for the V12? Some people already have one?
  19. If you are "Members" instead of "Newest Members", you can send PMs, post without approval, etc. Also you notice when that happens anyways. Happens very fast usually. You see which group you are in to the left of your post under your picture (Desktop) or on your user profile (Mobile I guess you can't directly see it otherwise). I know, sorry, the site staff HATES this fact especially - new members should be able to inquire about used wheels unimpeded and right away! Every second counts! What is the forum for, after all! Unfortunately the alternative is worse (spam, spam PMs) unless you like fake passport or sex doll ads galore. We tried it, there doesn't seem to be a way around it: some minimal plausibility/good faith test is needed for new accounts. Unnecessary delays for new members, just when they don't need that, is the (sad and frustrating) cost
  20. For me too. I was worried about some stupid protectionism thing from the Euro dealers, or some battery/fire concerns. Looks like it wasn't any of that.
  21. The short version is: a higher design voltage (like 100.8V instead of 84V, 20% more) gives you a higher max speed (20% more) with practically no downsides. In fact, wheels even seem to be more efficient at speed at higher voltages. That's why everyone is going towards higher voltages (e.g. the V12 is 100V, coming from the 84V V11). There's little reason not to do it. Not much else to it. It doesn't have to do anything with tire diameters or so, I think. In theory, you could exchange less current for a higher voltage for the same result, and current is what heat up the electronics. So you could have thinner cables etc. But all the parts are too thin/small anyways, so in practice it makes no difference with our EUCs.
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